Thursday, October 16, 2008

Modern conflict near ancient ruins

Wednesday, 15 October 2008
BBC News
"Thais are often surprisingly ignorant of the role they have played in wounding Cambodia's national pride."
A long-running border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia has just flared up, with soldiers exchanging shots for the first time. The BBC's South East Asia correspondent Jonathan Head looks at what caused this escalation of tension.

At the end of a day when two Cambodian soldiers were killed, several wounded on both sides, and 10 Thai soldiers reportedly taken prisoner, the language cooled down.

Instead of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's threat of all-out war, to turn the area around the disputed Preah Vihear temple into a "zone of death", there was a statement from Foreign Minister Hor Namhong describing the shootout as "an incident between soldiers, not an invasion", a problem that could be solved.

And from the Thai Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat: "Cambodia is a good neighbour. We will use peaceful means".

So perhaps a war over a tiny sliver of scrubby hillside can be avoided after all.

It would surely be in no-one's interests to let the conflict get out of hand.

Thailand and Cambodia share a common culture, an 800km (500 mile) border, trade and investment worth billions of dollars and membership of Asean, the Association of South East Asian Nations that prides itself on harmonious relations among its member states.

Cliff-top temple

But why have relations fallen this far?

The spark was Cambodia's successful bid to have Preah Vihear listed as a World Heritage site in July.

The 900-year-old Hindu temple had been judged to be on the Cambodian side of the border in 1962 by the International Court of Justice, a decision that has always rankled with Thailand.

It sits at the top of a cliff, and is still only easily accessible from the Thai side.

But the decades of conflict in Cambodia delayed any practical decisions on the temple, which for years was a stronghold of Khmer Rouge guerrillas and littered with landmines.

As peace returned to Cambodia in the 1990s, the government in Phnom Penh started to focus on restoring the country's rich Hindu-Buddhist heritage, and its potential to attract tourists.

The magnificent temple complex of Angkor Wat won World Heritage status in 1992.

But repeated attempts to get the same status for Preah Vihear were blocked, apparently by Thailand.

The Thais argued that while the ICJ had awarded the temple to Cambodia, it had not ruled on the surrounding land, which also contains a number of important archaeological sites connected to the temple.

Only a joint Thai-Cambodian World Heritage site made sense, it argued.

Thailand dropped its objection this year, a decision that enraged Thai nationalists.

They accused the government of changing its stance to accommodate the extensive Cambodian business interests of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, whose party dominated the cabinet.

The foreign minister who negotiated a joint agreement with Cambodia, Noppadol Pattama, had once been Mr Thaksin's lawyer. He was forced to resign in July.

But the damage had been done. A hard-line anti-government movement, the People's Alliance for Democracy, used the issue to mobilise mass demonstrations, contributing to the political upheavals that are still shaking Thailand today.

Khmer legacy

But what about Cambodia? Why is it so strident on the issue?

In part it is driven by historic rivalry between the two countries, in part by more recent friction.

The ancient Khmer civilisation that built Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear dominated this region for five centuries.

Thais used the issue in anti-government protests

It profoundly influenced Thai culture - there are many famous Khmer-style temples in Thailand. And it is a source of immense pride to modern-day Cambodia, which is recovering from decades of national trauma.

Nationalism is an easily inflamed emotion, in a country which has little to be proud of in its recent history.

Thais are often surprisingly ignorant of the role they have played in wounding Cambodia's national pride.

In the Cambodian view, successive Thai invasions helped destroy the once mighty Khmer empires, and rendered the country defenceless against French colonial conquest in the 19th Century.

Thailand then took advantage of the chaos during World War II to occupy large chunks of western Cambodia, including the ruins of Angkor Wat - it was forced to hand them back when the war ended.

The Thai military often treated Cambodian refugees who fled the civil wars of the 1970s and 80s very harshly - and Thailand backed the remnants of the Khmer Rouge in their struggle against the Vietnamese occupation, so helping prolong the civil war.

Storm of condemnation

There is of course a very different Thai perspective on these events. But they have left a deep pool of resentment in its smaller and much poorer neighbour that is easily exploited by its leaders.

And Hun Sen has proved very ready to do just that. Five years ago anti-Thai riots broke out in Phnom Penh after a Thai actress was misquoted as saying Angkor Wat should rightly belong to Thailand.

Hun Sen was widely blamed for stirring up nationalist sentiments then. He seems to be doing the same now.

On the Thai side, whatever the current government's real inclinations, it cannot afford to be seen to back down.

Somchai Wongsawat is already battling a storm of condemnation over the way the police dealt with anti-government protests earlier this month.

As Thaksin Shinawatra's brother-in-law, any concessions he makes to Cambodia will arouse suspicions that he is serving the interests of his family before those of the country.

It is hard to see this conflict being settled quickly.


Anonymous said...

The problem with ignorant is that they are not aware of who they really are.

Anonymous said...

Thanks God someone like Mr. Head notices our real problem.

Ordinary Khmers

Anonymous said...

Cambodia leaders should focus on two out of the major objectives in dealing with Thailand.
1. Bring this border conflict to the internal communities, not resolving this issue by bilateral
2. In lon-run, focus on building a Great Wall of Khmer along the 800 km bordering.

Whomever can achieve this will be the next Khmer Heros.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of what the author said. However, it seems to be non sense that Hun Sen currently try to stir the nationalism emotion for his own interest. He has no reason to do that because he already win the election, therefore he would only try to end the conflict. I strongly believe that if Thai soldiers stay where they were before the conflict, there will never be the war between Cambodia and Thailand.
I don't understand why the UN and super power nations want only the problem be solved bilaterally? They sure know that both countries use different map and of cause Cambodia will never accept the map that Thailand drew alone and only for their own interest. It is also clear that Thailand will never accept map used by Cambodia even that map was jointly made by them and the French. So how can the conflict end with bilateral talk?
The only solution is the UN or ICJ, they must involve in solving this problem, the must help to find out which map is more lawful and will be used by both countries forever.

Anonymous said...

Now it turn to who has the high IQ in the forum should be rewarded.
Thai soldiers had intruded Cambodian territory step on the mine and lost two legs,Cambodian soldiers ,frightened away Thai intruders ran with the injured soldier back to Thai Land.
What are remaining in Cambodian soil? First winner 250.00 US dollars not exceeded 24 Hours .
Winner award pick up at prince Ranorith's Villa.
Thanks in advances

Anonymous said...

8:31 AM:I go with you man! I also appreciate the author of this article,Mr. Head. All is true. Thailand has been pissing around for centuries. They want this and that - First they stole big part of our land, then they wanted to steal Angkorwat and when it was impossible, they they want Preah Vihear and all Cambodia western provinces. They are now crazy dog.

Anonymous said...

09:05 There will be two Thai legs left over ,because they lost and they took off to fast.
My address EO1 seven January PP Cambodia

Anonymous said...

09:05 There will be two Thai legs left over ,because they lost and they took off to fast.
My address EO1 seven January PP Cambodia

Anonymous said...

Thailad keeps saying it only defending its territory. What a bunch of oxymoron.

It's like I'm going to take over my neighbor's house and claiming it to be mine and I'm defending it.

Thai PM thinks we're all dummies. What a complete queer!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this article shows a very true, critical analysis of the fact and it is the best one I have ever read, written by international journalists.

thanks mr. head!!!

Anonymous said...

8:31 and 8:34 AM you are rewarded as heros in this forum. I totally agree with you.