Monday, November 10, 2008

Russia could write off Cambodia's $1.5 bln debt

MOSCOW, November 10 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is discussing with the Cambodian leadership the possibility of writing off most of Cambodia's debt, which stands at around $1.5 billion, a senior Russian lawmaker said on Monday.

"Russia and Cambodia are holding talks to write off Cambodia's debt of around $1.5 billion. The principal sum (about 70%) of the debt could be written off as part of Russia's participation in the Paris Club of Creditor Nations," said Valery Yazev, deputy speaker of the lower house of Russia's parliament, after a trip to Cambodia and Laos.

Yazev said the debt's outstanding part could be divided into two and settled at concessional interest rates.

The vice-speaker said the next round of negotiations on settling Cambodia's debt to Russia would be held early next year in Moscow.


Anonymous said...

That's good news, thanks President Putin.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!..Mr.President of USSR.
May God Bless you and your nation.

Anonymous said...

Great News?

Unfortunately, everything ain't free?

What da caught? Khmer Oil?

We have literally knew that Russia ain't too rich country, why's wasting Billion dollars for notning?

Think again, before thank you?

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks you Moscow very much, from all Cambodian, and we needs to get a lot of your new modern weapons to protect our territory from dick-head Thai invader.
Cambodia must buy more weapons from China,Russia and France but the US maybe we can get from black market, then Thai and Viet will be big worry.

Hope Hun Sen will buy all those modern gun ASAP, to kill those animal-Thai.

Thai is belong to USA so Russia and China must look after Cambodia, Russia should set up your base in Cambodia to protect from Thai best friend...

Anonymous said...

Having a big debt is not a good thing. In Argentina they have 3 years to pay up all their debt, if they don't their economy will dip, because their money would not worth anything.

Anonymous said...

Damn.. it's not national debt..
It's between Yuons CPP and Russia.

So Funcinpec and others parties.. doesn't
concern about the debts..

Anonymous said...

My beloved 12:20AM!

Forgive me for totally confusing of your sudden delightment,

"Thai and Viet will be big worry?"

I don't absolutely sure that Da Viet will be in big worry nor problem with Hun SenVarman's regime, because Hun SenVarman is openly Da Viet's dog. The hungry dog won't bite its master, while the juicy giantic steak in its mouth! Otherwise, Da Viet will kill a slave dog, when it eventally become useless!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia owed $1.5 billion worth of weapons from Soviet Union during the cold war!

Anonymous said...

thank you russia for helping cambodia. everyone should learn the art of diplomacy from russia. who to say that one can't learn from their former adversaries and friends alike? god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

You mother fuckers raped us and made we pay too? and try to show your motherfucker forgive us!

May earthquake hit you soon!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia needs opposition party that can listen and hear all "voices of concerns" and must be capable to raise solutions or projects to help lift people out of "poverty and suffering". ASSISTANCE both by wise ideas and finance has to be distributed and make them convenient and reachable to people all the time. AND DON'T MAKE YOURSELF LOOK STUPIDIER IN FRONT OF THE PEOPLE BY JUST BLINDLY OPPOSE TO EVERYTHING THE GOV.T DOES!!!!! Prove your party activists and party wiser and more intelligent by supporting the good deeds the gov.t has done. And of course by showing that your party can do more and is able to provide more for better development. Otherwise your party is no better than "liars or good story tellers".

Cambodia also wants to see the opposition party that is comprised of reliable trustworthy people-a large group of people as academics, intellectuals, experts in the fields and most importantly the committed and reachable people in time of crisis, NOT JUST VOICING YOUR THOUGHTS WITHOUT ANY REALISTIC IMMEDIATE HELP. THAT'S WHEN YOU CAN PROVE THAT YOU CARE AND CAN DO BETTER WHEN POWER IS REIGNED! PEOPLE START TO RECOGNIZE ASSISTANCE FROM PETTY STUFF TO LARGE SCALE OF DIFFICULTIES!

-Show good deeds and intentions and at the same time offer immediate help when needed. Build a strong foundation and network for supplying advices and help to concerned people and in the future build this such good-intended system to let people "feel and realize".

May god bless you all.