Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cambodia drafts law to regulate internet strictly [-What can it do to overseas websites?]

PHNOM PENH, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- The Cambodian Ministry of Information is drafting a law that will extend the libel, defamation and ethics rules currently governing print media to other media platforms, including Internet, national media said on Tuesday.

The law will be used to formalize content management rules so that they can be easily applied by future information ministers, the English-language daily The Phnom Penh Post quoted Information Minister Khieu Kanharith as saying.

"We are drafting the legislation in order to have a proper law to manage radio, television and other platforms," he said.

The recent explosion of media outlets of print media made the law necessary, he said, pointing to the increase in websites in recent years, as well as the growth in radio and television.

It is unknown when the draft law will be finished as much work needs to be done before it can be sent to the Council of Ministers for approval, he added.

Cambodia now has 9 aerial television channels, 60 cable channels, several satellite and Internet channels, and dozens of newspapers and magazines, according to official figures.

The number of websites remains unknown yet.


Anonymous said...

What about Anti-corruption Law?!

Anonymous said...

Sound like hanoi communism 101. RIGHT! What about Anti-curruption Law? Its almost 30 years already.

Guess, It will happen after all these old-heads is dead. Right now, their mind is still communist like pol pot and fuk-Ho chee-doodle-mink.

Anonymous said...

They want to adopt and enforce the law followed by Hanoi foot step recently crackdown on a website that criticized the gov’t. of Ho Chheam Tmenh. What a strict law for this freaking communist Yuon!

Anonymous said...

yeah draft that law ah khieu kan porng kdor so you can charge who ever you want to silent....you are dreaming ah porng kdor.....you'll never silent khmer.....you should silent your fat bitch.

Anonymous said...

Srok khmer reside in US say ……………
It has been the lesson learned all well from the genocide regime, alias Pol Pot regime (as I suggest since Khmers should not call “khmer rouge soldiers anymore, but Pol Pot soldiers in attempt not to divide Khmers anymore). The point I want to make here is Khmers can prevent this regime returning back in Cambodia by using this strategy “prevention better than cure”—I mean we Khmers in this technology era, which we can spread and share flow of information rapidly, can dig in the sources or root causes of political aspects or leadership styles leading to such regime or Zimbabwe-styled regime in the future.
And below is my analysis of one-man-state leadership style, which I think is practiced by the current khmer gov.t:
1) The characteristics of this leadership are that the leaders grip the state power so tightly. The leaders control the media, news network and every information network to secure that people will listen to what they want people to listen. Their mindset is to hold tight to power by trusting their reliable several people around them, “BUT NOT THE STATE INSTITUTIONS.” Cambodia is the good example to prove these characteristics. The current leaders of CPP show trust and demand trust from only several individuals---and it is noteworthy that it is ONE OF THE PROMINENT SOURCES OR ROOTS OF RAMPANT CORRUPTION IN CAMBODIA (b/coz the leaders’ trust is heavy, so usually as long as the current leaders don’t see the corruption as threat to their power, the current leaders namely cpp leaders will let their subordinates to corrupt to feed them so that their subordinates will stay loyal and help defend their power griping.)

2) Their mindset and attitude of this totalitarian regime are that “THEY WILL ALLOW ANY PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT TO HAPPEN ONLY WHEN THEY CAN CONTROL”. To prove, some people may still wonder why like the well-known corruption at schools is never curbed or why the responsible people do not care to take measures to improve the situation. The answer is simple “IF PEOPLE BECOME MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE OR ANALYTICAL, THE CURRENT GOV.T BY THE LEADERS WITH VERY LEAST NATIONAL CONSCIENCE or since they didn’t receive proper education and was installed in power by a Vietnam—will never allow this phase of development to slip away from their control. Put it simple, if people develop wisely and intellectually, the current cpp leaders will view this development AS OUT OF CONTROL b/coz they are dumb or better put in words “LOW-EDUCATED, VISION SHORT-SIGHTED, INCAPABLE AS AN INDIVIDUAL AND THEREBY SERVE ONLY THEIR CLANS AND ASSOCIATES OR EVEN SERVES THE ALIEN COUNTRY AS LONG AS THEY CAN STAY IN POWER AND THEIR CLANS’WELL-BEING IS SECURED, THOUGH WILDLY AND UNCIVILLY.”

3) Next let us explore consequences of such leadership style: Very good example should be from Zimbabwe where Mugabe believes himself that “he will drag the fate of his country down with him.” People in Zimbabwe lead miserable lives but will the leaders like Mugabe and in Cambodia the current leaders let the people live loose from their grip of power?

If only the leaders care people’s well-being, serve people’s interests and enhance the state’s institutions capacity for functioning and operation, establish state mechanisms&policy to boost quality of human resource (Like Singapore or western European countries), Khmers will not worry about the return of Pot Pot regime or any deepened&complicated miseries that cannot be solved. BUT WHAT IF THE CURRENT LEADERS DON’T? SACK THEM AND ERODE THEIR POWER BY EMPOWERING INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE POWER SO THEIR POWER WILL SLIP FROM THEM SUBSTANTIALLY.

From Srok khmer reside in US

Anonymous said...

They'll are doing that to silent the real khmer, but granting the privileges to Viet Xamers Nikoum Yuon who are flocking by the thousands every month into Cambodia.

Khmer overseas

Anonymous said...

How about include in the media law a section "that all politcal parties have equal access to media and advertisements". That no 1 political party in power will have great then 50% of the medias control like Newspaper,Television, Radio and the Internet. This mean the jornalism will be more balance and not bias and in favour the current CPP government as we have seen during the last elections campaign until now.

Anonymous said...

គិតតែប្រឹងអំពីការបង្កើតច្បាប់បិទសិទ្ធការបញេ្ចញមតិរបស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋទៅ​ដែលនេះក៏ជាការប្រឆាំងរដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញដែរ។​គួរតែគិតគូរអំពីការដែលមិនអាចរក្សាការសម្ងាត់សន្តិសុខជាតិបានតាមរយៈការបើកឲដំណើរការក្រុមហ៊ុនទូរសព្ទ័ចល័តយួនMetphone 097.

Anonymous said...

Ask Keu Kanharith: Is it defamation when people in Kean Svay know very well and say that Kanharith take a widow as his minor wife, has a child with her.....and then has another child with her daughter....?

Is it Ethical for a Minister like Kanharith to " EAT" the Mother and her daughter?

Anonymous said...

Ah nis Cchkae soth, si mae heuy si kaoun teat!

Anonymous said...

Please go full speed and ignore pouk Ah Scam Rainxy and their Pimp-oversea.

Anonymous said...


from your writing and your big mouth. You sound like ur an oversea too.

Anonymous said...

7:09PM: I think the same thing. Ah jkourt 5:36PM pretends that he lives undersea, but he is some where oversea for sure and likes to agitate people in KI forum.

Anonymous said...

5:36 is an instigator from the US pretend to be from Sroak Khmer. A place where he wish he could one day reunite with his father.... Hun Kvack. LOL
He's a pathological liar. He almost believe himself.
You can fool your dad, but you can't fool US.I think he's one of my employee working for me at Dunkin' Donut's.

He is also known as "Khmer-Luongthik, lup."