
Hun Sen warns councillors
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Written by Vong Sokheng
The Phnom Penh Post
PRIME Minister Hun Sen has warned that future district, provincial and municipal councillors - to be elected through indirect nationwide elections in May - should not meddle in foreign affairs, despite the impending devolution of political power to the sub-national level.
Hun Sen, speaking to more than a hundred high-ranking government officials at Chaktomuk Theatre Wednesday during a decentralisation conference, highlighted the Taiwan-China dispute as one in which council members should hold their tongues.
"After the election, if the councils become independent and recognise Taiwanese independence, it will be wrong, as there is no such law," Hun Sen said, referring to Beijing's commitment to a "peaceful reunification" with Taiwan.
"Cambodia recognises the one-China policy," he said.
Cheam Yeap, spokesman of the ruling Cambodian People's Party , said that the prime minister was merely expressing concerns that the new councils may become confused about central government policy.
"The premier's message was to repeat government policy so that the new councils understand our foreign policy," he said.
On May 17, Cambodia will hold its first elections for positions on district, provincial and municipal councils as part of the government's drive to transfer more decision-making powers to the local level.
Hun Sen said also that the central government does not have sufficient ability to effectively provide public services in the Kingdom's remotest areas, and that it was preparing local administrations by equipping them with staff, finances and other resources.
"We hope that the reform will provide better services and bring about a reduction in poverty," he said, adding that after the May elections, councils will be able to remove local officials if their performance falls below a certain level.
But Sam Rainsy Party lawmaker Yim Sovann said that since the only eligible voters were sitting members of the country's commune councils, local people would have no hand in electing new officials.
"People are not able to express their rights to elect their leaders in their districts and provinces," he said. "The SRP will participate in the election. We will have our representatives, who will act as a watchdog over local developments."
Hun Sen, speaking to more than a hundred high-ranking government officials at Chaktomuk Theatre Wednesday during a decentralisation conference, highlighted the Taiwan-China dispute as one in which council members should hold their tongues.
"After the election, if the councils become independent and recognise Taiwanese independence, it will be wrong, as there is no such law," Hun Sen said, referring to Beijing's commitment to a "peaceful reunification" with Taiwan.
"Cambodia recognises the one-China policy," he said.
Cheam Yeap, spokesman of the ruling Cambodian People's Party , said that the prime minister was merely expressing concerns that the new councils may become confused about central government policy.
"The premier's message was to repeat government policy so that the new councils understand our foreign policy," he said.
On May 17, Cambodia will hold its first elections for positions on district, provincial and municipal councils as part of the government's drive to transfer more decision-making powers to the local level.
Hun Sen said also that the central government does not have sufficient ability to effectively provide public services in the Kingdom's remotest areas, and that it was preparing local administrations by equipping them with staff, finances and other resources.
"We hope that the reform will provide better services and bring about a reduction in poverty," he said, adding that after the May elections, councils will be able to remove local officials if their performance falls below a certain level.
But Sam Rainsy Party lawmaker Yim Sovann said that since the only eligible voters were sitting members of the country's commune councils, local people would have no hand in electing new officials.
"People are not able to express their rights to elect their leaders in their districts and provinces," he said. "The SRP will participate in the election. We will have our representatives, who will act as a watchdog over local developments."
Une good footballeuse!
i'm glad mr. hun sen is doing his job as a prime minister. remember, people are will do whatever they can to avoid the law, so, someone like mr. hun sen has gotten to warn them or enforce or remind them to not deviate from doing the right thing. and i praised him for doing so. of course, mr. hun sen is a human being like everybody else, but someone in the important position with gotten to rule with an iron fist, especially in the aftermath or the uruly society left over from the chaotic KR era; and so far he has gone a superb job and more. god bless him and his family and cambodia.
Kaing Guek Eav, plus connu sous le nom de Duch, est né autour de 1942 au sein d'une pauvre famille sino-cambodgienne, à Kompong Chen. Il a enseigné les mathématiques et a été attiré vers le communisme par un groupe d'étudiants chinois à l'Université de Phnom Penh.
Arrêté en tant que communiste par la police de Sihanouk, Duch est détenu de longs mois sans procès. Après le renversement de Sihanouk, il prend le maquis. Au début des années '70, Duch est en charge au sein du Parti communiste de la sécurité pour la région nord de Phnom Penh, de la sécurité. Les premiers documents sur Duch concernant le centre S-21, aussi appelé Tuol Sleng – le centre d'interrogatoire et de torture du régime khmers rouge – datent d'octobre 1975.
Ex-officier, colonel des Khmers rouges, il est issu de l'Angkar, l'organisation suprême khmère rouge, responsable entre 1975 et 1979 de la mort de plus de deux millions de Cambodgiens.
Il est étudiant lorsqu'en 1970 le premier ministre Norodom Sihanouk est renversé par une faction pro-Américaine et anti-Communiste de son gouvernement. Hun Sen rejoint alors un mouvement de résistance Khmer Rouge pro-Sihanouk. Bon soldat, toujours en première ligne, il sera blessé et perdra un œil dans l'assaut final Khmer Rouge sur Phnom Penh en 1975 lors duquel il commandait l'assaut contre l'aéroport de Pochentong le 17 avril 1975. Il fut élevé au rang de commandant régimentaire du Cambodge oriental
Les khmer rouges qui prennent le maquis sont:
Kaing Guek Eav(Duch),Hun sen,Sihanouk,Ieng sary,Nuon chhea,Kiev samphan,Pol pot,Ruos gnim,Hou nim,Hou yon,Monique,Ieng thirith,Chhuon chheun,Hor nam hong,Phok tchhay,Ouch Vèn,Pok de Kuma,Van tip suvann,Toch pheun,Sarin tchak,Ruos chét,Tiv ol,Kê kim huot,
ម្នាលហ៊ុនសំណែន (បទកាកគតិ)
ម្នាលហ៊ុនសែនអើយ ប៉ុន្មានឆ្នាំហើយ អ្នកកាន់អំណាច
មិនបានជួយអ្វី ខ្លួនកាន់តែកាច ខ្លាំងជាងបីសាច
ម្នាលកាន់តែចាស់ គួររកអ្នកផ្លាស់ ហើយប្រាសខំឆ្លៀត
រកធម៌រកអាថ៌ បំភ្លេចវិវាទ សាងខ្លួនម្តងទៀត
ពុំទាន់យឺតឡើយ ។
ខំសាងកុសល បំបាត់កង្វល់ ទើបចិត្តបានស្បើយ
ខំធ្វើបុណ្យទាន ជាស្ពានរកត្រើយ ជួបសុខរៀងអើយ
នៅជាតិខាងមុខ ។
មុននេះសាងបាប សាងច្រើនសន្ធាប់ ប្រមូលវេចទុក
ត្រូវយកសងគេ នៅពេលខាងមុខ ទើបរួចផុតទុក្ខ
ជួបសុខជាក្រោយ ។
អាយុសង្ខៃ មិនអាចតថ្លៃ ម្នាលកុំបណ្តោយ
ពេលកន្លងផុត ពិបាកដង្ហោយ ឲ្យវិលមកក្រោយ
ក្នុងចិត្តប្រេះឆា ។
ស្តាយបាបបានធ្វើ សីលមិនអើពើ ពឹងលើវាសនា
ខ្លួនចាស់ទ្រុតទ្រោម រូបឆោមជរា មច្ចុរាជទាមទារ
រាំងរាមិនបាន ។
ពេលនោះទើបភ្ញាក់ រកទីពុំនាក់ ដូចហាក់ស្រេកឃ្លាន
យល់ដឹងខុសត្រូវ ជម្រៅសីលទាន យកទៅមិនបាន
ប្រឹងរកឲ្យគេ ។
រកសុទ្ធផ្លូវខុស លួចជាតិស្រស់ៗ គ្មានសោះទ្រព្យកេរ្តិ៍
ប្លន់ទាំងអំណាច កំទេចអ្នកស្នេហ៍ បាបរិតឡើងទ្វេ
សងពុំរួចឡើយ ។
២៥មករា ២០០០
Samdech Doctoral Hun Sen Varman one day will eventually smell da coffin, his idle tears can not spiritually clean his sinful soul. Therefore, he is no longer mockeringly laugh, insult, or speak scholarly nonsense!
What the fuck with you ah Kwack?
Do you try to remind the West that if they stronger force you to be Democracy you will go to joint the communist China?
You stupid PhD from Hanoi don't you know that Chona and Viet name may have not thing to eat next year if the West not give a handout???
GO for real education ah Kwack Hun Xen!!!!
So is dictator Hund Xen.
He knows nothing!!!!
It doesn't matter because he has plenty of advisers in and out of the country.
We recognize one-china policy because we got money and support from China although democracy in Cambodia moving BACKWARD under our blind comrade.
It will move forward when Ah Kwaen bonds with Ah Kwack.
Bravo Ah Yuon’
Taiwan will never reunite with mainland China unless the latter change its system completely from single party to multiple parties and have a free election like everyone else.
Funny watching a stupid clown such as Hun Sen trying to administer some lessons to even a more stupid parade of clowns. Cambodia politics is such a sham and a fool's masquerade. Don't take any of them seriously.
Well, it could be a lot worst if Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy running the show.
This is a warmonger and totalitarian regime who wants to rule the country to the end of it’s’ existence. It’s about time to step aside and let the country changes a new course with a different head.
This regime has been clinching to the supremacy through corruption for too long.
Let’s the people taste a different flavor of a new administration!
Politicians are the same. They’re so thirst for power and want to hold on to power as long as they can.
It’s very different from a country with genuine democracy. They play by the rules and regulations and often regard the constitutions. The term limit for president and prime minister in some countries must not be tolerated.
However, in the case of Cambodia, it’s very obvious that the PM wants to hold on to the power until the end of his existence. It’s very shameful for the country and its people.
When you liberate people from the Khmer abuse and torture, they will put you in office forever.
To bad for Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy that they are all fagots.
Khmers suffer all the time when a regime of suppression, torture, killing and robbing people in a broad daylight exists.
Don’t keep your fingers crossed for too long. Everyone got their turns and limitation. No one can live forever, pal. What comes around goes around.
If PM (our liberator) said so, it shall be done, no buts, ifs, or whatever.
How could you said that Ah Kvak Hun Xen a liberator? How about those 180,000 of brave volunteer Vietnamese soldiers? Didnt these are the true liberator of Khmer people? If you want to give credit, at least give it to someone that deserve the credit. Ah Kvak Hun Xen is nothing but a coward who defected to Viet because he killed too many Khmer people and if he stay Pol Pot will not spare him.
Only in Cambodia that a coward and a murderer could become a leader.
Khmer LV
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