Monday, November 10, 2008

Hok Lundy joins Uncle Ho in the communist pantheon

Cambodian police chief dies in helicopter crash

PHNOM PENH, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Cambodia's national police chief, a close ally of Prime Minister Hun Sen, was killed with three other people in a helicopter crash on Sunday evening, the information minister said.

General Hok Lundy was on his way from the capital, Phnom Penh, to his native province of Svay Rieng accompanied by a military general and two pilots.

"According to the information I received, no one survived the crash," Information Minister Khieu Kanharith told Reuters.

The cause of the crash was unclear. The private helicopter came down in Romduol district, about 80 km (50 miles) southeast of Phnom Penh, officials said.

(Reporting by Ek Madra; Editing by Alan Raybould)


Anonymous said...

Hok londy met his Ho Chi minh!!!
The next will dictator Hun Xen!!!!
We drink the champagne today !!!

Bravooooooo,Hok Londy die!!!!

Anonymous said...

អាហុក ឡងឌីងាប់ ព្រោះវាបានសំលាប់មនុស្សច្រើនណាស់។ លើកក្រោយ ពិតជាដល់វេន អាសំដាចម៍ហ៊ុន សែន ហើយ!!!

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Hok Lundu goes to hell to see his boss HO. We celebrate a big party of the death of Hok Lundy, the killer of khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Hok Lundy can be involved in the involved on DJ ANO.

Anonymous said...

Correction to 4:08 AM
Hok Lundy must be involved in the attack on DJ Ano.

Anonymous said...

Can you conspiracy ? I think he's faking the death to Covered up DJ Ano story.

Anonymous said...

Now Hun Sen has to be careful with his choper.....i think he's scared now to get into one of it.....those with blood on their hands are now starting to see the people they killed and the killers are now being asked to join them. Hun Sen is having a nightmare now. Car will be the best option for him now.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so mean?

Anonymous said...

Dear government, don't forget to bring DOGS to the official funeral which surely be held soon.

A message to HOK family: you must know that HOK hs been a shame for Cambodia for his bad deeds. People hate him and feel releaved with his death. They even enjoy his death. You must be ashamed with his bad reputation and rebuild a new life.

Anonymous said...

Heng PEOU at Prey Sar prison will enjoy this good event. How great, a big killer has the hell.
He will miss the gambling at Bavet CASINO!

Only DOGS mourn his death!

Anonymous said...

Don't keep your hope up too high just yet. This is maybe just the Viet/Yuon's trick to have HOC lay low or dissappear for awhile or maybe operating behind the scene. The Viet's slave Hun Sen cannot survive without the killing machine of HOC.

Anonymous said...

Ah Pol Pot cheated his death, now ah HOC cheats his too??? Damn...ah HOC may you be rotten in hell for the pains and suffesrings you have caused the Khmer/Cambodian people!!!

Anonymous said...

What I can say is THANKS, GOD! GOD STARTS TO PUNISH THE KILLERS. This is the only way to avoid bloodshed!

Anonymous said...

Hok lundi's wife ordered her bodyguards to kill DJ ANO.

Anonymous said...

A hok lundi it must die along ago, but it was lucky. now it is in its last leg. It died with no whole body. it must die and its all family members must die. Die, die, die, die, a youn.

Anonymous said...

មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានីកំពុងយំបោកខ្លួនស្តាយ អា ហុក ឡងឌី ងាប់តៃហោង
ព្រោះអាហុក ឡងឌី ជាសហាយ របស់មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី (ប្រពន្ធហ៊ុន សែន) ជាង ១០ឆ្នាំមកហើយ!!

Anonymous said...

give him a break guys, he already dead.... plus no need to curse his kids, they know nothing....

Anonymous said... seems like you guys enjoy his death huh???how funny haha!!! so what if y'all parents or your relative died in that way...and people bravo for that how would you feel??? y'all mother father f**cker keep saying blah blah blah...and why don't you go to Cambodia and make things changes...y'all just a coward !!!!!!! still hiding in cave and keep praying for a disaster to happen over other people...look at pathetic y'all are !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ánh Hóc Lûng Ðí Cành Bác Tráng Cào Lóng Nhác Nhán Dành Víet Nâm

Anonymous said...

Let's be civilized, short and sweet about this - May you animal Hok Lundy (or whatever your real name is) be rotten in hell!

Anonymous said...

ber klang mech kor min tov khmer say those word tov?????? bro sin ber nov khmer mech kor min say it in public tov...

Anonymous said...

ta aing tov munn tov jam kyom tov tarm krauy yuol nov tapek chhhkuot!