Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Written by Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post
Local magazine claims the popular TV presenter returned to Cambodia last week unharmed despite reported razor attack
POLICE have no plans to investigate the alleged attack on popular television presenter DJ Ano and her subsequent disappearance from public view since no complaint has been filed in the case, senior police officials told the Post.
"How can we investigate it?" said Interior Ministry Penal Police Chief Mok Chito, adding that neither Ano, whose real name is Suon Pheakdei, nor her family have lodged a formal complaint.
Rumours have been swirling that Ano was attacked with razor blades by the wife of a high-ranking official and that, fearing for her life and in desperate need of medical treatment, she fled to Vietnam.
But the Khmer-language newspaper Rasmey Kampuchea reported Monday that the starlet has denied ever being attacked and would file a lawsuit against anyone claiming that she was the victim of an assault.
Seng Sitheang, the publisher of Angkor Thom magazine, said that his colleague met with Ano last week and that he took 85 photos of her that showed no evidence of an attack.
Him Vichet, a reporter at Angkor Thom magazine, said Ano returned to Cambodia on November 9 without any visible injuries and that he interviewed her the following day.
"I looked at her, and her face and body are still the same. There were no scars on her. Her face is still nice," Him Vichet said.
Ano told Him Vichet that she did not go to Vietnam, but instead went on a three-country tour, he said.
Ano's employer, TV3 Director General Kham Poun Keomony, called her case "her own personal story" and did not know details of her disappearance.
He said, however, that he had heard that Ano was healthy.
"I do not know her whereabouts, but I have heard that she is well. If she is well, we will welcome her back at TV3," Kham Poun Keomony said.
POLICE have no plans to investigate the alleged attack on popular television presenter DJ Ano and her subsequent disappearance from public view since no complaint has been filed in the case, senior police officials told the Post.
"How can we investigate it?" said Interior Ministry Penal Police Chief Mok Chito, adding that neither Ano, whose real name is Suon Pheakdei, nor her family have lodged a formal complaint.
Rumours have been swirling that Ano was attacked with razor blades by the wife of a high-ranking official and that, fearing for her life and in desperate need of medical treatment, she fled to Vietnam.
But the Khmer-language newspaper Rasmey Kampuchea reported Monday that the starlet has denied ever being attacked and would file a lawsuit against anyone claiming that she was the victim of an assault.
Seng Sitheang, the publisher of Angkor Thom magazine, said that his colleague met with Ano last week and that he took 85 photos of her that showed no evidence of an attack.
Him Vichet, a reporter at Angkor Thom magazine, said Ano returned to Cambodia on November 9 without any visible injuries and that he interviewed her the following day.
"I looked at her, and her face and body are still the same. There were no scars on her. Her face is still nice," Him Vichet said.
Ano told Him Vichet that she did not go to Vietnam, but instead went on a three-country tour, he said.
Ano's employer, TV3 Director General Kham Poun Keomony, called her case "her own personal story" and did not know details of her disappearance.
He said, however, that he had heard that Ano was healthy.
"I do not know her whereabouts, but I have heard that she is well. If she is well, we will welcome her back at TV3," Kham Poun Keomony said.
Ask kim vien. He might know where she stays because he is doctor.
She stays with me? And should you have problems, you deal with me DIRECTLY. Is it understood?!
Good to hear that she's safe!!
See what I mean, see how rumor spreads like fire in srok Khmer?
Sometime it's good to keep quiet.
this might be another rumor.
The rumors have been perculated like a wildfire, and now I need to know who lighted the match.
Pi Anh
Hello! everyone in this forum she is belong to me ok.
Hello! everyone in this forum she is belong to me ok.
Silliy whore suon pheakdey, provoking chaos inside Cambodia and made people get confuse of the event. The whore .....
She is my mistress. She is with me now. I love her black and blue rotten piece.
Khmer boy,
Is Ano's rumor and temporary disapear have any thing to do with Hok Landy death?
Is to keep the late Geneneral distres to be cooked?
Ono may know the group that planing the killing of Ah taihoung hok landy!
who gives a shit about her.. just another karaoke whore.
What the fuk! There were articles about doctor commenting about her in the hospital in Viet, now she said she wasn't even in Vietnam? Hard to trust online news now.
10:52 PM
My son it's me your father. I fucked your mom when I visited Hanoi. Your nephew and niece are also from me.
I'm sooo happy she is all ok. You stupid bunch oughta stop your damn ill mind from "making me sooo mad", because I'm sooo happy "as of now".
Me too, I'm soo happy "as of a cow"!
Can anyone go to kill this bitch Ano??
This will make real her disappearance...
She's holding something fishy...
Why her relative make such an important
affair, if she's OK???
Maybe this Ano deserve what had been
told in ki-media.blogspot...
The information system in Cambodia is very bad, per example the case of DJ Ano !
ANO ពិតជាត្រូវឆូតឡាមពិតមែន។ រដ្ឋាភិបាលខ្មែរ និងកាសែតនៅប្រទេសខ្មែរ កំពុងបិទពត៌មាន DJ ANO មិនអោយខ្ទរខ្ទារ។
រូបថតខាងលើ មិនមែនរូបថតបច្ចុប្បន្ន ប៉ុន្តែជារូបថត កាលដើមឆ្នាំ ២០០៧។
There is a head prize for the animal posted his mother fucking comment @ 1:14 AM.
Anyone can behead this animal and post the picture online will get five bucks. And that's all the fucking head is worth, $5.00. Hope it will be killed soon.
well 5$.. only...
You are so fucking retarded 5:14AM.
When someone lie to the nation, he's
right. We need some clarifications from this Ano.
In fact, maybe, she's a bitch as he had saided.
Everybody need to know the real story.
Why she don't talk?... We have VOA, RFA, RFI.
What's this Ano had done to the nations
is really bad?
Everybody is worried about the human right
in Cambodia, what Ano has to said...
Nothing, she pretended nothing happen...
That's why we have these high rank CPP
do everything they want...
I want to kick this Ano butt too, if nothing
happen to her.
She should clarify since the first day !!!
If we want cambodia to be free nation,
let's start have clarifications from the
beginning. Don't let rumors run
almost 10 days...
Khmer Canadian
Oh yes, Khmer Canadian is right why did she shut for almost 1 month. next if will be attacked as reality, no one will believe her any more.
I think she is involving with high rang Lady's husband and also she may making business with the popular Magazin. How this magazin out of other knew where she is?
how about the newspaper in Hanoi pressed last week????
I still wonder.....
We hate Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Hok Landy...
for their bad moves and killings.
But when someone is faking things...
It has the same value as these bastards...
We are afraid something bad happen to all
cambodians... stars, girls, guys, etc.
But with someone involving false...
We hate that too.
3:03 AM may be correct. I am still unclear which source of information is more reliable.
See the link here from Vietnam online newspaper confirming about Ano in The French-Vietnamese (FV) Hospital:
Vireak Mut
I cannot believe all the information of the reporter. The news is never never ever clear.
KI media is a bit late as i already read this news from everyday.com.kh about this girl since yesterday.
Depending one interview she gave to Angkor Thom magazine.
I am not sure whether it was true or not... as too much piece of informations will kill these informations themselves!!! And turn to misinterprete either!
After finish reading it, i feel that she is really really stupid this girl!
Thus, like i posted before in frist forum, you guys should stop scolding and biting each other for this idiot girl!
Change to another interesting topic and more constructive comments!
Believe me. According to a believable source, VJ Ano is already died. She had been surely sent to VN hospital. The journalist of Angkor Thom is just used to end up this story quietly. And the photo was an old one.
Even tought she had relations with another's husband, she shouldnt have been punished very cruel like this...
It hurts my heart to see the illness of my khmer society..
I guess so too, she may be already died...
For any reasons, it is such sorrowful news!
Human being should not be treated like that even she has not done morally correct.
Many of you posted comments here are sick minded and heartless individuals. Think of the girl as one of your own relatives and you'll definitely have a change of heart as to what you'll say. You stupid beasts should perish and be cast in hell.
12:24pm, i can see clearly now that you're a MOTHERF*CKER!!!! hahhaa....and u preferred old, saggy Yourn whores.ehehhe Following the footsteps of your own father which isn't the right thing to do. Now your Yourn whore mother got a bastard son, which is yourself. hahhahah... stop impregnating these old bags or you're going to get lots of idiots "MINI ME!" AHHAHAHHAHAHA
I can see why you're protecting whores cuz your generations are of the same bloodline...which is..."whore-blood lines."
message above is meant for 12:24AM
10:36am if any of these karaoke girls are related to me, i wld DISOWN her. PERIOD! They are disgraceful to their families and to Cambodia. Just go ask people in Cambodia how much these girls are worlth and they will tell u their price tags. Each and everyone of them sleep around for money. Even ask the fruit or vegetables venders at the market and they will tell u the same.
It's ok to sing or do whatever the hell they want to do, but when they they start hooking, then they've cross the 'RESPECT" line. And if u think it's ok for your own neices, sisters to do that, then i don't know what types of person u are. U see, the rate of AIDs increases in Cambodia, instead of decreasing. What does that show?
These Cambodians are fucking uncivilized. These KR survivors must be re-educated prior to reintegrate into the civilized society. You people are fucked up. What are fucking retarded race.
You fucking low life people.
11:06 AM... I don't know man!
How about angelina jolie, Hsu Qi, Lau Ka Ling,
How about Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton,
How about Zhang Ziyi, Charlize Theron,
How about Ophelie Winter, and others stars.
Are these stars are respectful?
They made their living with that.
Our karaoke girls, a lots were force by the economic
situation to be the Karaoke girls.
No jobs are low or high.
For example Dr Lao job, some may say it's very respectful.
Indeed for me, it's respectful's job.
And some others may say - I don't like it !
It's not ashame to be force to be a whore.
And it's more ashamful, for example, Suoy Sopheap yeay Phou,
she's rich and she never get enough.
She's ready to kill every poors and evicted from
their lands to get more monies...
And I did not say stealing someone husband
is good.
That's why a lots of people talked about
Sangkum Reast Niyum. In 1963, our schools
are the best in ASEAN. A lots of people come
to cambodia to study.
We have industries and jobs...
Not so many poors like today.
Hun Sen want to bring us back to the 80s.
His regime is like the khmer rouge.
Khmer Rouge's constitution !
Khmer Canadian
10:18pm, these karoake girls can never measure up to these American stars. To compare them to Angelina Jolie or Charlize Theron, is appalling. For one thing, they're not hookers. It's true that u must work to make ends meet. But when u start selling your body, then you've crossed the line. And if u think highly of these karaoke girls and place them on the same seat as these famous hollywood actresses, then i don't know what to say man. YOu've lost it...COMPLETELY.
These supposed to be a star...
They get naked to get paided..
It isn't that selling body ???
Hello wake up 11:43 PM.
But to get naked in Cambodia, you get only
paided 20 dollars or maybe less.
For our culture, khmer that is, to get naked
in front of a public.. or screen...
it's more disrespectful. And these stars have a choice.
Sometimes, a lots of girls in Cambodia doesn't have choice.
And They get naked in a room and private :)
Hollywood stars.. are just an illusions.
These stars get or consumed drugs.
They live in different world.
In America, it's just normal.
And the girls in Cambodia, mostly doesn't have a chance.
One of whom got a chanced to get out is Mam Somaly.
Ask her opinions... Is it disgraceful...?
It's disgraceful, when you have chance not to do
and you still do it.
These stars of Hollywood are sometimes can be
worst than our cambodian girls.
They do orgies.. gangbanged...
There are nothing to compare...
It's life..
11:43 PM... go to ask karaoke girls..
if they got a second chance and get offer a good
job, will they work as karaoke girls ??
They are not living America.
They are living in in Sen's regime !
11:43 PM...
I am not sure to understand the meaning
of selling body..
Imagine if these stars don't get paided..
Will they get naked on every films???
People will say that these stars are sluts !!!
When you have monies, everything you do is right ??
Khmer Canadian
Ano ana ane anis anous anith anay anom anek anouk anain anaim anain amen.
When i said..."sell their bodies" i literally mean it..." SELL THEIR BODIES" like call girls. More like the upscale hookers(Heidi Fleis's girls). I know from the inside sources that these girls...u can call them to come over to your house and have a good old time. charge per night or hour. I'm not bullshitting. I didn't believe it at first.
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