Woman and teenager seriously injured after being burnt alive by a criminal
23 November 2008
By Sophal Mony
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer
A 21-year-old woman and her 14-year-old sister were seriously injured after a Cambodian-American man poured gasoline and burnt them alive because he was enraged that his engagement with the young woman was cancelled.
In the morning of Sunday 23 November, 56-year-old Mrs. Pin Savat indicated that two of her daughters, 21-year-old Yan Kim Hean, was burnt on her entire body, whereas another daughter, 14-year-old Yan Chanrith, was burnt on her legs and hands, after Tan Ny Long, a 56-year-old Cambodian man living in the US, poured gasoline on them while the two sisters were washing dishes in the back of their home.
Mrs. Pin Savat indicated that the perpetrator is of the same age as her, and he was previously engaged with her daughter. The man became enraged when the engagement was canceled and he perpetrated this violent act.
Mrs. Pin Savat said: “My daughter asked to end (the engagement), so the man agreed to it, and he took off in his motorcycle. No one knows where he went, but he came back to perpetrate this. My daughter was washing the dishes at the back of the house, he came behind her and poured (gasoline) on her and burnt her alive.”
Yan Chanrith, the younger sister of the victim, said: “I was washing the dishes with my sister, I saw Ta (Grandpa) Long [the spurned fiancé] walked over and he poured gasoline on both of us. I stood up and saw his face clearly, it was him, Ta Long, who poured the gasoline and burnt us.”
This violence took place at 7:30AM on Saturday 22 November in Bek Chan village, Prek Preah Sdech commune, Battambang district and province, when the two daughters of Mrs. Pin Savat were washing dishes in the back of their house.
The victims were urgently sent to the Visal Sok clinic in Battambang city, and in the morning of 23 November, family of the victims brought them over to Phnom Penh.
Tan Sophal, the director of the Battambang military police, indicated that Tan Ny Long was arrested in the morning of 23 November, and currently, the police is looking for evidence to build up his case and bring him to court.
Tan Sophal said: “The criminal still denies his action, we brought him to the provincial police office. However, I am now at the spot of the incident, we are gathering evidence including the gasoline (container) for burning.”
Mrs. Pin Savat, the mother of the victims, demanded that the court sentences the perpetrator according to the law, and she also asked for damage compensation, including the hospital cost for her two daughters.
According to the family of the victim, 56-year-old Tan Ny Long is a Cambodian living in the US, he got engaged with 21-year-old Yan Kim Hean on 29 June 2008, but the family of the woman cancelled the engagement at the beginning of November because the two parties do not trust each other.
In the morning of Sunday 23 November, 56-year-old Mrs. Pin Savat indicated that two of her daughters, 21-year-old Yan Kim Hean, was burnt on her entire body, whereas another daughter, 14-year-old Yan Chanrith, was burnt on her legs and hands, after Tan Ny Long, a 56-year-old Cambodian man living in the US, poured gasoline on them while the two sisters were washing dishes in the back of their home.
Mrs. Pin Savat indicated that the perpetrator is of the same age as her, and he was previously engaged with her daughter. The man became enraged when the engagement was canceled and he perpetrated this violent act.
Mrs. Pin Savat said: “My daughter asked to end (the engagement), so the man agreed to it, and he took off in his motorcycle. No one knows where he went, but he came back to perpetrate this. My daughter was washing the dishes at the back of the house, he came behind her and poured (gasoline) on her and burnt her alive.”
Yan Chanrith, the younger sister of the victim, said: “I was washing the dishes with my sister, I saw Ta (Grandpa) Long [the spurned fiancé] walked over and he poured gasoline on both of us. I stood up and saw his face clearly, it was him, Ta Long, who poured the gasoline and burnt us.”
This violence took place at 7:30AM on Saturday 22 November in Bek Chan village, Prek Preah Sdech commune, Battambang district and province, when the two daughters of Mrs. Pin Savat were washing dishes in the back of their house.
The victims were urgently sent to the Visal Sok clinic in Battambang city, and in the morning of 23 November, family of the victims brought them over to Phnom Penh.
Tan Sophal, the director of the Battambang military police, indicated that Tan Ny Long was arrested in the morning of 23 November, and currently, the police is looking for evidence to build up his case and bring him to court.
Tan Sophal said: “The criminal still denies his action, we brought him to the provincial police office. However, I am now at the spot of the incident, we are gathering evidence including the gasoline (container) for burning.”
Mrs. Pin Savat, the mother of the victims, demanded that the court sentences the perpetrator according to the law, and she also asked for damage compensation, including the hospital cost for her two daughters.
According to the family of the victim, 56-year-old Tan Ny Long is a Cambodian living in the US, he got engaged with 21-year-old Yan Kim Hean on 29 June 2008, but the family of the woman cancelled the engagement at the beginning of November because the two parties do not trust each other.
That 57 year old shit should be executed immediately. Give this shit to the street mop to be beatten and burn his corpse whether he's still alive from the angry mop or not. Kill that shit.
Just look at his face, the man in red. I just wanna strike a baseball bat across that face as hard as I can. And cremate him alive. How sick a man this is. I hope the PP authority will put an end to this man's life as soon as the next sunrise. Destroy it.
Ah Pleu-Oversea is pure evil from Hell.
I hope Ah Sen does not recruit this killer for his killer.
A damned loser!
Flew from the US by airplane, dressed with nice jacket and pretended to be aducated from the supperiot western world. Full of ego to marry a poor nation woman with the age under his selection.
Yes this is a good lesson, hope the news can spread more effectively to all coners.
OMG! there go another victim of Ah Savage Killer (Scam Rainxy) and his oversea militant.
Oversea men always make trouble for their hometown.
Cet homme mérite soit la mort soit la prison à vie. Mais à mon avis il mérite la prison à vie car pour le faire comprendre ce que la souffrance qu'il a faite subie à ses victimes.
Sale vieux con et pervers!
It's a typical Khmer CHOCHOUS from abroad.
Other Khmer CHOCHOUS who work aboroad in he Casino as dealers or in small job are now advisers of Hunn SEn, Chea Sim Heng Samrin....
One of them, KIt Meng's uncle, is currently Deputy governor of Kompong Som.
The most stupid is the story is the family and mother of the victims. Usually, cambodian young women have nothing to say when their parents decide to marry them with other people. The mother must have imagine that guy, coming from the USA, must have a lot of money, because for the locals, if you come from overseas, of course your pocket are full of money that never end, so that he would contribute to support the whole local family. That's why to give in marriage a young girl to any uggly or old guy that come overseas: to escape poverty and benefit from that foreigner full of money. But of course, when they discover that the guy just go around with motodoup and did not buy land cruiser for them yet, trouble start. It is a good lesson for the locals, but sad events for the girls...
2:26: stop thinking of Scam Rainxy night and day my dear. You shall stop masturbating yourself thinking of him and shouting his name. Doing that every hour will lead you to have the arm like Popeye the sailorman. Instead, put a carrot in your ass and enjoy yourself. Your hole will be enough to join and make pleasure to the guy in red coat in the above picture. Thanks (Please wash the carrot if you intend to eat it after act, except if you want to eat your own shit; bon appetit).
4:55 : you mean Tchechew right? Any way his face look like a chinese one. You are right, a lot of loosers from overseas get position of advisors to the government or senior position: no wonder why Cambodia is collapsing...
Cambodian from US, many of them ex-Khmer rough his behaviour is a kin to the Khmer rough lawless scam
What a looser!!
Khmer PP,
Advice from me in the US,
You need to take this case and report it to American Embassy.
Don't let this perpetraitor to run free. He needs to face justice!!
He can't be charged for manslaughter or attempt to slaughter.
I hate see a looser act stupid like this.
Khmer USA,
This is very ashamed for those living in the west. This brutal incident really disappointed local Khmers who had believed in the Western Society.
This a not a special case.
During my trip to Cambodia on Malaysia airline, I met a 52 years old cambodian-french man who travel to Cambodia every year.
The man had a wife and 3 children, but he want to divorce because he loves a 18 years old cambodian girls.
Yeah but this man burnt the lady and the girl to death!!
LOL, you said this is not a special case>???????
Khmer PP,
So please all khmer people in Cambodia do not believed khmer oversea too much have to immaging first.You know some khmer oversea can't find money to buy their food to eat. And some are gamblers,and some used drug,and some don't working at all,and some working for the childsupport.
I hope the government put this guy behind bar!!
It is really ashame to have a perpetraitor came from USA which a USA is model to the world and have its citizen committed inhumane acts.
I am not proud whoever come from USA if act like this guy.
Khmer PP,
Thousands of poor women from cambodia, vietnam, thailand , africa etc marry for better economic conditions and escape to the western world. Unfortunately a large percentage are exploited; mistreated or suffer death at the hands of those men offering a "better world".
Unless they receive education and help the situation will always exist.
Don't count for majority of Khmer oversea act this stupid way. Khmer Knong Srok act more stupid than Khmer oversea. How many times you see Khmer Knong Srok with acid attack to young Khmer women? Especially Chhum Teav Hen Horch who acts very cruel to Khmer women with the acid attack and one of them is Hun Sen Bunavy.
Khmer oversea in the US who has low class life are only Khmer who before lived in small village and provinces. Most of them don't behave like the rest of us. Some of the are former Khmer rouge who live in Long Beach, CA. That's why the old saying said "When you choose a wife or husband, look at the background of that person. You might marry with the girl or guy whose parent's town might be in the jungle". It doesn't matter Khmer oversea or Khmer Knong Srok; watch out when you choose the partner. But, we still are better than Khmer Knong Srok. At least we don't worry to run around when Hanoi or Siem come to attck us.
Is anyone knowing this stupid guy living in the US? Is he a jobless, gambler, gangster or what? I personally don't deal or associate with Khmer gangster in the US. I avoid those low class people and hate them too. When you come to America, you're better educate yourself. Otherwise you will live in the misorable life. Life in America is not as easy as Khmer Knong Srok think and they expect us to send them dollars. Otherwise, they're not happy with us.
Ah Tan Ny Long the US authority is waiting for you, come back home quick.
He will be standing trial once he set foot back in the US. US justice won't let him go free. Once the case is push by the Khmer's government he will be in jail. Look at those American police that took vacation in Camabodia and got jail by having sex with under-age teenagers boy/girl he got stripped from his duty as a law officer and gone straight to jail.
Khmer USA,
help bring justic to this kind of old, dispicable practice in cambodia. i hope this kind of cruel, savage and abuse of the human being in this modern day cambodia is wiped out totally from cambodia. what a coward people like this man really is by hurting other! i say capture him and severe his penis so he will know what it's like to feel the pain he committed to his wife and other!
don't put up with this kind of cruel, outdated, male dominated culture in cambodia. punish him to the fullest extent of the law. god bless cambodia.
how about a tooth for a tooth, a nail for a nail! burn him back!! hopefully, that'll teach him to respect the human life, his wife, that is!
and they ask why cambodia still suffers? go figure!
Punish him so he can't be an example to the young.
Khmer PP,
* To whom it may concerned *
What you had written "Ah Pleu-Oversea" is a pure evil from hell, fucker and other something. I agree with that, but not all of the oversea people did a brutal crime. I assume you should specific its type.
But in the case you can NOT or you disagree. Never mind, do what ever you want.
Or you think this is a "Stupid Idea". it's ok. I just only want to show my own opinion.
"You have the right to do anything you want, but keep in mind that use it in appropriate way."
From: Khmer-Overwater
Khmers oversea do not come back to Cambodia, only Kmers ចងសី come back to Cambodia.
Only Khmer overocean!!!
Khmer PP,
I'm very glad that some commentators in the this blog said something about some Khmer overseas. From now on people in Cambodia will think twice before marry to Khmer overseas.
When I visited Cambodia I told people in Cambodia all along that please do not think that not all people from USA or other western world are educated, smart and civilized. Some of them are so dumb and grazy as someone could yet imazine.
First, what is wrong with this man is he is 56 year old and wants to marry 21 year old girl(stupid). She looks like she is his daughter age.
People thinks America is the land of heaven. (Even if you work hard and your job is a factory worker, paying $12 or even up to
$15 /hour, and it will not be enough). To live in a good standard life, you should make at least $25 an hour and above). To do as such, people have to have a good marketable skills or/and degree.
Roub bong men maen chea pross prean,
Bong men bam pean leus mea-trah,
Bong mean kar ngear neung dol-lar,
Aun haov bong Tah! reuh Pou! kohban.
Ah-yuh bong chreh oh bon-tech,
Pon-taeh saach bong neuv khmeng khchey,
Bong meun baok ban chaol prahn srey,
Thlaiy euy pra-ney pross chaas phaong.
Tuos aun chlaoiy tha men praom teh,
Meas meh aun haoy kom ba-rom,
Bong chaas taeh bong men bong-khom,
Kra-mom bong som choumreab leah.
If he can do such a thing to people, I say kill son of the bitch. His life has no value...
There are two seperate issues here: 1) the sexual drive of an older man who desires for a younger female companion. 2)the violent criminal action of a deranged person.
1. He did not rape an under-age girl. Both the mother and the young woman initially agreed to the marriage proposal. The young woman actually went out to different provinces for fun with him. Not until they found out that he was a compulsive gambler, no good loser, that they decided to break up the engagement.
2. Just because the women realized what a rotten deal they were getting into and told him it was off, the loser should not try to kill the young woman. Now this is where this loser actually broke the law and should be punished to fulllest of the laws.
This fucking old bastard is making Cambodian-American look very bad. MY deep sympathy to the victims and their family.
My suggestion is that local Cambodians should burn him alive. He should NOT come back to USA! fucking old bastard!
To all Khmers in Cambodia don't be fooled by Old bastard Khmers from the USA, FRANCE, CANADA, NZ, or AUSTRALIA.
To all Khmers in Cambodia, there are alots of Khmers patriotism in USA like myself. We support our troops, and pauverty around Cambodia. Please do not hate Khmers overseas, because of one bad apple like this old fucking bastard that overdosed with VIAGRA!
Best Regards,
Khmer Central New York
i know, i wish our culture would only look at an individual as bad not as a group or family or whatever because let me tell you, in the good USA, if you did something wrong like against the law or something, only you, no one else, not even your son, daughter, wife, husband, friends, etc, is responsible, unless, the law finds that they collaborate or committed in the act with you. having mention that, i wish cambodia is same like the USA in terms of this kind of treatment with the law. just because you hate the dog's owner, you have no right to beat the dog. same concept here. the law here only punish the one who is responsible, and has nothing to do with whether they are related or not, only if they are found guilty in collaboration only. please understand the difference.
anyway, i hope this man is rested if he decided to come back to his adoptive country overseas for committed such cruel act in cambodia.
This is so sad. Well, I've got one advice for those poor local Cambodians that is not to believe those Oversea Khmers who shows off with money while they are there. They are the poorest people, may be they don't even have job here. They save enough money just to go there. I know two loosers in Lowell and I meet them very often, they don't want to work. They just got married to young girls in Cambodia; I don't think those poor girls will have a chance to come over here.
only loser and ignorant people do such a thing to other khmer people like this man. yes, cut off his penis and put it on the internet!
another job for the new head of police to help find justice for the victim and family.
Pou fuel on him and torche it the same way he did to the girl.
We waiting for him in the US. He going to get a beating and eat soup for the rest of his life.
Sorry to bring you the bad news! The United States can not touch him because his crime does not involved Pedophilia, phornographic and terrrorist act. He can NOT be extradited in the absent of these two conditions. He is just another old perverts who can't get laid in the land of opportunity and decided to go back home in hope for a young one. It is up to the Cambodian governments to pursue criminal charges against him and punished him accordingly. Keep in mind that money can buy you freedom in Srok Khmer.... so don't
count on him being incarcerated.
I hope this will teach the old pratice of Khmer traditions that money is not a first priority, instead... it's the well being
of your sons/daughters life is more at stake. The only different between him and a stranger is, he knock on your
door..... that is the only different. Do a little
researched before handing out your daughter(s) to a stranger. Having say that; she should be able to have a
choice to choose a man that she will spend the rest of her
life with. Not for the sake of her parents!I
I'm not so sure. The US does not want a murderer to run free on their soil.
Stop pointing your fingers! There are good and bad people every where, not just oversea people. If u read the Khmer newspapers or magazines, u will know that Khmer people living HERE in Cambodia, especially those farmers are more brutal than anybody else. Everyday, u hear stories of rape and murder. This incident here is nothing compared to the ones i've heard....it's heart-wrenching.
Apparently, I've visited Cambodia in the summer. You don't know that those Cambodians are all about money . Oh very, they think about money. They sell their daughters and try to receive as much money as they can until he gets pennyless!!! And in order to that, they do voodoo so you can fall in love and listen to them..... On top of that people who practice voodoo- ism ask for fucking pms blood and dirt from your fucking neck and let that poor Cambodian man eat it. All you Cambodians ask your parents about. Girls in Cambodia now turn to hooker- ism and karaoke girls who get fucked by the players!!!! I have no sympathy for that bitch anyways.... Learn the lesson desperate whore!!! If you think about it, she prolly said something to him and got him so fired up! Who would want to have the slut as a faithful wife??? Fuck Cambodia cause it's money hungry and the government for being corrupted. If you have the money you can do anything in Cambodia, consider that people.... Personally, I'm Cambodian and Chinese and the fact that I'm sixteen and a senior, I saw all that in two weeks!! How bout' that to think about everyone?
You have to understand that story behind all of the lies before you judge this man. I agree that it was wrong what he did, crazy even. But no one is bringing the truth out. Age does not matter in Cambodian. Any family that has a young girl in the house are mostly craving for men like him. Reason is because they use their young girls to trap these men into thinking they can marry the girls. In return, they pay the families thousands. What happened in this particular story was that the family failed to give the daugther up. The picture you see here the engagement part, where the guy gives the family the money. After this man was notified that he will not leave Cambodian with a bride, he asked for his money back. The mother refused, selfish. Its sad that these two girls had to pay for their mother's wrong doing. But this goes to show how far people would go for love and money.
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