Cambodian police chief dies in helicopter crash: govt
Sunday, November 09, 2008
PHNOM PENH (AFP) — Cambodia's top policeman died in a helicopter crash in bad weather that also claimed the life of a top-ranking army general, a government spokesman told AFP Sunday.
Chief of police Hok Lundy and General Sok Sa Em were passengers in a helicopter that came down shortly after it took off Sunday from Phnom Penh airport, ministry of interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak said.
"In the helicopter there was a pilot, a co-pilot, the national police chief and the deputy commander of the military. All four died," Khieu Sopheak said.
Khieu Sopheak said the helicopter came down in southeastern Svay Rieng province.
"The reason for the crash was bad weather. There was a heavy rain," he added.
He said radio contact had been lost 15 minutes after it took off from Phnom Penh airport at around 7:20 pm (1220 GMT).
Hok Lundy, head of the country's police for over a decade, had been routinely criticised by international organisations for alleged human rights abuses and corruption within his force.
Hok Lundy was also accused of involvement in politically motivated killings and drug trafficking.
Human rights groups protested a decision to allow him a visa to the United States last year after the State Department refused him a visa in 2006 due to allegations he was involved in trafficking prostitutes.
Arrangements were being made for a traditional Cambodian funeral for the police chief, Khieu Sopheak said.
Chief of police Hok Lundy and General Sok Sa Em were passengers in a helicopter that came down shortly after it took off Sunday from Phnom Penh airport, ministry of interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak said.
"In the helicopter there was a pilot, a co-pilot, the national police chief and the deputy commander of the military. All four died," Khieu Sopheak said.
Khieu Sopheak said the helicopter came down in southeastern Svay Rieng province.
"The reason for the crash was bad weather. There was a heavy rain," he added.
He said radio contact had been lost 15 minutes after it took off from Phnom Penh airport at around 7:20 pm (1220 GMT).
Hok Lundy, head of the country's police for over a decade, had been routinely criticised by international organisations for alleged human rights abuses and corruption within his force.
Hok Lundy was also accused of involvement in politically motivated killings and drug trafficking.
Human rights groups protested a decision to allow him a visa to the United States last year after the State Department refused him a visa in 2006 due to allegations he was involved in trafficking prostitutes.
Arrangements were being made for a traditional Cambodian funeral for the police chief, Khieu Sopheak said.
Bravooooooooooooo!!!!!Ah Hok londy die!!!We are so happy that the dictator die!!!the next is Hund Xen!!!!!
We drink today the best wine!!
We drink today the best Champagne!!!!
Sure, blame everything on the weather
hamona hamoot
Sama Samputho!
Aknicha Vathasankhara...
Kosala thormea, Akosala thormea...
Will you die with so much hated and contempt upon your death?
Many corrupt and notoriously wicked Khmers lok thum will die in such scenario.
And the family of the wicked will eventually suffer. No one should have pitty on them.
The spirits of the greatly suffered victims who died by by the hand of these wicked individuals will quickly roam the new comer in rage. They shall have their sweet revenge.
It is a certainty that your time is limitted. Your sin will drag you to where you belong; the fiery hell. Anad all of your loved ones should be punished as well due to your notorious ruthless nature.
Hell is awaiting you, the wicked.
die and go to hell mother fucker!! a fucking youn! long di a fucking vietnamese he is not khmer all of these mother fucker is youn!! feel no sorry about this fucker!!
Hok Lundy is Trung Minh Yang to supervised and colonalized Police Khmer.Trung Minh Yang was commited suicided because he can't fullfiled King Viet goal.Hok is death because of Kama.Hok will replace by Youn Spy.Hun Sen have no right only Viet have a right to pick.Guest who?
Ah YUON HOK DIE, Ah YOUN HUN WILL BE NEXT TO JOINT Ah YOUN HOK IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!Let celebrate all my cambodian fellows!!
This guy has done extremely bad deed and Buddha has decided to punish him in a nasty way. We must be careful in jumping to judgement. Maybe it contributed to different factors. How many people in CPP dissatisfied with Hok? Even Hun Sen himself was not impressed. Maybe HS was the one who engineered this!!!! The end of an era will be coming soon. This is not CPP internal faction, it is HS internal faction cracking and fighting each other like mad dog. They have so much money, power and they abused so much and killed so many people and raped many women, cheated many businesses and many other BAD things he did to human kind. Buddha really has EYES to let him go in peace rather let him suffer alive. We wait to hear from more reports if the weather was the real reason behind. Call your friends and relatives to find out. Am not surprised that it is not the weather. If u know history of Lin Bao - one of the Chinese communist leaders, who was allegely died of plane crash and was accused of trying to escape to USSR at the time in 1971, u understand what I meant here.
Looking forward to hearing more of an excited news from our homeland.
Very interesting and without disappointed (let's cheer) to know that News!!! Waiting for that day to come...now it surely comes...and looking forward to hearing more of that kind of NEWS!!!
fuck uuuuu
4:56 AM,
Is that you, vietcong?
My dog is happy with HOK Lundy death!
Corrupt and crook officials will join him later!
Go AH Dog HOK!
Look at his disgusting face! I have expected this event will happen some day to Criminal officials. Now this time is coming. It is a real retribution for the notorious criminal!
Sok An the Cock fighter, Cham Prasidh, Nguon Ngel, Khieu Sopeak...to count for a few....will join AH HOK at the HEll!
Seriously i have never be so happy when someone die before, but because of Ah Hok Lundy dead i feel that i was relief and happy and hope that all the dictators leaders who has driven cambodia into what it is now should repay its debts as Hok Lundy....
May Buddhist power put an end to all those corruptions and may the soul of our Khmer hero help revise and protect our khmer land and people..!!! Long live Cambodia...!!!
Don't keep your hope up too high just yet. This is maybe just the Viet/Yuon's trick to have HOC lay low or dissappear for awhile or maybe operating behind the scene. The Viet's slave Hun Sen cannot survive without the killing machine of HOC.
កាដុមសែប.... តាប៉ុណ្ណេះ បងហ្វូនយួនអាន់អត់ទីពឹងទៀតទេ ចយអ៊ើយ!
Ah Pol Pot cheated his death, now ah HOC cheats his too??? Damn...ah HOC may you be rotten in hell for the pains and suffesribgs you have caused the Khmer/Cambodian people!!!
And today we celebrate this good news...
មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានីកំពុងយំបោកខ្លួនស្តាយ អា ហុក ឡងឌី ងាប់តៃហោង
ព្រោះអាហុក ឡងឌី ជាសហាយ របស់មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី (ប្រពន្ធហ៊ុន សែន) ជាង ១០ឆ្នាំមកហើយ!!
I cant eat today...I drink only ,
celebrate for A HOK LUNDY dead.
A HUN SEN...will died TAYHORNG..on
AUGUST 28 2011...
HOK'S Cheth ka doy..
SIHANOUK : SOSTEN fERNANDDEZ?, HE WAS MA PERSONAL POLICE like HOK LUNDY, Cha,CHa...I like so that kon chau... auv t e ainh cheung....
Let's be civilized, short and sweet about this - May you animal Hok Lundy (or whatever your real name is) be rotten in hell!
SIHANOUK Regime : Chief Police : OUM MANORIN (MONIQUE relative}
CPP regime : HOK LUNDY and now Neth Svoeun (Hun Xen relative}
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