Thursday, October 16, 2008

The day I crashlanded near the disputed temple

THE easy way to reach the Preah Vihear temple is to drive along a perfectly paved road on the Thai side of the border, flash your passport and walk across.

15 Oct 2008
By Alex Spillius
The Telegraph (UK)

The Cambodians may not like to hear this, but the hard way is from within their country - which was awarded the disputed complex by the International Court of Justice in 1962.

The nearest town on their side of the frontier is 80 miles away. The road is still under construction to the spectacular escarpment which the temple graces.

Ten years ago, the only way up was by helicopter. I was among a group of journalists flown by the Cambodian army to meet a unit of Khmer Rouge fighters who had surrendered after using the temple as a base for 20 years.

Anxious not to miss the story, there were too many of us on board an old Russian craft - I was sitting in the aisle. The Cambodians, judging that Pol Pot's men might be thirsty after wasting their lives in a vain struggle for an agrarian utopia, loaded up the back of the chopper with at least eight crates of beer.

Trying to approach the makeshift helipad at the temple, it was clear we were too heavy to make the height. The pilot elected to crash land on an ancient stone wall. He cut the ignition, the helicopter rolled over and fortunately didn't burst into flames. We were unaware at the time that the tail had been blown off by a land mine.

Everyone survived with cuts, bruised ribs and bad backs. The British embassy man with us was airlifted out within hours by a smaller helicopter, while we were left to explore the fascinating temple grounds, and to spend the night under the stars chatting with the recently retired Khmer Rouge fighters. We got our story after all.

The border was then closed and we sat looking at that Thai road and wishing we could just walk down and hop in a cab to the nearest airport. Instead, we had to wait for another Russian flying crate to pick us up the next day.

When I revisited four years ago on holiday, landmines were still being cleared. The precious mountain has seen it share of warfare.


Anonymous said...

that is famous blog, I learn alot from this site of daily news.

Anonymous said...

let that be lesson. cambodia must build good road to our preah vihear temple from now on. cambodia cannot left this area isolated any longer; it is time for cambodia to wake up and build good infrastructure like the rest of the world have good infrastructure. i'm so sick and tired to see cambodia is so poor when it comes to the country's infrastructure. a country can only be strong and efficient with good infrastructure like highways, roads, train track, airports, etc.... again, cambodia must invest in our country's infrastructure. it is time for cambodia to wake up and smell the coffee and see the world outside of boundary!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Every one, the time comes now that we all need to unite to help our soldiers who injured or died.
I am really sad for this and hope it will better soon

Anonymous said...

United? hahaha, LOL, hahaha, LMAO, ... Get lost, you fake!

Anonymous said...

this is a good blog and really famous ro bos ke maen