Wednesday, January 14, 2009

B.C. aid worker robbed, left for dead in Cambodia [-Canadian embassy couldn't help? What a shame!]

Jiri Zivny, an aid worker in Cambodia, was robbed, beaten, stripped of his clothes, and left for dead on Jan. 9. (Courtesy of Monty Aldoff)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
CBC News (Canada)

A violent mugging in Cambodia has left a humanitarian worker from Kamloops, B.C., in a coma, fighting for his life.

Jiri Zivny had just withdrawn money from a bank machine in Phnom Penh on Friday shortly before he was assaulted, robbed, and left for dead on the street, his friend Monty Aldoff told CBC News on Tuesday.

The attack likely took place as Zivny was trying to drive off on his scooter.

"[He] went to the bank machine and was followed by bad people, attacked, beaten in the head, robbed and stripped of his clothes and left for dead in the ditch for hours," Aldoff said.

"The doctor said he was hit twice severely in the head so we suspect once while he was on the motorcycle and he crashed and then they jumped out and clubbed him again."
"We are trying to raise enough money to medevac him back to Canada."— Monty Aldoff
Zivny, now receiving treatment at a Phnom Penh hospital, was found by local police hours after the attack, Aldoff said.

Aldoff, Zivny and a few other aid workers began their humanitarian mission in southeast Asia in mid-November, delivering medical supplies to orphans on behalf of the International Humanitarian Hope Society.

Most of the group returned to B.C. over Christmas, except for Zivny and another worker who stayed on in Cambodia, Aldoff said.

Zivny was planning to work with the orphans for another month, Aldoff said, but his friends now want him home so he can receive better medical attention.

Serious head injuries

He suffered severe brain and head trauma injuries and is in serious condition, Aldoff said.

He said the Canadian Embassy in Cambodia has been contacted but an official said no help from the Canadian government was available at this point.

"We are trying to raise enough money to medevac him back to Canada," said Aldoff.

A trust fund has been set up in Zivny's name through the International Humanitarian Hope Society to raise money to pay for his return.

About $100,000 will be needed to bring him home once his condition improves.


Anonymous said...

arrest those knuckle heads and throw them in jail and let them rot in there.....moron

Anonymous said...

Hang them!

Anonymous said...

No surprise, we had seen all of Ah Scam Rainxy's tricks to frame innocent people for crime because they voted for the CPP (his opponent).

Anonymous said...

2:06pm, Why are you even on this blog?

Anonymous said...

Or maybe he has done something to someone and didn't pay him/her??

Who knows?
You since Cambodia is a destination of sexual destination for westerner this could be the result.

Khmer Abroad,

Anonymous said...

8:18pm he may did you in Canada!

Anonymous said...

i'm skeptical if the host's embassy won't help him, then there must be more to the story then just headlines!

Anonymous said...

This pleu undersea is YOUN-SS, he used fake marriage to get here and begging from oversea people for help...Ah Pleu Mok krass thork tiep Som tien undersea!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing new about the nature of this crime. Just desperate people doing desperate things. $100,000!!! remember to always buy travel insurance people. Don't drink the water, ride with strangers, and if her palms are larger then yours... she's a he!

Anonymous said...

Good tips.

Thanks mate!