Thursday, September 18, 2008

Surin [Pitsuwan, ASEAN Sec-general,] welcomes Thailand's ratification of Asean charter [-Thailand's barb back to Hun Sen]

September 18, 2008
The Nation

Asean Secretary-General Dr Surin Pitsuwan has expressed relief when Thailand ratified the Asean Charter in three readings on Tuesday's night making it the eighth member to have done so.

"Thailand has taken an important step as the chair because there have been some reservation of its ability and commitment to take care of the Asean community," Surin told The Nation in an interview.

Thailand's ratification and Surin's comment came after Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen commented that because of the political uncertainty in Thailand, the chair should be returned to Singapore or given to Vietnam.

The region and the international community, especially the dialogue partners of Asean would be further energized by the charter's ratification and witnessing Asean as a legal entity, according to Surin. Only Indonesia and the Philippines are the two members which have not yet ratified. Their lawmakers are planning to do so within coming weeks.

He also expressed confidence that more dialogue countries would appoint Asean ambassadors in the near future. The US, Australia and New Zealand have already appointed their respective ambassadors. Only New Zealand has appointed the current ambassador to Jakarta as the Asean envoy in resident.


Anonymous said...

Is there any meaning to ASEAN that Thailand ratified the Asean Charter? When this document is inked by Thailand, just like it had inked in the past such as 1962 with Khmer and then recently it rejected and turn around redraw it own map to steal Khme land. Any no brainer can draw map. Khmer can draw map, and then we can as white boy, backpackers sign the document as technician. And in that map, Khmer land is take ownership of Bangkok.

Now, do we really think that any signature by Thai has any meaning at all? Everytime they talk is spiting with lie, filthy lie!

Anonymous said...

Thailand called Siam is not other than a crook nation from thieve's generation.

SpicyGroup said...

Why Hun Sen forget that Thaksin is Thai?

Even though Thaksin administration signed positive agreement over the Preah Vihear. However, Thaksin also want to have good name in Thai history as well, not just money.

So, his 99 lease on Koh Kong province $1 billion development project will be another disaster.

Even Thailand has only 45 years maximum leasing while Vietnam has 49 years maximum leasing.

Wake up Hun Sen!