Friday, December 19, 2008

Thai Foreign Minister nominee was involved with the PAD in opposing Preah Vihear listing as a World Heritage Site

New foreign minister hailed airport closures

Friday December 19, 2008
By Bangkok Post Reporters

The Democrat-led government is under criticism from its members over its plan to appoint former career diplomat Kasit Piromya as foreign minister because of his support for the actions of the PAD.

Democrat MPs have raised concern about Mr Kasit's suitability to serve in the Abhisit cabinet, a senior party source said.

Given his close affiliation with the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), the former diplomat could be more of a liability than an asset, the source said.

The source said the Democrats would be compelled to answer questions about Mr Kasit's role in the PAD street protests.

Despite opposition within the party, Democrat leader and Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva favours Mr Kasit. He told party members he needed a foreign minister who could start work immediately he takes office.

Mr Kasit appeared as a regular guest speaker at PAD rallies which demanded the removal of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

More worrying for some Democrats was his recent speech about the PAD's takeover of Suvarnabhumi airport.

Mr Kasit hailed the shutdown of the capital's city's international airport, which left over 200,000 passengers stranded, as a "new innovation for public protests".

Foreign Ministry officials also disagreed with Mr Kasit holding the portfolio. They warned his hardline political stance could damage the prime minister's efforts to heal the nation.

They were also upset by Mr Kasit's criticism of the ministry's handling of the Preah Vihear issue.

He joined other PAD speakers in accusing the ministry of helping Cambodia get the ancient Hindu temple listed as a World Heritage site.

The ministry said it tried to protect Thai interests by making sure the listing would not affect Thai territory.

Another potential cabinet member facing criticism is Vithoon Nambutr, who is being touted for the social development and human security portfolio.

The cabinet lineup under the Democrat quota has been approved by the party's executives and a meeting of its members.

But a party source said any cabinet hopefuls opposed by the public could still be changed.

Cabinet seats for all coalition parties were settled but for those allocated to the Puea Pandin party, which was still negotiating with the Democrats for another seat, the source added.

Democrat secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban said a complete cabinet list was expected to be submitted for royal endorsement today.

The Democrats have decided to give cabinet seats to two outsiders.

One is former army chief Gen Prawit Wongsuwan, who is tipped to be defence minister.

Senior Democrat members visited Gen Prawit at his home to ask him to join the new government.

Gen Prawit said he needed some time to consider the offer, but noted that he was impressed by the speech Mr Abhisit made after receiving his royal appointment as prime minister.

He denied that army chief Gen Anupong Paojinda was behind his nomination for the defence job.

"I make my own decisions. I am considering if I should work with the Democrat-led government," he said.

According to the source, Mr Abhisit has given the party's cabinet members three to six months to prove themselves.

Today the prime minister will go to Government House to take part in a merit-making ceremony and observe the progress of the clean-up.

Government House staff are continuing to tidy the premises, which were occupied by PAD demonstrators for several months.

Meanwhile, the Puea Thai party is considering Chalerm Yubamrung for the job of opposition leader, Nakhon Ratchasima MP Somchai Petprasert said.

The party's leader, Yongyuth Wichaidith, is not an MP.

He said the party had agreed the opposition leader must be a seasoned politician and Mr Chalerm, a list-MP, is a potential candidate. Mr Somchai said the party will give the government a three-month breathing space before filing a no-confidence motion.


Anonymous said...

What’s wrong with these fucking Thai politicians? The temple belongs to Cambodia. They got no right to oppose Cambodia’s decision. Why Cambodian Gov’t waits for Thais cooperation on the border issue. Just bring the case to World Court once for all. Never mine the bullcrab from Thai side or find a way for them to collaborate in this matter and respect the World body, make them lose face for the second time.

Anonymous said...

I knew this fucking fagg is a new problems with cambodia..i'm really pissing of with our government, what are they doing?? what ta fuck are they waiting for..all of this time??

Anonymous said...

Do you know why Thai call it Kao Pra Viharn? The word Kao means mountian we never call it just Pra Viharn because we accept the decision of the World Court even though we don't want to but we do. The decision that the temple is belong to Cambodia but the surrounding area the World Court didn't not make the decision about it even though Cambodia ask for decision too.

Anonymous said...

9:02 AM
I am sure you are wrong. Please read the 1962 verdic again.

Anonymous said...

Please stop destroy your own nation,Just please except the Verdic in 1962 and restore Peace in Thailand.Please remembner the future of Thailand is depend on the young generation.That's my Point Of View...Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Bring your fucking proof that the World Court’s decision about the surrounding area has not been judged and show it to the world. Then let’s see how that will be judged against you Thai thief, you moron (9:02AM), the temple and the surrounding area awarded to Cambodia by The Hague in 1962 case.

Anonymous said...

Ah Monkeys from Cambodia must stop stealing lands and temples from Khmer in the neighboring countries.

Anonymous said...

Ah Monkeys from Thailand must stop stealing lands and temples from Khmer in the neighboring countries.

Anonymous said...


กูไม่น่าเชื่อว่าพวกไอ้และอีโจรห้าร้อยทั้ง65ล้านคนมันยังไม่เข้าใจการตัดสินใจของศาลโลกเกี่ยวกับคดีเขาพระวิหารเมื่อปี 1962!

Tell your Oxfoot educated PM Apeshit to read the ICJ 1962 verdict televise live so that your entire stupid Thai nation understand once and for all the court decision included the temple and the surrounding land.

Anonymous said...

9:02, you should think it over again?
The word "Surrounding area" is a big mistake. If you didn't use it properly, that means you left the boundary behind and take only the single temple.
Cambodia needs the boundary to protect the temple, NOT uses the temple to protect the boundary.
It's simple, we refer the fences as border of a house, NOT a stair or a wall.

Anonymous said...

Just drop an Atomic bomb over Bang-Cock and let them rot in hell!

Anonymous said...

To Fellows Thais & Khmers, the reason of the Preah Vihear dispute is NOT about the temple itself but hides a wider agenda as follows:

The dispute is about re-defining both the inland and maritime boundaries between the two countries and when Thaksin was in power, he made a secret deal with Hun Sen/Sok An to "share" oil revenues deriving from the disputed zone in the Gulf of Siam.

Then the Thai Army folks were jealous coz they were "cast out" of the original deal reached between Thaksin and Hun Sen/Sok An. Thus, the excuse to use Preah Vihear to try reach a re-defining for boundaries both inland and maritime.

So the Preah Vihear dispute is NOT a Siamese/Khmer governmental dispute but rather a private vendetta between the Thai Army (serving whom we all know) and Thaksin but since Hun Sen/Sok An had been accomplices in that secret deal, hence the consequences impacting upon Cambodia.

It's as simple as that... Why you think the Cambodian government never wanted to go for third party mediation like The Hague??? They all have a hidden agenda to protect!!!

Anonymous said...

Again to your stupid Bang-Cock Post:

Preah Vihear is a Khmer temple, not a Hindu temple!

Facts: built by a Khmer king for the Khmer people!

I suggest that your stupid dying king and his fat bitch start negotiating with China for the returns of Thais back to their ancestral homeland in Yunnan province!

Anonymous said...

Land boundary between Cambodia and Thailand was clearly defined already the area of Cambodia 181,035 km2 not a single cm less!
The UN has the map, not any other Thai-made maps are recognized by the UN.

As to the maritime boundary, the solution is equidistance from land boundary out to the sea for each country.

All natural wealth go to the people of Cambodia and Thailand respectively, not Thanksin, Hun Sen or Sok An

Anonymous said...

The Court therefore felt bound to pronounce in favour of the frontier indicated on the Annex I map

Annex I is the boundary between Cambodia and closed!

Anonymous said...

No court, no map, no treaty is relevant here. Phra Viharn belongs to Khmer on the mountain, period.

Anonymous said...

THAILAND SUCKS...........iam never going there nomore ........when i was there every thai person i met was was very rude to me and so cocky.......and i was also stranded at the airport for 1 week cause those dtupid thai people protesting............i hate THAILAND and aim never going there anymore....and ill also will tell every one i know not to go there and they will agree......... ,student from london.

Anonymous said...

Hi iam thai ......i was born in thailand .....from when i was born i learned that thai people my people are very bad.....they like to steal and rob people....and basically i know for a fact my people are wannabes..........i hate when people ask me what nationality i am.....i would always pause and thnk to tell my self hey i dont want them to no iam thai...cause thai people are very bad i would be like iam laos...........all i wanted to say is thailand is wrong with this temple standoff thing.....thailand just wants everything fom every 1...... really greedy people i wish i was thai........all i gotta say is FUCK THAILAND......god bless me and unthai me.........

Anonymous said...

i wish i wasnt THAI

Anonymous said...

2:08 pm

What a Hilarious little story! ;-)
Give me a bowl of Laotian papaya salad would you?...I mean "Tam Mahung Lao gab parah"

Anonymous said...

11:39, bravo! agree with ya!

Anonymous said...

Extreme mad dog Thai politicians:

Apeshit Vejjajiva (Hakka boy)
Sondhi Limthongkul (Hainam boy)

Both men are known for their fowl mouths and small penises.