Thursday, October 16, 2008

Deadly fighting erupts at Thai-Cambodian border

October 15, 2008
From the Associated Press

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA -- An tense border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia erupted into a gunbattle that killed two soldiers today, but officials from both sides downplayed the violence and called for resolving the conflict through talks, not bullets.

The decades-old dispute over land near a historic temple has flared up repeatedly in recent months, sparking fears that the two Southeast Asian neighbors were headed for war.

The fatalities were the first in four months of tension that arose when Thailand objected to Cambodia's plans to have the Preah Vihear temple declared a U.N. World Heritage site.

The newest spike in tensions came as the Thai government faced growing demands from nationalist protesters demanding the resignation of the prime minister.

The protesters have also pushed the government to take a harder line on the border conflict, apparently seeking to score political points by discrediting its patriotic credentials.

The fighting this afternoon lasted for about an hour, with each side accusing the other of firing the first shot.

Thai army spokesman Col. Sansern Kaewkumnerd said Cambodian soldiers approached a Thai base, refused to leave the area and fired in the air.

"We believe they were meant to be warning shots. The Thai troops fired back in self defense," he said.

Cambodia's Foreign Ministry simply accused Thai troops of launching "heavy armed attacks" at three different locations to push back Cambodians from positions inside Cambodian territory.

The battle killed at least two Cambodian soldiers and wounded three others, according to Cambodia's Foreign Ministry.

Five Thai soldiers were wounded, Col. Sansern said.

Both sides quickly tried to defuse the tension.

Thai Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat said Thailand had no interest in seeing the conflict escalate.

"We will use peaceful means. If there is violence, we have to negotiate," he said.

Hor Namhong also downplayed the fighting and said military officials from both sides would meet Thursday in Thailand to discuss the incident.

"In spite of this armed clash between soldiers on both sides, Cambodia still considers this a clash between soldiers, not a deliberate intent (on the part) of the Thai government to attack Cambodia on a large scale," he said.

The fighting was the latest flare-up in a decades-old dispute over a stretch of jungle near the 11th century Preah Vihear temple. The World Court awarded the temple to Cambodia in 1962, but sovereignty over surrounding land has never been clearly resolved.

Cambodian sovereignty over the temple had been grudgingly accepted by Thailand with few actual armed confrontations until this year.

Tensions escalated in July after UNESCO, the U.N. cultural agency, approved Cambodia's bid to have the temple named a World Heritage Site, leading to Thai fears that its claims over the nearby land would be undermined.

Resurgent Thai nationalism, promoted by a protest group that is seeking to topple the current Thai government, has put the authorities in Bangkok under political pressure to aggressively pursue claims to the land.

Both sides sent hundreds of troops to the area after the UNESCO action, and the dispute also fired a surge of nationalism in Cambodia that helped propel Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to a landslide re-election victory in late July.

Most troops were withdrawn from the area a month later.

The conflict flared again in recent weeks. A brief gunfight earlier this month wounded one Cambodian and two Thai soldiers. Three days later, two Thai soldiers lost legs when they stepped on land mines in the area.

At the same time, Thai protesters stepped up their campaign to oust Prime Minister Somchai.

Charnvit Kasetsiri, a historian who has written extensively on the dispute, said the fight over the temple had long been a proxy for larger conflicts, including World War II and the Cold War, but it had been considered resolved until recently.

"The issue surrounding Preah Vihear temple was over decades ago until it was fanned by nationalist rhetoric for domestic political purposes. The two situations are closely linked," he said.

Both sides appeared to be preparing for a confrontation in recent days.

Hun Sen issued an ultimatum to Thailand on Tuesday to pull back its soldiers, calling it "a life-and-death battle zone."

"We remain on alert and have readied our forces adequately to protect our territory," said Cambodia's deputy defense minister, Gen. Neang Phat.

Thailand moved reinforcements up to the border area.

Thailand also put jet fighters on alert at bases nationwide and C-130 transport planes on standby that could evacuate Thais living in the border area, Thai air force official Group Capt. Montol Satchukorn said.


Anonymous said...

The new crashing which cost deadly two brave Cambodian soldier. I think new SIEM prime minister will take a chance to stay a little bit longer to control the situation. That is why, this prime minister order its soldier to went back to Cambodian territory which pulled out a day after Hun Sen’s threat. So because of this prime minister, he want to make tense situation to take chance for his prime ministerial position. Do you think so????
And other, it is so funny SIEM report told foreign media, AFP, that 10 Cambodian soldiers raise white flag in VATT KIRISVARAK. But I saw online a Cambodian soldier set and look at SIEM weapon collected by brave Cambodian soldier and also I heard from directly report of RFA the same as 10 SIEM soldier are arrested and pull out their weapon. BRAVO!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:19AM we all human dude 2:19AM not gorrilar like your mom, she could take 10 men per hour?

Anonymous said...

There is no Khmer in Cambodia. They are all Viets pretend to be Khmer trying to still temples and lands from Khmer in Thailand.

Anonymous said...

2:19AM we all human dude 2:19AM not gorrilar like your mom, she could take 10 men per hour?

Anonymous said...

Did you why our soldiers died because the siem bitches shot them first.

Anonymous said...

Who care? They are not Khmer. They are Viet in disguise as Khmer.

Anonymous said...

You, siams, invade not only on the ground / along the border but here on the website you invade us too, showing your agression. Out from Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Well, we can't just let you fake bad mouthing us senselessly, can we?

Anonymous said...

Cut the heads of the ten prisoners captured strain the blood put in the bottle send back to king of devil Thailand Ah Dol Yadet for souvenir from Kampuchea khong kwun jark kmene