Radio Free Asia
By Huy Vannak
25th October 2008
Translated from Khmer by Khmerization
The Cambodian government, according to sources, said that in the 2009 budget it will increase its military expenditures to double that of its 2008 military budget.
According to the same sources, the military expenditures would be increased to US$500 million.
The government’s plans to increase the military expenditures were made at the same times as when Cambodia is facing a military confrontations with Thailand along its northern borders with Thailand as well as around the Preah Vihear temple areas.
In response to the planned increase of military expenditures, an opposition MP, Mr. Son Chhay, has requested the government to review its past military expenditures.
Mr. Son Chhay said: “in the past, we’ve seen that the military expenditures involved loans from foreign countries to procure military hardware, such as the purchases of patrol vessels from China, when we already have an annual military budget of $US250 million. We have received information that there are embezzlements in the military budget for millions of dollars such as the claims that Cambodia has 140,000 military personnel, when in fact, according to our investigations, Cambodia has not more than 50,000 troops. Secondly, the embezzlements in military materiel such as uniforms, consumption goods such as rice and fuel and so on. And those soldiers who were sent to face a military conflict with the Thai soldiers a long the borders have told journalists that, in the last 4-5 years, they have not received any uniforms or military boots from the government.”
Mr. Son Chhay added that Cambodia needs to strengthen its military, but the government must ensure that the military budget is properly spent or not continues to allow corruption to thrive in the military.
In relation to the livelihood of the soldiers, a senior military official from the Ministry of Defence, Gen. Neang Phat, said at the memorial ceremony for the three dead soldiers, one day after the armed clashes on the 15th October that: “to tell you the truth, our soldiers, during a time of peace, because some of them have wives and children to feed, so during their free time they went to help their wives and children by working in the family’s rice fields. This is the truth. They don’t stay in their barracks all the times. Their monthly salary is only 200,000 Riels ($US50), or more than 150,000 Riels, so they hardly can feed their families.”
At the same time, according to the statement released after the cabinet meeting on the 17th of October, the Cambodian government has decided to increase annual national budget for 2009 to almost $US2 billion, which is an increase of 30% from the 2008 national budget.
The planned national budget has only been approved by the cabinet. It will need to be submitted for approval by the National Assembly in the middle of November.//
List of Facts needed to find solutions/mechanisms to cure all of these chronic diseases:
From streets to offices in the gov.t sectors. The tops seek big bribe from the subordinates in exchange for them to sustain their positions or those subordinates will be out off their posts in just a second. Like a project: the top demands the subordinate to pay the bribes regularly as a common practice-the subordinates bribe people in higher position. The root of the corruption is that the tops nearly many of them don’t even receive formal education. Those took power in office and you say why such people with this low quality are willing to let go of their positions easily? that’s why the expertises all end up jobless if they prove more capable or speak up against their supervisors. And you can tell working with low IQ and demand you follow their orders unquestionably? That reflects their poor, ignorant management as a system to improve for all. However, upgrading a system for all is not their concern-even a bit. How to sustain and keep their posts and power is actually what gives them headache. That is why the powerful people rarely blame their officers and demand they be prosecuted! (Rule of law????) One more evidence to prove that corruption in Cambodia will never any soon be solved is that khmer people can see that the top arranged their sons&daughters to marry each other to lay an even unbreakable foundation to hold on tight to power. They planned and acted well not to leave any room for mistakes that can harm their power. They exploit each other no matter by what means to secure their system. And tell me if they ever let go of power very soon?? and tell me if you call such system of gov.t a good one?
-Power-addicted whether consciously or unconsciously:
By the system designed it is clear that the leaders are so power-addicted. They, if still with conscience, should feel overwhelmingly regretful and turn back to serve the country to make it stand tall and proud, but not with countless miseries and chaosity all every corner of the country!!!! There’s not a slightest mistake to say that their agendas are all about which party has gained more and more supporters? And never they struggle to learn in what good deeds the party has done for the people? They will treat any party that brings light for the misfortunate poor khmer people as their enemy and demand that those parties, individuals be mentally suffered or last resort be abolished!!
look at the illegal immigrants living working freely and why isn’t it called a lawless country? Not talking about the sole so-called memorandums from only one man. What is the quality of this country system? how many heads and brains do you have? And tell me those your ministers are disqualified and incapable of doing anything-planning, taking actions or authorities to decide anything. And why one man is dying to steal the show all the time? Isn’t it authoritarians or absolute power? khmers dare to speak out about the siam encroachment along the border ,how about them living working and speaking freely their language????
500M is nearly the entire international aids for the poor.
I agree with 5:34 PM's rationale. These poorly-educated ministers and generals are only concerned about their plump jobs so they can continue commit corruption to fatten their pockets. Lower-ranking soldiers are the one who will suffer and die for the nation and for these corrupt and uneducated leaders.
I support the govt. plan to increase military expenditures but also I support Son Chhay's suggestion that the govt. must do everything to make sure that the increased expenditures are spent properly such paying proper wages to soldiers, buy more military equipments and modern guns, rockets, tanks and jet fighters. The govt. must ensure no money will disappear in corruption.
Stop complain, you voted for my hero (Samdech Hun Sen) to be your legend leader.
So live with it and stop became a begger, go back to where you belong and start digging and working.
Go become a monk, so you can get everything free include sin.
We did not vote for your basdard leader, he stole our votes.
Education, education, education. Yes, all these leaders never been in school, all of their degrees from bachelor to PHd are un-recognizerable in any country because they are fake. They are less educated than my 5th grader daugher. The government are operate like the Khmer Rouge, only unedcated hold office. Cambodia is the land of MURPHY-LAW, like Mao said "Power come from the Barrel of the Gun". Said it no more....
Before you say anything wrong to our khmer government you have to think where khmer come from first.
The whole Cambodian live in Cambodia just got their life back from pol pot regime. You have to think on pol pot regime all khmer people have had educationed were killed by pol pot regime.You so lucky you didn't born on the suffering day.You know how many khmer regime from 1925 to 2008 made Cambodia country going down? And which one of regime make Cambodia country going up and let all countries around the world known Cambodia country very well? Before you tell to anyone the same your age you have to read the backgrown of khmer first ok.
All khmer young teenagers just khmer people from 1979 till 2008,but they never known about Cambodia country backgrown.The book name Dr Hem Chiv from 1863-1953 from page 1-5 you will know Cambodian government.The website you have to go is www.cambodian.org.nz ok. Thank you to khmer young teenagers.
6:29 PM
No one stole you vote. You don't have the right to vote, idiot. You don't have Cambodian citizenship. You live in other country lol. Stupid jackass.
If the people overseas are so bright, then why the fuck are you spending all your time talking trash online instead of go to Cambodia and show your "educated" thinking mind off, huh? Or are you too hypocritical and selfish and only like to talk but have no guts to walk. For the record, most of you on here can only talk. You like your life as an accountant, investment banker, etc... overseas and you won't do much anything to contribute to the country.
If you want to call yourself educated, stop preaching shit you won't do yourself because people that are full of shit smells, even from online content.
Kanduoy mae a chhkae krup khnea, ahaeng nov khnong srok ko kmean ches ey dae, ah phleu kbal ahaeng min mean ayuk leus anh te, ah kumruok ahaeng cheang 50 chhnam hoey reu ko teub ning chrus ponley pi kbal reu ko ah kbal samkov tae phleu doch ke tha men. Ahaeng kom kit pi ke dael nov krav srok, ahaeng kit tae pi kbal ah os aeng nov khnong srok tha toe ahaeng ban chuoy ey tveu ey samrab cheat krav pi luoch, luok, bamphlanh, samlab, kbot cheat dael bat day puok ahaeng taing pi ah neayuok roat muntrey, uppak, roat muntrey, ah tro ngaol, ah kvak, ah phnek chea, ah thlong, ah ko, ah thaok sot tae ah vong bat day prolak chheam reas teang os. Ah choy mray, mae ov ahaeng bang rean ahaeng aoy tveu baeb nis. Ah slab ot dey kob.
wow double the military budget. In 2009 we will see military commanders' sons and daughters ride their helicopters in the city, not just new rover rangers, benz, and bmw.
you are right on the butt 11:43pm.One 3 star general,his wife is colonel,his son is lieutenant but these last two never had served in the military.They have rank just to get salary that how corrupt they are.
good for cambodia! sometimes, it takes a crisis like this to make cambodia realize the importance of protecting our sovereignty like lands, territories and interest, ect... god bless cambodia.
Double military budget is good as long as the money do not go to pockets of corrupt generals and military leaders. This new money must be used to purchase helicopters, modern artillery, jet fighters and decent wages to soldiers.
Kámpûchía Thánh Ðính Nháng Càc Cóng Mánh Cúo Trán Ðúc Chùng!
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