Monday, October 20, 2008

[Thai] PM, army chief have first encounter after military challenge

BANGKOK, Oct 19 (TNA) -- Thailand's powerful army chief Gen. Anupong Paochinda on Sunday encountered Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat for the first time after the army chief and other military leaders pressured him to resign to show responsibility for the police actions for the bloodshed in dispersing protesters nearly two weeks ago.

Mr. Somchai, who also holds the defence minister's portfolio, met Gen. Anupong at Sunday's rehearsal for the royal funeral of HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana, the King's elder sister, to be held November 14-19.

The embattled prime minister refused to quit after Gen. Anupong publicly asked him last Thursday on nationwide television to resign to show responsibility over the police crackdown on protesters of the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy on October 7 which left two persons dead and nearly 500 others injured.

Declining to disclose to journalists what issues he had discussed with the prime minister, Gen. Anupong simply said he had already spoke out his mind on the military stance over political situation in the country. He said Mr. Somchai was "not worried about anything".

As for Mr. Somchai, he said he had not yet spoken with military leaders on the border conflict with Cambodia and he would talk to them later after receiving full information.

There is still no timeframe set for talks with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and officials are preparing to fix the date for him to meet the Cambodian government leader, said Mr. Somchai.

Two Cambodian soldiers died and seven Thai soldiers were wounded during the clashes last Wednesday on disputed border area near the ancient temple of Preah Vihear.

Both countries have agreed to joint border patrols aimed at preventing a repeat of the deadly clashes near the temple but implementation has not yet started.


Anonymous said...

Somchai: I think that we must solve the border issue.

Anupong: I want you to step down so I can I can reign as absolute master.

Somchai: So you have any time frame?

Anupong: It would be nice if I can be PM and Supreme commander at the same time.

Somchai: ...

Anupong: ...

Anonymous said...

You noticed?
These 2 types do not look in eyes when they speak to each other.
Thus, the one both has to leave!
Somchai seems to be afraid of anupong.

Anonymous said...

Somchai: Fuck ur bald head Anupong, I won't resign.
Anupong: If u don't, i will fuck ur ass.
Somchai: Ok, let's me i won't.
Anupong: Can anyone get me a condom????

Anonymous said...

I think Somchai is more professional in responding to Anupong's comment on TV. He does not want war with Cambodia, but he wants to keep the military busy so that their leaders can not make a successful coup. Whether he wins or not, Anupong is already in the loosing side. If Somchai can get King's support (may be not), Anupong and PAD will be out. If no king's support, a clash between military+yellow-TShirters against red T-Shirters is likely. I think Somchai wants to talk to Hun Sen to give him time to solve internal issue first before getting back to the border issue. He knows coup against him is likely, but only the question of time.

Strongman Hun Sen softened his stand after deadly clash, suggesting that something is going on. It's good as long as no more troop deployments on the Thai side. If Thai is willing to give the same area of their land, a Peace Park (4.6 sqkm x 2) should be established. Those who died in the clash must be named.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that Somchai will go down.

100 bucks that Somchai will not last until Christmas.

Anonymous said...

"Two Cambodian soldiers died and seven Thai soldiers were wounded during the clashes last Wednesday on disputed border area near the ancient temple of Preah Vihear."

How many Thais soldiers died? Every article written by the Thais are always bias!

Anonymous said...

Yea Somchai just bent over and Anupong will take care of the rest.

Anonymous said...

6.24AM, I tend to like your idea! turn the 4.6km2 into a Cambodia-Thai peace park (white zone) and name those who died in the clash as heros for the course? Hopefully there wont be any more conflict and a new era of brotherhood can be built upon..


Anonymous said...

I wish to extend:

Somchai: I think that we must solve the border issue.

Anupong: I want you to step down so I can I can reign as absolute master.

Somchai: So you have any time frame?

Anupong: It would be nice if I can be PM and Supreme commander at the same time.

Somchai: Hmm..., let me think. Good idea! Eh, no, good, not good,.. oh yah, not good!

Aumpong: Oh, really. u know what i i will do if u don't step down?
Somchai: I knowwww. Nah, don't do that, i give u 5 bugs each day to keep u busy.
Aumpong: Ok deal!