Thursday, October 16, 2008

UN chief urges "utmost restraint" in Cambodia-Thailand clashes

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations on Wednesday expressed his deep concern about the exchange of gunfire along the Cambodia-Thailand border and urging the neighbors to exercise "utmost restraint."

"The secretary-general is deeply concerned about the exchange of gunfire today along the Cambodia-Thailand boarder and the reported casualties," Ban's spokeswoman Michele Montas said.

According to reports, two Cambodian soldiers and a number of Thai and Cambodian servicemen were wounded in the firefight.

Montas said the UN chief calls on both parties to exercise utmost restraint and urges them to expedite bilateral talks so that their differences can be resolved peacefully.


Anonymous said...

why now ,when cambodian F.M. went there about border conflict U.N. don't seem to care. how come when there a conflict going on in europe, the U.N. seem to jump in .when there's war going on in Gaza or Africa and in Asia .the U.N not seem to care at all.Now the U.N. want neighbors to excise utmost restraint after two service men is dead is this some typed of joke or what

Anonymous said...

Good point 6:22am.
U.N is very active for the West, but only urging verbally in the East, especially Southeast.

Anonymous said...

តើអ្នកណាចំណេញក្នុងជម្លោះរវាងអា ចោរសៀម
នឹង ខ្មែរយើងនេះ?
យោបល់របស់ អក ខ្ញុំ ក៏ដូចជាយោបល់របស់កូន
ខ្មែរទាំងអស់គឺអាយួនកន្តបឈ្លានពាន ហាណូយ
ព្រោះអា ហ៊ុនសែន វានឹងទៅលិតបាទជើង
សុំអោយទ័ពអាយួនមកការពាររាស្រ្តអាយួន ដែល រស់នៅលើដីខ្មែរយើង។ ពេលនោះហើយ អាយួន

Anonymous said...

What can the UN say? It has much lower IQ than SEA.

Anonymous said...

To 6:22AM,

I certainly second that comments. The U.N. is deeply influenced by the Jews, the European and the U.S.
We Khmers should bring this border dispute to ICJ once again. Forget about bilateral talks. The Siam are not living up to their signatures or treaties.


Khmer Central New York

Anonymous said...

Remmeber those horrible horrible killing in Darfur? or the most trouble region such as Tibet? What can the UN do? Nothing.

Also please remmeber that there are countries out there that would not hesitate selling their latest war machines or equipments ( the big W, we meant, Bud ). Someone has to fight. So becareful out there.

Anonymous said...

Oh well! So much for the UN led by Ban Ki-Moon to play the role of a fucken peace maker! When the fucken Cambodia-Thai border was a small problem and manageable and the fucken UN just don't care and play favoritism to the Thai side by appeasing the Thai aggressor while forcing Cambodia pursue endless bilateral which achieve nothing in term of solving the border conflict!

Just fuck it! Let all hell loose and don't blame Cambodian leaders for not trying to seek peace through bilateral talk while the fucken UN sitting on their doing nothing!

Don’t fuck with Cambodian leaders because they are not bluffing!

Anonymous said...

Why just now after the fighting? UN is very late to avoid bleeding. Two Cambodian soldiers were dead so my heard was very hurt and pain.

Ban Ki-moon!!! Ban Ki-moon!!!

Anonymous said...

Do not depend on them too much ,if the problems can be avoided If we wanted the God to help us,we must help our selves first,so if the Thai wanted the war if we try to run away they still give us the war ,let help Thai to finish it game.

Anonymous said...

I love you all out there. I am so happy today to read all your comments. When we Khmer love each other and use the reasons to discuss to find the best solution for Khmer, then our society will only prosper. I think 7:00 pm is outdated.

Young Khmer

Anonymous said...

I wish Laos, Burma, Malaysia... help Cambodia on the border dispute with wolf Thai nation. If Thai still continue their bad attitute, god will bring them consistantly destroy.

Anonymous said...

to admin: you should keep posting the photos of POWs until Thais accept the fact. Internationa medias seemed to exclude this part minute by minute.