Thursday, October 16, 2008

More troops at Thai-Cambodian border

Thursday, October 16, 2008

( - More Thai troops were reinforced at the Thai-Cambodian disputed border area near the 11th century temple of Preah Vihear on Thursday.

About three to four trucks loaded with Thai soldiers were travelling near the site where Thai and Cambodian army engaged in an armed confrontation for about 10 minutes on Wednesday afternoon.

The Commander of the Second Army Region, Lt-Gen Viboonsak Neepal, together with the Commander of Suranaree Task Force, Maj-Gen Kanok Netrakavaesana, visited the Thai soldiers at the border area on Thursday morning.

At the same time, villagers living nearby the Thai-Cambodian border area continued to monitor the situation between both sides closely and prepared for possible evacuation, should new violent clashes occur.


Anonymous said...

Kámpùchía Ðûòng Tránh Cáng Trôun Càng Xía Ðúio Mói!!!

Anonymous said...

They come in with a truck.they go back with the body back. you will see