Monday, October 27, 2008

Pongpol says Cambodia may asks UN to classify Preah Vihear as risky area

October 27, 2008
The Nation

Pongpol Adireksarn, chairman of Thailand's World Heritage Committee, Monday expressed concern that Cambodia may ask the United Nations to list Preah Vihear as a risky area.

Pongpol said such classification would allow the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to step in to preserve the ruins and supervise its management.


Anonymous said...

Thailand: Why concern?? Are planning to bomb it?

Anonymous said...

then your country will be executed.

Anonymous said...

What is up with Thai people? Or should I ask, what is wrong with them?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...looks like we outsmarted the Thai's once again. When will they learn. They failed miserably at covering up the conflict and now another failure. The Thais have become really low, probably why they stooped so low as to try to invade our Country.

Anonymous said...

This Pongpol Adireksarn could mean another way - Cambodia is too poor to defend the country against siamese's invasion.

But Look! The October 15 skirmish. How many siamese's intruders were killed. Let him find the truth himself!

Unknown said...

Oh shit, no more invasion. What can we do. Too many kateuy already in Thailand, we have to find more profession.

Anonymous said...

The Thai's wanted an empty diplomatic resolution because they lacked the military experience to beat us. Now that we pursued the diplomatic route through UNESCO they are starting to worry because defeat is in evitable. They should save face now and put up the white flag of surrender.

Anonymous said...

List of Facts needed to find solutions/mechanisms to cure all of these chronic diseases:

From streets to offices in the gov.t sectors. The tops seek big bribe from the subordinates in exchange for them to sustain their positions or those subordinates will be out off their posts in just a second. Like a project: the top demands the subordinate to pay the bribes regularly as a common practice-the subordinates bribe people in higher position. The root of the corruption is that the tops nearly many of them don’t even receive formal education. Those took power in office and you say why such people with this low quality are willing to let go of their positions easily? that’s why the expertises all end up jobless if they prove more capable or speak up against their supervisors. And you can tell working with low IQ and demand you follow their orders unquestionably? That reflects their poor, ignorant management as a system to improve for all. However, upgrading a system for all is not their concern-even a bit. How to sustain and keep their posts and power is actually what gives them headache. That is why the powerful people rarely blame their officers and demand they be prosecuted! (Rule of law????) One more evidence to prove that corruption in Cambodia will never any soon be solved is that khmer people can see that the top arranged their sons&daughters to marry each other to lay an even unbreakable foundation to hold on tight to power. They planned and acted well not to leave any room for mistakes that can harm their power. They exploit each other no matter by what means to secure their system. And tell me if they ever let go of power very soon?? and tell me if you call such system of gov.t a good one?

-Power-addicted whether consciously or unconsciously:
By the system designed it is clear that the leaders are so power-addicted. They, if still with conscience, should feel overwhelmingly regretful and turn back to serve the country to make it stand tall and proud, but not with countless miseries and chaosity all every corner of the country!!!! There’s not a slightest mistake to say that their agendas are all about which party has gained more and more supporters? And never they struggle to learn in what good deeds the party has done for the people? They will treat any party that brings light for the misfortunate poor khmer people as their enemy and demand that those parties, individuals be mentally suffered or last resort be abolished!!

look at the illegal immigrants living working freely and why isn’t it called a lawless country? Not talking about the sole so-called memorandums from only one man. What is the quality of this country system? how many heads and brains do you have? And tell me those your ministers are disqualified and incapable of doing anything-planning, taking actions or authorities to decide anything. And why one man is dying to steal the show all the time? Isn’t it authoritarians or absolute power? khmers dare to speak out about the siam encroachment along the border ,how about them living working and speaking freely their language????

Anonymous said...

5:26 pm ...and your point is...?
Do we get spam and you in the wrong blog?

Anonymous said...

one has to wonder what the thai are afraid of everytime cambodia plan to either take them to court or when we get the Unesco, etc... involve to help us solve this problem with them. what are they afraid of? in my experience, only the criminals are afraid of law. what are they really afraid of when it comes to dealing with the icj, unesco, the UN council, etc...?

Anonymous said...

What is Thailand afraid of? The answer is: Thaialnd is afraid of being a shame when the world community intervenes. They don't want a third party to mediate or find out the truth that they are the aggressor, invader and the bully.