Hun Sen rejects future political role for the SRP
By Leang Delux
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translation from French by Luc Sâr
Click here to read the article in French
In a speech given on Monday 17 November, Hun Sen announced to SRP representatives that they cannot count “on playing any important role within the National Assembly.”
Hun Sen launched another attack against the opposition party by removing any hope for the latter to obtain an active role at the National Assembly (NA). On 28 October, the NA permanent committee (controlled by the CPP) rejected a proposal by the opposition party which was aimed at providing an official role to political parties other than the ruling party at the NA.
The acceptance of this proposal would amount to an amendment to the NA internal rule. To the president of the NA permanent committee, “the proposal for the amendment of the internal rule was not undertaken in conformance with the procedure.”
At least, that was the [CPP] technical motivation to reject the proposal. To some members of the opposition party, they have been “cheated by Hun Sen so that they accepted to join the first NA session which was held on 24 September.” Hun Sen also provided a reply to these accusations in his speech: “I did not cheat anybody. It was you who seek to discuss with me, whereas I did not talk to you. You did not want to lose face, so you call on Oknha Kith Meng, and through his intermediary, you asked to change 26 articles on the 82 in the NA internal rule. Wait till your next life!” Hun Sen said in anger.
Hun Sen’s criticisms were not directly aimed at opposition leader Sam Rainsy, but to other officials. Hun Sen also recommended that Sam Rainsy “provides better advice to his party members.”
Hun Sen launched another attack against the opposition party by removing any hope for the latter to obtain an active role at the National Assembly (NA). On 28 October, the NA permanent committee (controlled by the CPP) rejected a proposal by the opposition party which was aimed at providing an official role to political parties other than the ruling party at the NA.
The acceptance of this proposal would amount to an amendment to the NA internal rule. To the president of the NA permanent committee, “the proposal for the amendment of the internal rule was not undertaken in conformance with the procedure.”
At least, that was the [CPP] technical motivation to reject the proposal. To some members of the opposition party, they have been “cheated by Hun Sen so that they accepted to join the first NA session which was held on 24 September.” Hun Sen also provided a reply to these accusations in his speech: “I did not cheat anybody. It was you who seek to discuss with me, whereas I did not talk to you. You did not want to lose face, so you call on Oknha Kith Meng, and through his intermediary, you asked to change 26 articles on the 82 in the NA internal rule. Wait till your next life!” Hun Sen said in anger.
Hun Sen’s criticisms were not directly aimed at opposition leader Sam Rainsy, but to other officials. Hun Sen also recommended that Sam Rainsy “provides better advice to his party members.”
អាហ៊ីង អាហុក និង អាហោ
អាហ៊ីង (ប៊ុនហ៊ាង) មេចោរប្លន់ដីរាស្រ្ត
អាហ៊ុន មេឆ្កែយួនកញ្ជះ, អាត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់ដូចគ្នា!
មិនយូរ មិនឆាប់ គង់វិនាស
លិចទូក រន្ទះ ឡានបុកគ្នា
ព្រលឹងវិលវល់ តាមចងពៀរ
នេះជាកម្មពៀរ អាក្បត់ជាតិ
អាពាលហេង ពៅ នៅដេកគុក
ចំណែកអាហុក ងាប់តៃហោង
អាហ៊ុន, អាហ៊ីង, អាហោ ជាមេខ្លោង
នឹងងាប់តៃហោង ឆ្នាំក្រោយហ៎ង... សាធុ... សាធុ... សាធុ...
The national assembly is under the government. Why should we have that separated legislative body then?
While I do not agree with the choice of words of Hun Sen, I think the points he made is right. I have always been of the view that Sam Rainsy is nothing less than a useless inexperienced foreign idiot whose only aims is to ascend the top job to embezzle a fortune for himself. He flip floped the pledge with HRP to boycott the NA, only to renege it back immediately the day prior to the NA opening ceremony. What a scoundrel!
If you listen to the campaign messages of SRP during the election, you heard promises like "jobs for all", "free medical assistance for all"; "great improvement to the economy"; "claiming back all the lands currently occupied by Vietnam"; "fully eliminate corruption"...etc, you know that what a load of crap. They are trying to fool the gullible into believing the goodness of their intention, but they are nothing better than Hun Sen in that regards. Plus, look at how many defections of SRP to CPP in the past. What it shows is that SRP members are like CPP members: they only care about power and money.
To quote Hun Sen: Sam can dream, maybe this life, or next life. But that's all: dreaming. Oh and by the way, I also have a message to psycho Lao Mong Hay: you should come back to CMAC. It's such a waste of knowledge for you to keep you head in the sand over there in HK. I am sure they can find another volunteer for their medical research.
Penh Panha
Losers should not be allowed to destroy Cambodia with their stupid ideas. They must be kept out of politic at all cost.
yep just let the slaves and its supporters destroy cambodia it'll be more than enough.....some people just blame on the one that's not in power.....those that are directly responsible for cambodia's slavery always right. They just can't see the danger of one party with too much power.....until it's too late like in the Pol Pot era.......
Kwak is still kwak, bart-psar is still bart-psar and Lngong is still Lngong. My regret about ah Pot is that he didn't rid of ah Sen's clique quick enough.
While I do not agree with the choice of words of Hun Sen, I think the points he made is not right. I have always been of the view that Sam Rainsy is to implement the real democracy in Cambodia especially for all opposition parties but Hun Sen is a dictator, a mafia chef, and a criminal chef against humanity in Cambodia. Hun Sen serves youns by signing the supplemented treaties with youn. What a savage Hun sen!
If you listen to the campaign messages of CPP (Communist Pro youn Party) during the election, you didn't hear the youn immigration because Hun Sen is big corruptor in Cambodia, is a traitor who protected youns in Cambodia. Hun Sen, in the regards of Khmers, is a criminal against humanity. Hun Sen is the public enemy of humans. Look at how many corruptions that CPP (Communist Pro youn Party) are doing. Most of CPP (Communist Pro youn Party) members don't like the dictatorship lead by Hun Sen, youn servant.
Oh and by the way, I also have a message to Hun Sen: you should not lead Cambodia with dictatorship, you should kneel and bend the head down to the floor in front of H.E. Sam Rainsy. It's a good knowledge for you to keep you head for Cambodia. I am sure they can not find another leader like H.E. Sam Rainsy for the democracy in Cambodia.
Penh Panha
This development is not good for democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Cambodia.
In March 2006 Ghai made a remark saying that “Everything depends on an individual and this is not really a precondition under which human rights can flourish.”
And more than 2000 years ago Greek philosopher Aristotle said in his book "Politics" that ”it is long possession of office which leads to the rise of tyrannies in oligarchies and democracies. Those who make a bid for tyranny, in both types of constitutions, are either the most powerful people (….), or else the holders of the main offices who have held them for a long period.”
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
Cheating, Cheater on election I don't know. But the truth when I was there visiting Cambodia, I asked some members of villager from place to place, they seem to really care about Hun Sen and his party (CPP) have done. Villagers that used to hate him now vote for him. Sam Rainsy only is popular in town, but not in suburb. Beleive on not in my village, one family only that sides Rainsy. Man, your compatriots, you got to do more or now I see it sliding away toward Vietnamization, ever since Rannarith destroyed his party, Fucunpech or Fuckhead party.
Kon Khmer works closely with Hun Sen and then send him to Hell with Hok Lundy. If you stay away from Hun Sen, you can be close to him. Be prepared to take back your county from being a Vietnamese Puppet.
Ah kbot jeat Hun Sen, youn servant, should not be allowed to destroy Cambodia with their stupid ideas. ah Hun Sen is the criminal against humanity in Cambodia, he is the public enemy of humans.
Ah Hun Sen must be kept out of politic at all cost.
Stop dreaming, 12:11. There is no such thing as successful multi party in Asia. It's always started with One Party, and Cambodia is on the right path to success, despite a few bumps on the way.
Stop dreaming, 12:11. There must have multi parties in Asia for democracy especially in Cambodia. Cambodia is on the path to ah communist dictator Hun Sen, youn servant.
It's right, 12:11. There must have multi parties in Asia for democracy especially in Cambodia. Cambodia is on the path to ah communist dictator Hun Sen, youn servant.
Cambodia must takes a successful path like other successful Asian's nation, and that is not the multi-parties' path. No one goes that direction.
Those who dismiss the "multi-party path" are making our leaders LIARS and CHEATERS when these leaders have undertaken on behalf of all of us to adopt multi-party democracy and respect human rights, when they had signed the Paris Peace Agreements in 1991 and also adopted Cambodia's constitution in 1993.
In our constitution, liberal democracy together with the Kingship cannot be changed at all.
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
Not quite, Dr Lao, the multi-parties will come later, once Cambodia is out of "Least developed country" status.
Good points Penh Panha, 11:50AM.
I have never been and will never be a SRP supporter for many reasons.
The SRP is not only incompetent but also unpatriotic. Every Khmer I met at every corner of the street condemed the Thai incursions with the strongest words. I have yet to hear any public or official statement from the SRP condemning Thailand. Why ? Because SRP is afraid that they can not flee to Thailand in trouble times. All I heard was SRP complaints about the election irregularities. What a loser!
SRP is so good at critizing CPP, so that they don’t know what else to do. Listen to their political platform or rhetoric, there is no substance. I am sorry to say this party has nothing concrete to offer. It’s just an empty party. CPP is not the best, but that’s alll we got at this time.
Disappointed Khmer oversea
Bad points Penh Panha, 11:50AM.
I have never been and will never be a CPP (Communist Pro youn Party) supporter for many reasons.
The CPP (Communist Pro youn Party) is not only youn servant but also traitor, and criminal against humanity. Every Khmer I met at every corner of the street condemed the Thai incursions with the strongest words. I have yet to hear any public or official statement from the CPP condemning Thailand. Why ? Because CPP is afraid that they can not flee to Thailand in trouble times. All I heard was CPP cheated khmer people in the election irregularities. What a youn servant, ah Hun Sen!
CPP is so good at feliciting youn, so that they know what else to serve youns, his boss. Listen to their political platform or rhetoric, there is no substance. I am sorry to say this party has concrete to serve. It’s just a party with youns members inside. SRP is the best for Democracy in Cambodia, if without SRP party Cambodia will become communist regime and dictator regime.
Disappointed Khmer oversea
Mr. 2:22PM
When later? But why can't the more or the most developed section of the Cambodian population adopt democracy and respect human rights?
My guess is that you and perhaps your family are in this section of the population.
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
I was forecasting between 2016-2020 that we'll be out of "Least developed countries" status, Dr. Loa, but now I am a little skeptical about that due to the instability of the region border disputes. This instability could caused further hardship to many, and we don't need to make it worse by having multi-parties.
You think human right is an issue now, but wait until you see what is to come, unless we can resolve the border issues quickly and go back to rapid development.
As for Democracy, it is no fun to have it on an empty stomach. No one on this planet have Democracy under such condition.
Therefore, if you want Democracy, it must be done systematically step by step.
Last but not least, we are for democracy, Dr Lao. It just that our path to get there is difference from one another. Can you accepted that?
For the next five years, hanoi is getting ready for absolute power in cambodia. There will be no room for SRP or any other true democratic party.
Hopefully before this happened, The cpp regime will be taken out like saddam hussein regime.
Or else it will be absolute dictatorship like how hanoi wants it in cambodia.
khmer people raise ur voice now, or never.
You just said Youn took khmerland how about motherfucker Siem you don't say nothing? So you want Siem want to be you boss? Siem killed khmer people everyday you don't know or are you Siem people.If you are Siem don't talk bad with my government ok motherfucker.Siem just borned on 1350 a.d before all land in Siem is khmerland why you talking about?
cambodian gov't officials should listen to all sides because unity and working together for the sake of our beautiful nation is everyone's job. god bless cambodia.
Yeah, but they don't have to listen to any retarded side.
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