Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gambling Crackdown Underway: Police Chief

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original from Washington
30 December 2008

Phnom Penh authorities have taken down 21 illegal slot machine operations in recent days, following a crackdown order by Prime Minister Hun Sen, a top police official said Monday.

"We will not allow them to do it, and we will raid any place we find defying the law," said Brig. Gen. Touch Naroth, chief of Phnom Penh police, as a guest on "Hello VOA."

Many of the establishments had opened for Cambodian customers, despite a law banning gambling for nationals. Of the 21 operations, seven of them were completely illegal and 14 of them were operating in the wrong locations, Touch Naroth said.

Gambling establishments have blossomed around the capital, in cafes,hotels and restaurants, as well as private venues, some of them near schools, leading to worries about crime and instability. Earlier this month, Hun Sen ordered a crackdown.

Overall crime in Cambodia decreased 20 percent in the city in 2008,Touch Naroth said, but gambling operations remain a leading cause of criminal activity.

Police have set up tip boxes in every city commune, or sangkat, for residents to report violations of the gambling law or other crimes, he said. Concerned citizens can also call 012 999 999.

Touch Naroth said his department would not protect police personnel violating the law, and measures would be doubly harsh against anyone protecting gambling.


Anonymous said...

Shut all of those fucking casinos down immediately! I dare you ah HUN SEN!

Anonymous said...

" Is it a seasonal Gambling Crackdown...??

Benefits of gambling for Society/family/individual:
Roberry thief/Violence...when fail in Gambling.. when Win.. the winner will use the sum of winned money for illegal acts.. and some useless/harmful plays.. bar karaok lady.. drunk, drug..and continue to gamble...
when lose they try their best to take back by stealing/ robbing and other any bad acts.."

by excellency Bandit oknha Phd. general/Advisor (Phd. from Pahok chamroeun Avichea Unv. PPenh cambodia)

Anonymous said...

There are tac..tic.. Kep chup Dollar and Hun Sen.. They should know firt begening when casino open ..But they collect money from owner firt ,let it run forawhile then shut down.
There is Hun Sen and Kep chup Dollar LAW .

Khmer P.P