Monday, November 03, 2008

McCain comes out on top in Cambodia

Monday, 03 November 2008
Written by Kay Kimsong
The Phnom Penh Post

SENATOR Barack Obama maybe ahead in American polls, but many Cambodians say they want to see John McCain in the White House, citing his experience in Southeast Asia. However, some Cambodians remain unsure of who would be the best president to weather the global financial crisis.

Among those interviewed, Chea Peng Chheang, a secretary of state in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, is typical of Cambodian McCain supporters, believing the Arizona senator's experience as a naval aviator during the Vietnam War gave him valuable insight into the region.

"He's highly experienced in Asia and understands Cambodia. McCain was a fighter in the Vietnam War," he said.

"I see McCain as a highly experienced doctor who needs to cure a global disease, and Obama is just a young doctor at this stage," he added.

Theary Seng, director of the Center for Social Development, agreed, saying, "As a Khmer citizen, I like John McCain. He has a deep understanding of Asia from his experiences both in Southeast Asia and as chairman of IRI [the International Republican Institute]."

Kaing Monika, the external affairs manager for the Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia, suggested a Democratic candidate would likely have a more pro-trade policy, but was uncertain whether either president could rescue the world from a global recession.

"When Bill Clinton was president, we were quota free and the garment sector from [Less Developing Countries] were promoted. But I don't know ... if McCain or Obama can end a big world crisis," he said.


Anonymous said...

Bravo McCain!!!!We are khmers all for you!!!You are the best for Khmer!!!
You will help khmer and destroy the dictator Hund Xen!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, did you hear about the recent talk about obama's birth certificate, people are now saying that mr. obama is a naturalized borned US citizen, so that may put his citizenship requirement in jeapardy. he was born in kenya, africa with an kenyan father and an american mother. now, people are questioning his US citizen status that may put him in danger of losing the election.

Anonymous said...

Bravo McCain!!!!
No fail this time for not to press atomic bomb for the fuck viet this time.
God bless America and McCain.

Anonymous said...

Obama was born in Hawaii and is an American

If you think McCain will overthrow Hun Sen, you are fooling yourself.

Khmer-Americans should vote for Obama because he will help the economy, and then it will be easier to send money back to A-Sen's victims at home

Anonymous said...

Obama's sister is Asian American and he was raised in Indonesia.

Anonymous said...

Of course they supported McCain. Cambodians aren't known to be the brightest group when it comes to choosing their leader.

While McCain "briefly" fought in Vietnam and captured, Obama has Asian ties. He goes to school in Indoneasia. He has families in Asia. Only retard Cambodians vote for McCain.

Anonymous said...

I am Khmer American and will vote for Obama. In fact, I never vote for Republicans to the national office. I vote them to local offices and governorship, because politicians are less partisan at the local level.

Anonymous said...

I mean you're talking Cambodians here. When it comes to policy and politics, they're not the brightest light bulb in the room.

Hopefully, Obama will win by a landslide. I like McCain, but his economic policy is backward. How can one keep a war going while the economy is callapsing?

Anonymous said...

Courage alone does make a good leader. War heroes do not necessarily make good leaders. Cambodia has scores of real war heroes and yet a number of them are not good leaders. So don't be fooled.

Anonymous said...

I asked my friend whom he will vote for this election, he said McCain. I asked him why, he said McCain is pro business and less tax and strong against the enemies.

By the way, my friend is a small business owner. He, his wife and young children all work hard seven days a week at more than 12 hours a day. They cannot afford to buy health insurance, but would pay cash to the doctors when anyone in the family is not feeling well.

After our conversation ended, I was left mesmerized and could not figure out why so many Cambodians, actually Indochinese people, are still fighting the old cold war and are clueless of what current US policies and priorities are!

Although we owe gratitude to all our veterans and current soldiers who are the ones that pay the ultimate price for this great country, we also need to be able to distinguish between a just war and a failed policy.

Although some conservative values upheld by Republicans strike a chord with many Cambodians, the last eight years of Bush policy and doctrine leave nothing for the desire to have a repeat. American hope and prestige need to be revived. However, many are still not sure if America is matured enough at this point to overcome its prejudice and elect a black man to be the president.

Anonymous said...

This is not about the black men and the white men,It is about the future all American.I make my Decision and my Predition who is going to be the next President of United State?...I believe Mr.Obama will be the next President of the United State for 2008.Remember Mr.Obama will not Run the Country alone with Congressman and the Nation support.
I believe Mr.Obama will influence all young Generation to keep America strong and do what is right for our people and our Country.
May God Bless the U.S.A!!!

Anonymous said...

If Obama loses, it will be a big blow to him and his supporter. On top of that his grandmother just died on Sunday. That must be so hard on him, but at least, America can feel better or out of fear from knowing that someone like him can bring a radical change and it's too risky to handle. See his former pastor aand mentor for 20 years and his will be deported aunt that living in America illigally. Would you vote for someone with such record to represent you and be your president???!

Anonymous said...

Let's me ask you a question..If your wife or your relative commit any kind of crime.Is that mak you a serious offense against the public or the whole Country?
Please think about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't she the one that raise millions $$ for Mr. Obama? If so, sure she does. She is no good and so does he.

Anonymous said...

Do you think to raise millions of $$$ for the presidential election is commit the Crime?.If it does...I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Americans are writing a new chapter in history.

Whatever the outcome, I am very proud of this country. I love the peolple and the ideals that we all cherish.

God bless America, and, yes, all other countries in the world also! America still can show the world that we are a great nation and people!

Anonymous said...

White, black, brown, red, yellow, all other Americans you all are a great people!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

News!!!Mr.Obama won the election for 2008.My preditcion is right,I am just a simple Khmer person that love my Country and my people.
Thank you to the lord.

Anonymous said...

Senator McCain, thank you for your great contributions to to this Great Country, my adopted homeland. You are a great man and you have earned great respects for me and millions of people.

It was not what you, Senator McCain, that was the reason for the election outcome tonight, it was the last miserable eight years of the politics of fear and arrogance that had most Americans and many others in the world just simply tired and fed-up.

God bless you, an American Hero and your family!!!!!! You and all Aemerican soldiers and veterans are always my heroes!

God bless America!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No raising money isn't guilty, but to live in America illigally is and able to do such thing while you are more like a criminal, makes you wonder who is she? Where are those money coming from? Don't you think? If President Obama didn't know this, then what else didn't he know? Not all American are stupid.