Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cambodia, Thailand agree on border dispute agenda

November 11, 2008
ABC Radio Australia

One Thai soldier and three Cambodian troops died in the clash near the ancient Preah Vihear temple.

Cambodia's lead negotiator has described the agenda agreement as a "big step".

Officials from the two countries have been meeting in the Cambodian city of Siem Reap.

The talks -- set to last three days -- are aimed at sorting out the territorial claims and ending the military stand-off.

The foreign ministers of both countries are scheduled to meet on Wednesday.

Two rounds of emergency talks after the October clashes made little progress, with both sides only agreeing not to fire on each other again.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what is the agreement between Khmer and Siam? Siam does not agree on the Khmer 1904, 1908... so what is this new agreement? Will this dick-head Siam agree with Khmer to use the France-Siam' map 1904,1907, 1908...? If not why don't Hun Sen and his ministers take it to the ICJ so both nations will be happy and Siam poeple will 100 % know that those land are belong to Khmer.

Wasting time to negotiat with Siam now or next.

If it is too hard to talk to Siam why not just give Siam the set time like last time, we will see Siam will move out of our land the next minut. Coz last time when the shooting start they ran a way or begged Khmer not to kill them.

Anonymous said...

the important thing is to come up with a mutual agreement on the maps and thus start the process of permanent demarcation so this kind of vague border line won't happen again. so there will be no more excuses on the part of thailand again. i'm sure cambodia will always stick with the already in place map of the treaty of 1907 as cambodia cannot afford to lose anymore lands and territories to thailand again like during the dark ages! i wish everyone would educate themselves about this issue between cambodia and thailand so a sound solution can be put in place once and for all and the world is our witness. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The Real Khmer in Thailand will not allowed any monkey from Cambodia to steal their lands and temples based on any Nazi's map or treaty.

Anonymous said...

The monkeys that stealing your lands are from Bangkok. They have red arses. Oh, they are baboon!

Anonymous said...

3:11 am,

If you are so real what are you doing in Thailand. It doesn't make sense The Real Khmer in Thailand. May be you are just one of their slave.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia needs opposition party that can listen and hear all "voices of concerns" and must be capable to raise solutions or projects to help lift people out of "poverty and suffering". ASSISTANCE both by wise ideas and finance has to be distributed and make them convenient and reachable to people all the time. AND DON'T MAKE YOURSELF LOOK STUPIDIER IN FRONT OF THE PEOPLE BY JUST BLINDLY OPPOSE TO EVERYTHING THE GOV.T DOES!!!!! Prove your party activists and party wiser and more intelligent by supporting the good deeds the gov.t has done. And of course by showing that your party can do more and is able to provide more for better development. Otherwise your party is no better than "liars or good story tellers".

Cambodia also wants to see the opposition party that is comprised of reliable trustworthy people-a large group of people as academics, intellectuals, experts in the fields and most importantly the committed and reachable people in time of crisis, NOT JUST VOICING YOUR THOUGHTS WITHOUT ANY REALISTIC IMMEDIATE HELP. THAT'S WHEN YOU CAN PROVE THAT YOU CARE AND CAN DO BETTER WHEN POWER IS REIGNED! PEOPLE START TO RECOGNIZE ASSISTANCE FROM PETTY STUFF TO LARGE SCALE OF DIFFICULTIES!

-Show good deeds and intentions and at the same time offer immediate help when needed. Build a strong foundation and network for supplying advices and help to concerned people and in the future build this such good-intended system to let people "feel and realize".

May god bless you all.