Wednesday, September 17, 2008

OK to badmouth the Siems, but don't badmouth my Yuon masters: Phnom Penh regime

Thai Criticism OK, Vietnam, No: Observer

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
16 September 2008

Cambodian nationalism exists at the same level on border conflicts with either Thailand or Vietnam, but expression is "prohibited" when it comes to the eastern neighbor, even as it is allowed against the western, an observer said Thursday.

"Expression is prohibited when it is happening with Vietnam," said Sean Pengse, a member of the Cambodian Border Committee in France, as a guest on "Hello VOA."

"It's the same with Siam," he said, referring to Thailand by its traditional name, which was changed in 1949. "They allow speech, and with Vietnam they don't allow speech."

Cambodian and Thai nationalism were stoked in July by the inclusion of Preah Vihear temple on a Unesco World Heritage site, leading to an standoff between soldiers of both countries that continues today, in an area where both sides claim disputed border territory.

But in the months that have followed, Thailand has been plunged into a political crisis, with opposition activists calling for a change in government.

Sean Pengse said the current dispute comes from memoranda of understanding signed by the government, and not by sides ignoring treaties from 1904, 1907 and 1908.

Meanwhile, a government spokesman said ahead of "Hello VOA" Cambodia would pursue multilateral solutions to the border standoff, rather than bilateral talks that have so far failed.

"Cambodia will resubmit its case to the UN Security Council to seek an international solution, as the Thais keep defying one," said Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers.


Anonymous said...

Hun Xen badmouth to Yuon?!
Kanjeah Yuon min hean jeh Yuon te!

Anonymous said...

It's immoral to badmouth our liberators.

Anonymous said...

People like Pengse Sean who know well about history and document need build an institute when khmer children can attend and get real education from a true source.

That insitution can be anywhere, it don't have to be in cambodia where its too currupted currently.

Vietnam is no liberator. Khmer rouge where originally set up by vietnam. if you only know your history, and a little smarter you wouldn't have said what you said """ 8:45 AM """

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun, Ah Pleu, Ah Siem had invaded Cambodia until today you animal still do nothing. Ah Khvack you must tell the truth to Cambodians whether you sold Cambodia to Ah Youn and Ah Siems.

Anonymous said...

To all Cambodians,
After Ah Hun Sen goes to HELL Cambodia will be swallowed by Ah Youns and Ah Siems. So where will your children and grandchildren live?

Anonymous said...

Khmer people will never bad mouth those who saved them from the Khmer Rouge.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen anyone who is so fucked up like the prime minister of Cambodia. The guy does not think about his people but himself and families.

Why can someone just sacrifice some lives to save millions who suffered from this idiotic regime.

Cambodia deserves better: a better leader than the one they have now.

Anonymous said...

It is necessary to choose his camp. As yesterday, the favoring Lon Nol chose the camp of the USA, Thailande....and the revolutionary Communists, the camp of
URSS, China ,Vietnam.....

It is necessary to do the strategic alliances. In the distant one passed, facing the armies of the champa and armies of the Siamese's kings , the Khmer Kings passed alliances with the Kings of Annam.

This one calls the political realism. The essential one, this is to make the choice winning.

The history seems repeat again.

Anonymous said...

The explanations very partisanes of Sean Pengse (he is an antigovernment and anti-anti-yuons) on the current border problems between the thailande and Cambodia are a pretext for critical the Hun Sen's government and the Vietnam. Its explanations do not bring absolutely anything to the listeners on what everyone already knows.

Cambodian today who wish more better to understand the border problems and the territorial contentious one between the kingdom of Cambodia and its two neighbors Thais and Viets must reread the History of the khmer empire since Angkor Wat until the agreements of Paris in 1993.

Anonymous said...

It is necessary absolutely to avoid doing politics of the worse one.
The worse one for the kingdom of Cambodia this is the following position: The thailande and the Vietnam come to an agreement to divide the Cambodian ones and to check Cambodia's territory. And the thailande comes to an agreement with the extremist Moslems to help these extremist Moslems to create an Islamic state to Cambodia and not in thailande with the assistance of the perverse democracy and human rights of subversion.
And Chinese checked economy.

Here is this the worse scenario to come to cambodia for all the Cambodian politicians.
Scenario of science fiction?
In politics all is possible.
In politics it is necessary to anticipate the risks and perils for better to manage them when they arrive.

Anonymous said...

It is necessary to avoid creating to the Cambodia the Khmer thais, khmer vietmins; khmer chams, and sino-khmers and the others khmer.

Anonymous said...

And the winner is.....Sam Rainsy Party and its cronies are a party of actual deeds for the Khmer People...just BADMOUTH..

Anonymous said...

Cambodians keep fighting for a piece of ruined ancient temple for Vietcong, not for themselves. In Kampuchea Krom, Hanoi has told Khmer Krom that its border now reaches Thailand. CPP people are just the Vietnamese's dogs. Khmer people are still asleep. Phnom Penh government officials are all Vietcongs except a fews are not, but a fews that are not Vietcong, married to Vietcong whores.

Anonymous said...

12:26am, "Sacrifice some lives to save the millions." Good for u for thinking like the TERRORIST! What are u, a muslim? That's exactly the idiology of the son of a bitch. So what, you're encouraging people to strap bombs to themselves and walk in to blast those they dislike? Why don't u do it yourself u f*cken idiot...there wld be one less stupid keyboard warrior in this world.