Wednesday, December 24, 2008

40 Top F’pec officials and thousands of other F’pec members defect to the CPP “to keep their gov’t jobs”

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ok Socheat, the former advisor of F’pec president Keo Puth Reasmey, said that he had defected to the CPP and was offered a government position equivalent to that of a minister, The Cambodia Daily reported. Ok Socheat’s excuse to defect to the CPP: to ensure unity in the country in view of armed confrontation with Thailand. It should be noted that Hun Sen, CPP party vice-president, declared earlier that he did not want to see any armed confrontation with Thailand. Other top F’pec officials who defected to the CPP: Nou Kassie, former F’pec secretary of state at the ministry of Jusitce, Neav Sithong, former F’pec Justice ministers, and Serei Kosal who claimed that he had finished his mission with Funcinpec. Low level F’pec party members have also defected to the CPP in order “to keep their government jobs at the provincial and district level.” “They want to keep their positions and earn a living,” Ok Socheat was quoted as saying by The Cambodia Daily about these low level F’pec defectors. Lu Laysreng, F’pec party’s No. 1 vice-president said: “The party is weak, people are running away, it’s that simple.” It appears that the F’pec ship is currently taking in much water because not only the fat rats have jumped ship, but the teeny mice are also bailing out.


Anonymous said...

I told you long time ago Lu Laysreng, you should grabbed as much as you can and come back to USA and re-open your coffé shop in Long Beach.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that we got stupid coffee maker working in government.

Get the bastard outta there!

Anonymous said...

Nothing new, this is root of the so-called Royalist/Nationalists
Also Preah Ang Mchas Runrot now retured home with Phalla Ranrot....

1ha 3Tons

Anonymous said...

Tha samething with Nak Ang Mchas Vichara she was open the fry chicken wings in long beach.
All Royalist of Sihanoukist are dying down for good. Finally, all the betrayal are down, deep down into hell.

Anonymous said...

hey, nothing wrong with defection when you see the golden opportunity or knowing perhaps something is wrong with the ex-party, etc... a blessing inguise, indeed. i'm sure, people have become enlightened. plus, they can see for themselves without any propoganda type of influence. go figure! god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.