Written by Cheang Sokha and Vong Sokheng
The Phnom Penh Post
Hun Sen warns Sam Rainsy lawmakers their seats at risk
PRIME Minister Hun Sen has threatened to expel Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers from the National Assembly if they continue accusing him of backing out of an agreement to formally recognise the role of the political opposition.
Hun Sen had earlier said parliamentary rules would be modified to accommodate the Sam Rainsy Party, in exchange for their last-minute promise to attend the swearing-in of the new National Assembly.
The opposition was threatening to boycott the ceremony - a move that could have delayed the formation of the new government following July's general elections - over alleged vote irregularities.
"Hun Sen did not cheat you to come to the [inauguration]. Whether you want to come or not is your right," he said during the opening of a Korean ethanol factory in Kandal province Monday, warning the SRP lawmakers that they "do not yet have parliamentary immunity" and could lose their seats.
Hun Sen also blasted the opposition over its request to share power in the National Assembly and its nine special commissions.
"Do not expect to get seats as deputy president or chairman on the commissions," Hun Sen said.
"The more you act rude, the less chance [positions] will be offered."
CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said the Assembly's commissions had already been determined.
"It is too late now for the SRP," he told the Post Monday. "We have invited them to join us, but they refused."
SRP lawmaker Yim Sovann said he was not surprised about the prime minister's warning. "I think that the threat against opposition representatives indicates that the ruling CPP is moving backward towards dictatorship," Yim Sovann said.
"It is the responsibility of the CPP to improve good governance."
The CPP overwhelmingly won the July vote.
PRIME Minister Hun Sen has threatened to expel Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers from the National Assembly if they continue accusing him of backing out of an agreement to formally recognise the role of the political opposition.
Hun Sen had earlier said parliamentary rules would be modified to accommodate the Sam Rainsy Party, in exchange for their last-minute promise to attend the swearing-in of the new National Assembly.
The opposition was threatening to boycott the ceremony - a move that could have delayed the formation of the new government following July's general elections - over alleged vote irregularities.
"Hun Sen did not cheat you to come to the [inauguration]. Whether you want to come or not is your right," he said during the opening of a Korean ethanol factory in Kandal province Monday, warning the SRP lawmakers that they "do not yet have parliamentary immunity" and could lose their seats.
Hun Sen also blasted the opposition over its request to share power in the National Assembly and its nine special commissions.
"Do not expect to get seats as deputy president or chairman on the commissions," Hun Sen said.
"The more you act rude, the less chance [positions] will be offered."
CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said the Assembly's commissions had already been determined.
"It is too late now for the SRP," he told the Post Monday. "We have invited them to join us, but they refused."
SRP lawmaker Yim Sovann said he was not surprised about the prime minister's warning. "I think that the threat against opposition representatives indicates that the ruling CPP is moving backward towards dictatorship," Yim Sovann said.
"It is the responsibility of the CPP to improve good governance."
The CPP overwhelmingly won the July vote.
Why is Hun Sen alway piss of at his own people? Thai army are camping in Khmer land right now, that what he should be pissed off and drive those invader away!
To those SRP members pleae be patient. HUN SEN will be gone like Saddam Hussein.
We will ban CPP from doing politic when times ripe.
United Khmer,
This fucking idiot wannna rule Cambodia for his whole life. He likes power, money and pretty girls, even she (they) is the same age of his grand child. Stupid, silly, crazy and lobster's shit brain.
YEAH, why does this idoit alway oppresses and angry and his own people and NOT the thai or his master hanoi?
some people are sorry excutes for being a man.
His back is hanoi and his power is from hanoi, his money is from corruption, his PM is from yuon during election. That is why he dare not argue, yield, shout, threaten hanoi.
Hun Sen needs to sit down and think clearly how he got to where he is now.
Law of gravity works hands-in- hands with natural law.
If there was one then there must be two...
If there was nothing because something preceded that...
Hun Sen will reach his peak then crashing down like his predecessors.
Here are some observations for Mr. Sam Rainsy (and SRP supporters):
1) Instead of devoting most of your times to criticizing CPP, use your times to improve your political platform and strategy. It does not make you a better political party if all you do is blaming CPP. It makes you sound like an annoying loser or whiner.
2) You needs to think and act as a political leader not as a social activist. A social activist tends to believe in idealism, whereas a political leader believes in pragmatism and compromises. The majority of our population understand that idealism is noble, but unattainable, and pragmatism is the only way to achieve stability and prosperity.
3) You need to have a real boss that can provide you and your leading supporters sanctuary, not just moral support, in the time of crisis. In the world you and I are living in, no political party can survive on its own. Find out which one is the most reliable or suitable boss for you – USA, China or France.
4) As an individual and a leader, you need to open up to other people ideas. Don’t be afraid of intellectual and educated people, but trust their strength and patriotic conviction to move your party and country forward. You need to attract qualified people to build a solid and credible team. There are lots of Khmers at home and abroad with the right credential for your party. Unfortunately, it is commonly known that you are not receptive to people with high credential. Stop thinking of your family aristocratic background, and learn to accept and work with other intellectuals.
6) You need to show to USA, China or France that you and your team are a political party worth helping. To do that you need to have a right team, and clear strategy how to get there. Don’t just go to them and say you will eliminate corruption and make healthcare free to the population. They will kick you out of their embassy before you even finish your sentence.
7) Finally, you need to know (and possibly learn from) your opponent better. PM Hun Sen is an aggressive chess player, is he not? If you really know that, you should know half of his games already. If you don’t know that, you have a looooooooooong catching up work to do.
My view is rude on you nonetheless, it reflects your and your party situation. You can chose to ignore it or do something about it. It’s all up to you and your supoorters….
Khmer neutral
Hun Sen is a good man. He alway say thank you to Viet Nam and have pation to Siam.
Khmer want Hun Sen learn how to love their native too.
Ah choymaray Hon Xen do you fucking know that the seat of the assebly is not you to give or take but people votes?
You motherfucker PHD fro Hanoi you make your fucking grand children shame of you!
True, but if you want the seat, you have to attend the swearing-in, otherwise, you'll lost your seat, period. Law is law.
MP Hun Sen is right, Is not worth to have Sam Rainsy party in assembly, because CPP are the majority rule, 90 votes in assembly are more than enough to win every thing CPP decided. That's the rule of 50+1 is all about (you made it, you live with it).
So Sam rainsy, stop complaining and dreaming to seats in assembly with authority to object any of CPP doing. Simple is that! get it?
Guys, let’s face it. If Hun Sen is incompetent as you think, how come he is still running the country, and receiving hundred of million dollars from foreign donors. No doubt he got some helps from ah Youns, but he is also smarter than his political opponents. What was Sam Rainsy smoking when made a deal with Hun Sen on the 50 + 1 majority rule? Keep blaming ah Youn for your own stupidity Mr. Ransy!
Now is ah Hok Lun Dy, will be ah Hun Sen at the next turn
អាហុក ឡងឌីងាប់ ព្រោះតែវាបានសំលាប់មនុស្សច្រើនណាស់។ លើកក្រោយពិតជាដល់វេន អាសំដាចម៍ហ៊ុន សែន ហើយ!!!
អាហ៊ីង អាហុក និង អាហោ
អាហ៊ីង (ប៊ុនហ៊ាង) មេចោរប្លន់ដីរាស្រ្ត
អាហ៊ុន មេឆ្កែយួនកញ្ជះ, អាត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់ដូចគ្នា!
មិនយូរ មិនឆាប់ គង់វិនាស
លិចទូក រន្ទះ ឡានបុកគ្នា
ព្រលឹងវិលវល់ តាមចងពៀរ
នេះជាកម្មពៀរ អាក្បត់ជាតិ
អាពាលហេង ពៅ នៅដេកគុក
ចំណែកអាហុក ងាប់តៃហោង
អាហ៊ុន, អាហ៊ីង, អាហោ ជាមេខ្លោង
នឹងងាប់តៃហោង ឆ្នាំក្រោយហ៎ង... សាធុ... សាធុ... សាធុ...
11:47 PM
For a guy who has shit instead of brain in his skull, that's not bad.
The only downsize is that each time you opened your mouth fume from inside your skull is unbearable.
The only thing ah Sen knows is to yell at the NGOs and the oppositions.
Ah Sen, any plan to fix the economy???
How about your hundreds of advisors can they come up with any ideas???
AH RON TEAS BAGN TEANG KANDAL TGNAI TRONG HUN SEN ... your turn will come soon you will joint HOK LONDY and your master WHORE CHI MINCH in hell..
The truth is ah kwack Hun Sen he is the stealer.
Ah kwack stole the people votes all the times.
This man is no quality being a human at all.
Just take a good at this ill-bred son of devil. He looks so immorally mean. I wonder when Hok Lundy will come to drag this asshole to live in hell with him? The sooner Hun Sen go to hell the better Cambodian people can be well off!
Sam-dei a sen dauch jah ach
th'ngai muoy pra-kach dauch lundy
run-tah bagn moat khan chok si
pou-kè gnoam gni tè jeat èng
cheh khlach dè taeu a chhkè yuon
chang rut kerch puon pi phleung psèng
baeu ha diel ker min ro-èng
nér veuy a dèng chaul srok teuo.
anh chang ban kbal èng
Look at his face. Wow! this is the face of a mad man. And is this how he represent the leader of one country?
He should be more pleasant in front of the media or camera.
Action is worth a thousand words.
HUN SEN is going down!
Khmer PP,
PM Hun Sen is the SUN of Cambodia.
Cambodia was saved from genocidal regime on January 7th 1979.
Where are those creeps such as Sam Rainsy? Ranariddh, and Sihanouk?
We just don't want the country running by the darkage during Sihanouk era, or a candle light, otherwise, Cambodian will be looking crabs and snails to eat again.
Jayo 7 makara dor Mohemea!
Jayo Samdach Preah Bat Decho Hun Sen Varman!
Parajay puok Sakadephum Niyum!
LOL, Do you want Camboadia to run by lift up leg legged angels of CPP??
CPP's logo is lift up leg angels. Or srey loeuk Joeung!!
Khmer PP,
I just want to remind ah jo dumb din hun sen that his erratic behavior is the reason for thai has occupied khmer's land.
The longer thai leaders and government keep and make more pressure on hun sen government the better position for thailand and thai people to be united.
Hun sen has so many enermies within cambodia. He has threaten, intimidated, robbed and murdered so many khmer people. Therefore, it's wise for thai leaders to open the door to allow those cambodians to escape to thailand. In return they will support thai's conflict with hun sen.
Thai leaders and government know that hun sen can't get help from the asian members and the united nation for he has lied and rude to them.
Thai leaders and government know hun sen is not serving and working for the benifit of cambodian and cambodia. He's working for his master the vietnamese.
Thai leaders know that they can devide khmer people depend and base on today hun sen erratic and unpatiotic behavior.
That's right we will help you liberate you from HUN SEN the evil.
We will liberate PP soon!!
To those Khmer's patriotic please run westward!!
Khmer Thai,
Sathu Sathu!!
We will welcome Khmer Thai in PP soon!
Khmer PP,
អាក្បត់ជាតិហ៊ុន សែន, ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួន, ខ្លាចគេលួចបាញ់ខ្លួនវាងាប់។ វាខ្លាចងាប់ ប៉ុន្តែហេតុមេច បានវាសំលាប់យ៉ាងឃោរឃៅ រាប់មិនអស់ ជីវិតខ្មែរ យ៉ាងដូច្នោះ?
មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានីកំពុងយំបោកខ្លួនស្តាយ អាហុក ឡងឌី ងាប់តៃហោង ព្រោះអាហុក ឡងឌី ជាសហាយ របស់មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី (ប្រពន្ធអាហ៊ុន សែន) ជាង ១០ឆ្នាំមកហើយ!!
Cambodians are so poor.
Hun Sen should be preoccupied on the economic's situation.
Sam Rainsy is only one man.
We have more than 14 millions cambodians.
Hun Sen and Keat Chhon never mentioned how they
will deal with the actual economic's
They use siem's problem as a pretext.
Siem is not so important. Yuons almost
take all of our lands.
Khmer Canadian
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