Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Accused Killer Calls for Proper Investigation

Sok Sam Oeun (Center) (Photo: AFP)

Hong Kim Suon, lawyer of recently released suspect Sok Samoeun, who is facing an appeals hearing in coming months with a second suspect, Born Samnang.

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
13 January 2009

One of the men released in the murder case of Chea Vichea on Monday called for Cambodian authorities to conduct thorough investigations before arresting the “innocent.”

“In prison it’s not easy,” Sok Samoeun, who is awaiting an Appeals Court hearing on murder charges against him, said on “Hello VOA.” “It’s something that has more suffering than I can say.”

Sok Samoeun stands accused, along with Born Samnang, of the murder of union leader Chea Vichea, in January 2004, but both men are widely considered innocent.

They each face 20-year prison sentences, but were released earlier this month when the Supreme Court ordered the Appeals Court to rehear their case.

Since his release, Sok Samoeun has entered a pagoda as a monk.

His lawyer, Hong Kim Suon, said Monday the police should conduct a credible investigation into the killing.

“If they can’t find the real killer in the future, they can’t put my client back in jail for an exchange,” he said.


Anonymous said...

Accused Killers should shut the fuck up before they regret it again.

Anonymous said...

Yes 1:58 AM, you wanted them to shut up of accuation for the crime your people committed so the truth can never be reveal? Are you nervous right now? you are guilty as dog, scum.
Go to hell for your sin.

Anonymous said...

1:58AM shut your own fuck up before the lightning strick your whold family!!!!

Anonymous said...

These two individuals are so lucky that they were jailed. In the old day, the regime might have been thrown them to the croc. to enjoy for a happy meal.

I heard the human rights were so little to exist and it was so cruelty and inhumane way for punishing the convict and the enemy.

Anonymous said...

Ah jkourt 5:16AM can you have a little mercy on people? You're not a human being. You're one of the devils that exist among us. You're worst than a cruelty regime on this planet. Hope God Buddha would put a curse on you and to cease life and your whole family.

Anonymous said...

Find the culprits by conducting proper investigation. This case and others alike are more political affiliated rather than just normal crime cases. Such cases are more done systematically to shut down the voices of those who are against the current go.t.

No wonder why the current regime is called the mafia or the leaders are a ringleaders.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as improper investigation in Cambodia. Therefore, stop contempt with the court because this is your last chance, you brain-dead idiot.