Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cambodia wages diplomatic campaign after border dispute with Thailand

PHNOM PENH, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- The Cambodian government is launching a wide-ranging diplomatic campaign to solicit international support after the border dispute with Thailand, in which two Cambodian soldiers were killed two others injured in the border area on Wednesday.

The government has asked its ambassador to UN to inform the Security Council about the conflict, said Cambodian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Hor Namhong at a press conference held at his ministry.

Cambodia is also seeking all other diplomatic means to solve its months-long confrontation with Thailand over border issues, he said.

The ministry has summoned all foreign ambassadors stationed here, except the one from Thailand, telling them about the two-hour gunfire exchange between Cambodia and Thailand, which started around 2:15 p.m. local time (0715 GMT) at their common border area, about 2,000 meters west of the ancient Preah Vihear Temple, according to the minister.

"I just told the ambassadors about the armed clash with Thailand. I told them clearly that we kept our maximum restraints up to now, but we have the right of self-defense and proper response for the matter," he said.

Actually, "we want to have peaceful deal to settle the matter," he added.

In addition, the minister confirmed that both countries will conduct regional military meeting Thursday in Thailand.

"The Royal Government of Cambodia wishes to reiterate its firm commitment to exercising its utmost restraints and to negotiating and working closely with Thailand to avoid large-scale armed hostilities between the two countries," he added.

"Thai troops shot first and Cambodia has the right of defending its own territory," he said, adding that the situation is normal now at the border area.

Meanwhile, during the clash, the Cambodian troops caught 10 Thai soldiers and have provided food for them in accordance with the order of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, the minister said.

"We will hand over the detainees to Thailand, if they request us to do so," he added.

Earlier Wednesday afternoon, the Cambodian Council of Ministers issued a statement, saying that "On Oct. 15, 2008, at 0215 p.m., Thai troops attacked the Cambodian troops at three different places deep inside the Cambodian territory."

The statement also specified the places where the attacks were conducted, namely Phnom Trap about 1,600 meters from the border, Pagoda Keo Sikha Kiri Svara about 700 meters from the border, and the Veal Intry area about 1,120 meters from the border, all in the Cambodian territory.

In July, tensions ran high after the ancient Preah Vihear Temple was awarded world heritage status by UNESCO, angering nationalists in Thailand who still claim ownership of the site.

The tension later turned into a military stalemate, in which up to 1,000 Cambodian and Thai troops faced off for six weeks. In mid-August, most troops withdrew and only a few dozen soldiers stationed near the temple.

Bilateral talks to discuss withdrawing troops from around the temple were postponed late August amid political turmoil in Thailand.

In October, at least one Cambodian soldier and two Thai troops were wounded during an exchange of gunfire and two other Thai soldiers were seriously injured after stepping on a landmine at the border area.


Anonymous said...

we, glourious khmer poeple, have a deep sad in our heart for losing our two brave soldiers. we share a very deep condolence to family of our brotherhoods soldiers. May their life rest in peace forever.
we'll never ever forget your courage in defending our motherland from the cruel invation of SIEM.

Anonymous said...

Thai altheimer King: Shame on you! you should go to hell.

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរ-សៀមច្បាំងគ្នា យួនបានដៃ! អាហ៊ុន សែនគិតយ៉ាងមេច គ្រាន់បើតែ ជាមួយរាស្ត្រឯង។ ស្មានតែសៀម ខ្លាចអាហ៊ុន សែនឬ? បើសៀមដឹង ក្រយៅអាហ៊ុន សែនគ្មានបានរៀនសូត្រអ្វី គ្មានចំណេះ បានត្រឹមតែគំរាមខ្មែរប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

មិនបាច់ប្រឹងច្បាំងជាមួយសៀមទេ បើផ្កាយឧត្តមសេនីយខ្មែរ សូកលុយ​ពាក់ផ្កាយបើកឡានព្រោព្រាត តាមផ្សារ ឬបង្ហាញមុខតាមពិធីផ្សេងៗ ប៉ុន្តែសួរទៅ បើដឹងស្អី ព្រោះគ្មានបាន ហាត់ក្បួនទ័ពផង ប៉ុន្តែខាងប្លន់ដីរាស្រ្ត ទុកចិត្តចុះ។ បើអាវុធ សុទ្ធជាអាវុធហួសសម័យ យន្តហោះវិញ គ្មានអ្នកចេះបើក ហើយសុទ្ធជា យន្តហោះហួសសម័យ។

Anonymous said...

Fuck U Ah Siam loser! Come come beg us to release ur fucking stupid army.
fuck, fuck, fuck AR SIAM!

Anonymous said...

Leave out the glorious word, I may join to express my deepest condolence to the Khmer soldiers died for their country no matter what party they belong. I believe in despite of party and different ideology or vision of Khmer, these people believe to serve their country and dare to sacrifice their life for their country unlike the bandit Siamese who always practice its barbaric culture of bandit and killers and yet still proud of its culture and barbarism. Although Khmer should not low down to the level of these bandits I meant we should respect life and people dignity even for a corps of bandit. My hat off

Anonymous said...

Yed Mae Khamen hua kuy

Thai learning ...

Fuck Mother Khmer dick head


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

all the detainese here should cut their head off, we cambodia lost 2.please for the khmer people kill them all.

Anonymous said...

Beg, 12:05? Do you know how many fake Khmer in Thailand?

Anonymous said...

Ah mother fucker Siam!!!!!
Run away!
Go to your original place, the hell!

Anonymous said...

should not down or use ways and attitude of bandit.

Anonymous said...

fucking thai a bunch fucking shemale,gay, prostitute son of a bitch:: kill them all I fly to bangcock tommorrow and fucking shooting everyfucking thai outhere you son of bitch nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now it is the war..
All the Khmers have to choose to live in the dignity and the honor or the unworthiness and the dishonor.
The Cambodian royal government has to decree the general mobilization of the population.
All the valid men and women from 18 years to 60 years old must be enlisted in the army for defence the homeland.
The royal government has to break its diplomatic economic and financial relations with the thailande.
The royal government has to ask the Khmers who live in thailande to return in the country and has to order the thais citizens who live in Cambodia to leave our country.
The possessions and the assets of the citizens thais and companies thais in Cambodia must be put under sequestration to serve for indemnifying the Khmer victims of this war.

All the information of economic and military natures connected to this war must be strictly watched and checked for not to let the thailande use this information for their political and military propaganda against our country.

It is not the war of territorial conquest for the kampuchea .
It is the defensive war to defend our territory.
This war will be made at the same moment on the international diplomacy, on the international law, on the economic plan and on the military plan.

It is not a question for us of waging war of invasion where the aviation, the navy and the tanks are indispensable.
But it is for us to defend. For the defensive war, it is the technique of the guerrilla warfare that is the best adapted to this nature of conflict.

The nature of the ground is also favorable to the guerrilla warfare.
Avoid the military confrontations face to face.
Guerrilla warfare Combine with the classic fights in face to face when the opportunity of victory appears for such a fights.
Avoid the concentrations of the important troops which are very vulnerable in the attacks of the aviation and the heavy artilleries and the tanks.

We are in our land.
The defensive war is much less risked than the war of invasion too expensive alive human and equipment.

Look at the difficulties of the military thais in front of thais Islamists of the South. And these Islamists are only 10,000 or 20,000 and not 14,000,000.00.
The techniques of the terrorism can be sometimes used against military bases, factories, airports, ports, and railroads, to bring the opponent to the negotiation.
The separatist Muslims of the South of the thailande can help us usefully in this work..

Anonymous said...

Tut khor puak ai chaleuy songkrarm fark hua mun hai ai frajao yuhua bar loeut ah Don Yadet peou khong kwun jark kmene.
Cut the ten prisoner's head send them to the fucking of blood drunkard for Cambodian's souvenir

Anonymous said...

Now is crashing cost 2 of our soldiers died. Now, out of international diplomacy, the government have to consider about Cambodia people who live in Thai. As a Cambodian I call for all of Khmer patriot hunt together as one to do at least one thing that we can for our nation. Our support, our voice,…is very important for all those who are protecting and settling in the front line.
I pray to the spirit of our brother solider who left their life for this territory, awake and come to protect other brothers are facing Seim enemy.

Anonymous said...

Although Khmer have rights to defend Siamese aggression, I condemn all violence and crimes against humanity whether it is from the Siamese or the other party. Khmer should not use the ways of Siamese and yuons.

at our time, Siamese are aggressors and criminals and there are other ways to resolve the problem at diplomatic level. No need to send innocent people to die for nothing. Hun sen gov should not play with Khmer people national conscience and profit this conflict for political end.

if the siamese have some intelligence to reason, they should know that they are just being used for political end of their leaders (this including their pathetic king) and provoking war with Cambodia wont help to resolve their interne conflict but make them look like a bunch of pathetic bandit and this act will seriously condemn its short and long term policy. Don’t the Siamese know that they are serving yuon interest and die for yuons. Too low life …

it is to note that mr hun sen harden his ton with the siamese after a yuon delegate has visited Cambodia. Think twice about it the siames if not you are much quiet down low than hun sen or Khmer rouge

Anonymous said...

It seems there’re the yuon propaganda to incite violence, war and animosity between thais and khmer. Be wise thais and khmer

Anonymous said...

After the khmene enemy lost 2 of their aggressors, they call for diplomatic. No one in the world would help this evil people. The evil government will die out and change the new regime, who would serve Thai rather be vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

Just give back the temple to Khmer people in Thailand and done with it, no need for talk or diplomatic campaign.

Anonymous said...

I one seen a reportage about yuon sleeping agents left inside and along thai khmer border since ho chi minh established its Indochina policy. The yuons have very big ambition to make thais its strategic and political zone in its quest of new territory after Cambodia and laos in cooperation with Burmese. These yuon sleeping agents are like sleeping virulent virus that wait for occasion to explode. In their home they have portrait of ho chi minh and they are professional, discrete and easily melt in the thai mass. It is the turn of thais to be eating by the yuons and apparently, the thais are much quiet easy prey of yuons

Anonymous said...

It sound like cambodian government telling the U.N that " ha you mother fucker U.N help me" and to the rich countries " ha you mother fucker rich nations give me more money otherwise I'll let my soldiers die". I rob and steal my people, khmers, make them stay poor and if you don't give more money I'll starve them to dead just like my brother pol pot did to my khmer people. Now we have war with mother fucker thai and I really need more money for my personal wealth and my thousand of mistress.

Anonymous said...

There is no Khmer in Cambodia. They are all Viets pretend to be Khmer to try to steal Temples and lands from Khmer people in Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Now, it's not the time to trash our leader.What nationality are you motherfucker?. IF you don't like our PM,just kill yourself and go to hell. Right now it's war between us and SIEM.What side are you on ah choy mray ?

Anonymous said...


You idiot, your ancestors built those temple and they are Khmer. The Thais use Khmer to kill Khmer, those Thais soldiers have Khmer ancestory but Thai nationality.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but our ancestors built preah vihear for Khmer in Thailand, not Viet in Cambodia who pretend to be Khmer and try to steal it from us.

Anonymous said...

thailand must pay for our two soldiers' lives they they took away. they were the one that created this conflict in the first place. they obviously violated the international law that govern the official treaty of 1907 that had defined the borderline between them and cambodia, and they chose to violate that treaty by given lame excuses like it's an old treaty or it was outdated or whatever!!! hey, by law, a treaty of then was official for due to that very treaty of 1907 that cambodia lost a lot of our khmer provinces to thailand in the first place. we should be the one to complain if any, not the other way around!!! ah siem, ches ang krang ches ke. what goes around comes around!! you thugs, siem eternal enemies of the khmer people and country!!

Anonymous said...

These wKhmer soldiers while because teh siem fired first without them having a chance to prepare. If we shot first, they would have died as well. Please note this.

Anonymous said...

You Siams talk shit about the Viet all you want. Khmer government is better friend with Viet than you so you better watch your fucking mouth before the Viet gets request from Khmer to come and help destroy you paper tigers again like in Laos 1989. Laos was able to kick the shit out of Thai because they got re-enforcement by Vietnamese special units. Vietnam was able to kick the USA out. What do you USA asskisser have to withstand the Viet combined with Khmer huh?

I think a good plan is to get Viet to join in and once we're done slaying fucking Thai, we'll split Thailand half for Khmer and half for Viet. It's win win for Viet so they will be gladly do it. So long Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should form your Indochina Federation first. Meanwhile, don't call us, let us call you instead, okay?

Anonymous said...

About the non-sense Vietnamese pretend to be Khmer in Cambodia "Crap". You Thai sounds stupid and moronic.

We are all by product of mixed ancestry. Most of the Khmer young generations are mix of Chinese and Khmer and Vietnamese and Khmer.Non call themselves Chinese or Vietnamese. They are Chau Chen or khmer.

Your comments were dumb and unsupportive basis. A fifth grader can make that claim without any substantiation. Dumb-azz Thai!!