Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cheat Khmer: Birth of a new newspaper

13 Jan 2009

By Ung Chamroeun
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Luc Sâr
Click here to read the article in French

Cheat Khmer” or “The Khmer Nation,” a newspaper which claims to be politically independent, was first put on sale on Monday 12 January.

Sun Chanthy, the editor of the Cheat Khmer newspaper, indicated that “this newspaper is not aligned with any political party. We have decided to follow the journalistic code of ethics. We are mainly interested in political and economic issues in the kingdom. But, we are also reporting cases of human rights violations, of corruption, and issues that represent threat to social stability.”

Also according to Sun Chanthy, the newspaper will be distributed in 18 provinces and it also maintains a free website at: The newspaper is published only in Khmer.

Cheat Khmer is on sale for 1,000 riels ($0.25), and it consists of 8 pages, two of which are in color (front and last pages).

Right from the start, the content of the newspaper’s articles appear to be close to the Sam Rainsy Party. Furthermore, the name of the newspaper reminds us about the name of Sam Rainsy’s former political party: The Khmer Nation.


Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy Cheat Khmer Newspaper?

So this is a newspaper about how Sam Rainsy cheat's the Khmer?

Anonymous said...

Yeah make sure the newspaper serve the the Khmer nation not the individual party.

And do not serve Ah Hun Sen. I heard Hun Sen will die soon.

He will be execute like Saddam Hussein.

Khmer Abroad,

Anonymous said...

Dear Cheat Khmer
I go you blog and I can read open only the first page of your newspaper. Please fix the rest of the pages. I love to read your papers. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I go to your blog and I can open only the first page.....

Anonymous said...

It's always good to have independant newspapers...

And I don't think newspapers are independant.
Even Cambodge Soir and Cambodia Daily...

I am questioning myself.. why in this letter
Nobody sign ?

Usually the chief or president should sign..

Khmer Canadian

Anonymous said...

Haha! 12:39AM is on drugs..haha!

Anonymous said...

Cheat khmer-sounds more like khmer liars-it should be 'Khmer Nation', if you translate it properly.To call it "Cheat Khmer" is so insulting to the nation. More over, all edittors have the right to edit any information in regarding to what is going on by using concret materials such as evidence to prove it otherwise. The lives of the nation is depending on freedom of speech as well as the free will to act according what is right without using power and abuse. Empowerment skill is the will to success. For example don't be afraid to act for an injustic that may occurred. It is wrong when somebody using and abusing their power. Newspaper like this can advocate for those who are most vulnerable within our society. The way to improve the quality of life for individual is to speak up. khmer people need to adapt into these areas of self improve 1)need to have compassion, love, support, respect and obey the rule at all time". One other thing is to creat a welfare system to support our own fellow citizens. look at Aust or Singapore as a way of life. Come brothers and sisters critise no more. Implementing, supporting and respecting are the best solution for success. No, more negative comments but more of positive one. Doing so is to let other nations know that we are as competable. In other words, our country will be as safe as it can be and welcome them as our special guests...cheers everyone. Aust

Anonymous said...

I support you to commit in democracy......

TJ Magsakay said...

Cheat Khmer looks like Nihon Nippo (日本日报 Japan Daily) of Japan but is a Southeast Asian version.