Thursday, January 01, 2009

Bangkok fire kills 58 New Year clubbers

A policeman looks at the bodies of victims outside Santika nightclub in Bangkok on January 1, 2009. (REUTERS/Kerek Wongsa)

Wed Dec 31, 2008
By Darren Schuettler

BANGKOK (Reuters) - A blaze at a top Bangkok nightclub killed at least 58 people celebrating the New Year on Thursday and injured more than 100 others, rescue workers and witnesses said.

Some said the fire was caused by fireworks, others that it was an electrical fault.

"We were all dancing and suddenly there was a big flame that came out of the front of the stage and everybody was running away," partygoer Oh Benjamas told Reuters on the street outside the smoldering wreckage of the Santika club.

Although details are still sketchy, Oh said clubbers were given sparklers shortly before midnight and as soon as the clocks heralded the start of 2009, fireworks started going off inside the dance area, sparking a conflagration.

"People started running for the doors and breaking the windows," she said.

Dozens of bodies wrapped in white cotton sheets lay on the pavement outside as fire crews moved in to douse the embers of the club on Ekkamai, a street popular with foreign revelers and high-society Thais.

Many of the bodies were charred beyond recognition and the blaze had completely gutted the building. Rescue teams used pick-up trucks to ferry the corpses from the scene.

Witness Tos Maddy, who estimated 400 people were packed inside the building, said he heard what he thought was an electrical explosion around 1230 a.m. (1730 GMT), followed by a stampede for the exits.

"Everything went boom and people started running. The fire went very quickly," he told Reuters.

Others described flames licking the ceiling before it caved in.

"I was in the bathroom and when I walked out, I saw flames in the roof and it fell to the floor," 28-year-old Montika Boontang told Reuters in the nearby Bangkok Hospital, where the majority of the injured were being treated.

Thanat Wongsanga, deputy chief of the nearby Thong Lor police station, said the cause of the blaze had not yet been determined. Local media said an electrical fault was probably to blame.

Police said 58 people had been killed. Local police superintendent Suthin Suppuang said 128 people had been injured.

Bangkok's nightspots, some of which can accommodate several thousand people, have often been the subject of safety concerns although they have been incident-free for the last five years.

The Thai capital was hit two years ago on New Year's Eve by a series of small explosions in which several people were killed and dozens injured.

The blasts were blamed variously on fallout from the 2006 coup against Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Muslim militants who have waged a separatist rebellion in Thailand's southernmost provinces since 2003.

(Writing by Ed Cropley; editing by Darren Schuettler and Philippa Fletcher)


Anonymous said...


What happened to Thailand?!


Anonymous said...

Is it KARMA or what?...

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all Khmer People!
Suor Sdei Chhnam Thmei!
Saum Sok Sabbay doll Kaun Khmer Kroup Teus Tee!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My condolences to the Thai people.

Anonymous said...

Buddha said: Do bad, get worst. Do good, get best. This is Kamma. Current Thai or previous Siam still has more Kamma, which will be subsequently appeared.

Anonymous said...

This is resulting from King Thai commitment to her neighbor countries especially Cambodia. To stop more Kamma, Thai king must influence the current political situation of government in term of making recommendation to government to absolutely respect the French-Siam treaty of 1904 and 1907 regrading Cambodia-Siam border.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prey Nokor rolom (Yuon plon)
Phnom Penh roleay (Khmer Krahom)
Bangkok kjat kjay sabbay Angkor Wat.

Saa-thuh! Siam baek bak kjat kjat!
Bondassa preah puth!

Anonymous said...

Prey Nokor rolom (Yuon plon)
Phnom Penh roleay (Khmer Krahom)
Bangkok kjat kjay sabbay Angkor Wat.

Since when? your bondasa or buddha bondasa? lol

Anonymous said...

Putting aside all matters, which Thailand has done to Cambodia. As the same human being, I sincerely offer my condolence to all the deaths in that inccident.

Anonymous said...

just say "Puttho!"

Anonymous said...


SIAMESE TAY LAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sah Thouk .. x 3 times......

This is the real power of Buddha at Preah Vihear to punish the greedy Thai people that want to claim the Preah Vihear Temple. KARMA has haunted thai people now.

Stop illegal claiming Preah Vihear...The spirit of Preah Vihear will come again if Thai people are still ambitious on Preah Vigear.

Sah Thouk... A HO SE KAM to the victims.....

- Prey Nokor Rolom
- Phnom Pehn (Hun Sen living in PPENH)Roleay.
- Bangkok kchat kchay
- Sapbay Angkor Wat.

Signed: Ta Eysey in Preah Vihear

Anonymous said...

it is not a good way for Khmer people who curse Thai with such event. It is a jealous things.
Try to be better than Thai, richer than Thai in properties, money, education. Try to be more powerful and invade Bangkok like the Thai did in the past to Cambodia.
You are so stupid to happy at this fire.

Anonymous said...

countries especially Cambodia. To stop more Kamma, Thai king must influence the current political situation of government in term of making recommendation to government to absolutely

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!! happy new year with by booming a nightclub. this is such a strong and rich country.

it is unbelievable what the fortune teller of Bangkok has said but now we have to believe because it had start today by killing 58 people. and maybe have more next day....

Pravo Cambodia...

Anonymous said...

9:28 AM

u might be right. but not all of them are bad though. they have family like us... imagine what happen if u lost someone u really love... i say we should pray for those who lost their life instead of curse them more... cos we are Buddhist.

Happy New year all...

Anonymous said...

Were Hun Sen and his friends and families at the club?

Anonymous said...

Most of the dead were Siam whores and Western sex tourists, so this is great news!

Anonymous said...

the people posting on this have no shame? 58 people died... if this is your sick twist of karma - i think cambodians should get their heads check on what Buddhism is. these type of comments are not Buddhist at all, they are more so cambodian mentality...

Anonymous said...

2:20 PM

Don't get upset over this, instead, you should blame the Western countries.

Anonymous said...

This must be a good day for Thailand. There are a lot of dead monkey wrap up in white clothing.

Anonymous said...

2:20 PM -

I don't know about blaming Western countries for this accident, but I wouldn't feel any sorrow for the white perverts who died in the fire.

In many night scenes in Bangkok you'll find large crowds of people consisting of only white men and Siam women. There places in Thailand where foreign men can rent Thai girlfriends for one or two weeks while they're in the country.

Cambodia is becoming an international brothel like Thailand now that are so many Westerners living here. Many of them are convicted sex offenders in their native countries but are now living it up in Cambodia supporting their deviant lifestyles as English teachers, allowing them to earn money and access Khmer children.

By the way, Happy New Year to all of my Khmer compatriots, including the KI-Media team, Lao Mong Hay, and those of you who come here to curse me on a daily basis. My family and I will be vacationing in Hanoi for the next several days, so I may not be active on KI-Media during the trip.

- Khmer Patriot, Ph.D.

Anonymous said...

Thai took inoccent khmer force down at preah vihear to step on land mine. are thai still buddish or what?
thai took preah vihear as a big deal to them till today but thai have to understand the more you want preah vihear the more bad luck will happen to your country. stop being greedy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah this multiple personalities/identities with fake Ph.D from Hanoi that constantly trashes KI-Media and its readers @4:38 PM ain't going nowhere.

This psycho is bought off by the Viet and assigned specifically to sabotage KI-Media.

KI-Media readers know very well that this drugged-up psycho Viet trash is an anonymous one-liner that is calling readers all sort of names in an attempt to alienate and devide Khmers...


Anonymous said...

condoleance to siamese people and all victims

Anonymous said...

9:46 AM,

devide should read divide*

Anonymous said...

khmer phd your comment are excellent today ,you have your head check? But by the the way I wish you have bad year ,if your transportation by cars ,you'll get a crash or by plan you get the plan jack may my wish fulfilled to Mr.Khmer patriot fresh cow poop Phd from Hanoi.
And also more curses on the ways to you and your family
From kbaal youn khloun khmer.

Anonymous said...

Brother in YALA,
Let send out some more C4 to BANGKOK GOVERNMENTS..your day is coming! you'll be free...

Anonymous said...

3:09AM correction=plane not plan

Anonymous said...

There are still too many monkeys in Thailand. Please send more C4.

Anonymous said...

Putho euy!

พุทโธเอยตายไปเลย...ยังเหลือไอ้พวกโจรอีก 65ล้านคน!....ตายโหงทั้งหมดไป!...สาธรุ!

Anonymous said...

Sabbay Sabbay...
Tay tay lev!

Sawadee Peeeeeee mai!
Appy New mea!

Anonymous said...

Brother in YALA! plse kept up the good guy deserved to be free!
