Monday, January 26, 2009

Hun Sen will change Cambodia into a Military Dictatorship Country

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Op-Ed by Khmer Young
On the web at

It is unarguable that recent firing of Gen. Ke Kimyan from his position as a Military General and deputy of the National Defense is politically oriented. Mr. Hun Sen is the spearhead to purge anyone who have more popularity than him as well as when he has distrusted those persons. The motivation behind this firing is not else beside of personal ambition to cling to power and supremacy of Hun Sen.

But when we look back to the recent past of this firing, we can see that there are several attempts of Hun Sen to sack Gen. Ke Kimyan from his position. First, during the coup data in rivaling for power between Hun Sen and Rannaridh, the news simultanously reported that Hun Sen was unable to command Gen. Ke Kimyan to mobilize the troops to confront the same Khmer soldiers. Since that time, Hun Sen has tried to nominate his trustful persons to work closely with Gen. Ke Kimyan such as Pol Saroeun, Mol Roeup, Kun Kim and Meas Sophea. This effort finally has been achieved when Pol Saeoun has been successfully appointed to this highest position. And also many other Hun Sen's trustful persons have been risen up to the post of deputy commander-in-chief position such as General Kun Kim, Meas Sophea, Mol Roeup, Chea Dara, Hing Bun Heang, Ung Samkhan and Sao Sokha.

This power shift is not else beside of securing Hun Sen's power stability. Hun Sen has no intention to gain his power through a democratic way, but to use military is his highest goal. Hun Sen might lead Cambodia in the political manner like Burma and Vietnam. But this internal conflict of CPP should be a good chance for DMC as well if they know how to utilize this opportunity.

However, Hun Sen rises to monopolize power in Cambodia will cause sufferings for Cambodia. Gen. Ke Kimyan lost his power in the range of military because of losing support from Vietnam. Gen. Pol Sareoun was recently granted PhD. in military strategy from Hanoi and immediately he rises to this powerful position.

Who will benefit from this power reshuffle?

Cambodian people and their nation will not benefit from this problematic reshuffle because the excuses Hun Sen used to blame Gen.Ke Kimyan of land grabs or others is groundless and it considered as the injustice excuse because Hun Sen himself cannot deal with corrupt persons who are supporting him. But whoever that he distrusts and likely not supports his power, he has many things to accuse them.

First person who can get benefit is only Hun Sen himself. But this benefit is just the fake one. Hun Sen himself has no self-success in leading Cambodia. Hun Sen has been totally supported by Vietnam since the beginning to the present.

Second is Vietnam. So, Vietnam can benefit most from this internal conflict of military. First, Vietnam can tie Hun Sen under their armpit in another decades. And if there are serous conflict inside the military or civil war in Cambodia, Vietnam will see this internal division as their chance to take advantage of Cambodia. This strategy, Vietnam has used it ever since.

Let see, the history will repeat again in Cambodia...Vietnam can keep their status quo more in Cambodia through mechanism of modern economic-capitalistic policy.



Anonymous said...

Of course, he can if there's no intervention from the West, especially America. America's foreign policies do not change much, but right now her economy almost falls flat to the ground because of the wars and big natural disasters. Obama and his team are struggling to push their way out of this harship; therefore, they might not pay much attention to this tiny country that gives them so little advantage. In Souteast Asia Cambodia is the only country that is so plentiful with natural resources that can adequately supply the basic needs to all her people, but, unfortunately, she has been raped and robbed by the Hun Sen's families and his cronies until she now becomes paralized.

Anonymous said...

When da dogs know how to lick da master's ass, they will have more plenty of left over bones. Otherwise, they will be got punishing or left homeless!

In order to keep CPP getting stronger and longer in power, Youn will be elimated the unloyal dog, one by one, Hun Sen MightyDog is a perfect weapon!

Anonymous said...

Bullshit! Don't ever put down Samdech Akkeak Moha Sena Padei Decho Hun Sen, you filthy animal!

Anonymous said...

The dark-skinned shit-for-brain Khmer people do not deserve their own nation. They're too dumb to keep a country together. They still believe in voodoo and black magic. If you want to see Cambodia prosper look to the Khmers with Chinese blood and intelligence.

Anonymous said...

better stop aH uneducated PHD HUN SEN now , befor he kill all Khmer .

Anonymous said...

too many khmer people love, trust, and support him. Now, it turns to be miserable.

Anonymous said...

Of course!, Hun Sen must be worry and need to be protected like this. Why? Beacuse the Bamboo's rootes have been rooting in his right brain so thick now. Nowadays, Hun Sen cannot see well with his left eye. Better Watch out! That's why more general-stars must be promoted for new tasks, and must respect his orders. Any old worker like Mr. Ke kimyan, who dare to protest Hun Sen, must be removed. Hun Sen is very worse and worse now. He turns anything upside down. People say good, he said bad, because baboo's root in his brain. Compair to ourselves, we have 2 eyes we are still wrong.
What's bout him? Bomboo's root in his brain, only one eye can see.

This is a saying: New workers respect old boss. Old workers never respect the boss.


Anonymous said...

what i don't understand is why people seem to empowering something they think is wrong; that is a bad way to bring to the attention. you don't empower the communism, your enemy, etc, especially if they've done nothing good for you!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen starts to feel insecure because we have this Khmer general kept on telling him that Khmer doens't want to fight Khmer anymore.

How come Ke Kimyan is thorn to Hun Sen?

First is that Ke Kimyan is leaning on to Chea Sim's side.

Dog eats dog scenario in Phnom Penh.
Since Mr. Hun Sen lost National Police Hok Lundy and there is no one to watch or look out for Hun Sen, Hun Sen must have the head of military removed. Like Chea Sophara's case. When Chea Sophara was a Phnom Penh governor, his popularity is up in the sky and that made Hun Sen very envying.

And rumors said that Chea Sophara wants to put his name as PM candidate and indeed it made Hun Sen really paranoid.

Hun Sen is Saddam Hussein!!

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

Beware of the foreigners having access and coming in to this site to instigate the matters so that some Khmers are stupid enough to jump and insult their own blood. Beware, and be vigilant.

Anonymous said...

I think there are a few of them coming in already. Send them back to China where they belonged!!!

Anonymous said...

I blame all NGO organisations and all opposition parties for keeping quiet. They should protest against this Prime Minister for interfering army herachy. Army should be neutral and independent from political party. Therefore all promotions and all sacking of all army personal should be rest within army. The Prime Minister cannot deal directly to the commander but the minister of defence who was responsible with defence so that the country can be democratic. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Nobody can outdone samdech decho,except god.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:28 AM. Ethnic Khmer (dark skin) are only good at fighting each other. When it comes to helping the nation prosper, they have no clue. Even they're given the support and money to do something positive, they always find a way to screw up. Then they go to the temple to pray for better luck in the next life. If you notice, all of top Khmer leaders like Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are dark skin ethnic Khmers. That's why Cambodia is the way it is. If the Khmer people want Cambodia to become a better country, they better find intelligent, educated Khmers to run the country. I am talking about light-skinned Chinese-Khmers, not those dumb-ass dark skinned warmongers and manipulators who sell Khmer lands, forests, gemstones, and their own women to the foreigners.

Anonymous said...

This coup d'etat that Khmer Young writes about had transpired in 1997. And my question is that if PM Hun Sen had immediately encountered problems with Gen. Ke Kim Yan during and after the coup d'etat, more than 10 years ago, how did the General get along all these years with the Prime Minister?

It seems to me that there is an illogicality in the notion that Hun Sen has been seeking for ways to get rid of the troublesome General and hasn't been able to do so until present time.

It is the king Norodom Sihamony who has signed a decree to demote or displace Gen. Ke Kim Yan from his position. And the question here is: did the Khmer king do things as Hun Sen has asked him to do without knowing the whole truths of the matter?

This is evidently an illogical and inappropriate act that goes against the Khmer Constitution that protects the king from being insulted in any way, shape or form.

My mind goes on to wonder why the accusation that Ke Kim Yan's corrupt activity, land grab involvement, etc. is groundless as written by Khmer Young. Is this notion a mere assumption or this dear friend Khmer Young does know the facts of the matter?

And the Khmer king knows nothing of what is happening now is nothing other than the PM's paranoia and power hunger?

I scratch my head and wonder. Please write accurate knowledge so that we the readers may learn the truths, nothing but the truths, from you.

I cannot and will not support a corrupt government whose leaders are drunken in grabbibg and holding the power for as long as they can.

But at the same time, in my humble opinion, writing inaccurate information about these leaders must not be practiced because it will not produce success in finding ways to alleviate our smallness, lowliness and it will instead produce anger and confusion among ourselves. Thank you very much and God bless.


Anonymous said...

I agree with poster Qm 3:09AM that King Sihamony was also to blame for signing a degree to remove Ke KimYan. As a King he should be the neutral King and should be the guarantor of Cambodian democracy system. In this system, he should be realised that all political parties should be free from owning army and police force. All Army and police forces should be the National army and National Police. Therefore instead of removing Ke Kimyan who wanted to be out from serving a single party such as CPP, the King should remove all military leaders and police leaders who are members of CPP or associated with Hun Sen. Cambodia cannot move forward for a bright future with this kind of self-interest protection. It must move to a direction that every single Cambodian is being protected by law and order and National Institutions. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...


You might be not blinded under the leadership of Hun Sen. Every thing can happen suddenly to protect his power, and the excuses will come out with no filtering to benefit his political rhetoric in the public.

Communist style will never be humble to anyone...though you are sacked you still be blamed and condemned...Hun Sen is like that...Gen. Ke Kimyan will get more trashes from Hun Sen's mouth.

You might not dump in KY's assumption of why Hun Sen didn't uproot Gen. Ke Kimyan long time ago, since 1997? It is simple, because Hun Sen has not yet ready to destroy Gen. Kim Kimyan. Hun Sen has waited 10 years to request support from VN (Pol Sareoun is PHD from VN), and nominated all his closest cronies to make sure that Gen.Ke Kimyan cannot bite him back when he sacks him.

So, do you think this strategy is illogical for Hun Sen? Hun Sen is smarter than you Qm.

Regarding land grabs, if you read KY's essay again, he didn't directly be sure that there were land grabs like Hun Sen accused, but he pointed out that why many other land grabs around Hun Sen are still free of attention there...why only Gen. Ke Kimyan?

I hope you should take time to imagine yourself that, are you going to protect the good one, or the bad one?

Anonymous said...

King Sihamuni is a Teang Mong in Cambodia.

He has no power...he has been used to legitimize Hun Sen's power cultivation.

Anonymous said...

It is a perfect example of the ethnic (dark skin) Khmer's destructive craftiness and manipulations. They're very good at that, but very dumb at nation building.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, 3:49AM; history clearly proves it to us.

Anonymous said...

3.49 AM,

Dark-skinned Khmer are dumb ass destroying Khmer ? Look who were tghese people: Nuon Chea, Pol Pot,Hun Sen Wife bunRany, Yeay phou, Soc Kong, Soc An, Hoc Lundi, Ta Moc ( ung Choeun), and Khmer leaders who destroyed Cambodia were/are sino khmer.

I can't belive you are such a stupid sino-khmer. You need to go back to the Yellow River.

Anonymous said...

3.52AM, yes, history has cleary proves that most sino-khmer have destroyed khmer country. Most dark skinned khmer are too dumb these days, dumb people are only stuck in their farms, they have not much brain to take on heavy tasks in politics leaving it to the chinese yuon khmers to destroy thecountry. do you get it ?

go figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, 4:16 AM and 4:50 AM. Pol Pot was 100% ethnic Khmer. He even led an army of dark-skinned (even their uniforms were black) Khmers to kill the Cambodian people.

Take a good look at Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin. Do they look like Sino-Khmer to you?

Anonymous said...

God damn it, you! There is nothing to do with the color of the skin. Some white skin people are even dumber than those darker skins. It’s up to individual’s mentality and the brain. Also education is helpful for any individual despite the skin colors.

Think about that!

Anonymous said...

4:57 AM

Don't get me wrong.
You are absolutely wrong about POL POT, KHIEVE SAMPHAN, Chea Sim. ALl these clowns do have chinese blood in them. Pleae do some more research and you will find out.

Khmer Dark-skin from the border,

Anonymous said...

Skin color does not give away a person intelligence. But half Chinese generally do not serve in the armed forces of the host country--not just Cambodia. I have alot of good friends who are pure Chineses. Most of them are honest and sincere people. The problem I have is the Chinese Cambodians who generally don't serve in the Cambodian miliary, only concern themselves with making profits by any means, legally or otherwise, through business ventures. Alot of them are opportunists and even look down on pure dark skin Khmers like myself. I realize there are a few good Chinese Cambodians out there--but they are few and far in between. Sometime I wish the rightful owners of Cambodia who are mostly dark skin Khmers need another KR-styled revolution to show them what integration and patriotism (for Cambodia) is all about.

Anonymous said...

Go to wikipedia, and do a search on chea sim. This guy boasts his ancestry was from China or hainan, same with the sex killer Bunnary hun sen. so many Khmer rouge were of chinese blood. why don't you open your eyes and see, if you are so keen in debating about color of the skin vis a vis killing, which i think is totally wrong. someone above says education and intelligence is the clue, he is damn right. oh, mao se dong killed some 20 million during his cultural revolution, he was smart, wasn't he ? uncle killed in the millions as well during the august 1945 revolution land reform, so smart, wasn't he ?

Anonymous said...

I meant to say Unlce Ho aslos killed in the millins during his 1945 august land reform revolution. wasn't he so clever, as most sino superior claim to be ?

Anonymous said...

Autocratic government is what we need. I hope they get it done soon.

Anonymous said...

LET ME ADD THIS TO THE COMMENTS: Some of dark skin people came from Southern parts of China and have been living in Cambodia since pre-Angkor era. That’s being said; they’re not pure Khmers but mixed and have Chinese blood.

Due to many years of conflict and internal hostility, they lacked in education and state of mind was being degraded which led to violent behavior in some cases.

Look at Pol Pot’s regime as an example. Their comrades and cadres were child soldiers with poor or event non-educated people. They did not have to think twice to following and to execute order in a battlefield. It’s good in away, but bad in other method when we think about it.

No matter what, education is a solution in helping us in modern society and to reduce the gap of hostility and ferocious mind-set of human being.

Anonymous said...

Come on, folks. The matter of fact is that it does not totally depend on the colors of the skin of the people who lead the country. Colors of the skin has no influence on the brains. It is an individaul own characteristic: education, loyalty, patriotism and committment that makes him be a good leader.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen didn't sack Ke Kimyan 10 years ago because he was not powerful enough to sack Kimyan. He did try but failed. Now, he is powerful enough to do it, so he has to sack Kimyan before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

It is sad to see a person in capacity as prime minister is running the country based on personal ego. Certainly, Cambodia do not benefit anything out of this HUN SEN's stupidity political maneuver; instead, he puts CAMBODIA in peril for another civil war for which Cambodians will suffer greatly. Vietnam is definitely meddling in this affair to put Cambodia lagging behind them so they can take advantage of Cambodia indefinitely as long as it is under HUN SEN'S control.

Anonymous said...

Let's turn the history back a little bit: without Yuons' help, would Hun Sen with such a rustic education, be able to come close to any government jobs? No! Hun Sen is nothing without the Yuons, but he's now strong enough to kick anyone around as he wants. Why can he become this strong? Perhaps, the King, who thinks he was omniscient, gave Hun Sen the weapons to defeat everone, and the ones who have sufferred the most are the Khmer people who have complete trust in him and the Royal political party, which finally turns to be sucked!

Anonymous said...

It’s a good idea for Ke Kim Yan to refrain and not to get any crazy idea to upraising for retaliation. He should live as normal citizen and leave the entire headache to someone else.

Hun Sen afraid to fire his inner cycle in the 80s and used to say that he will be in big trouble if a general organizes 5,000 troops and turns against him.

Now there is more stability in the country and everything is under central government control, he doesn’t give a damn about booting some of his unfaithful generals out the door.

He sees that anyone dares resist his direct command, is going to be sorry for sure. The West used to say: “His Way or the Highway”

The question is how far is he willing to shake up for dead wood?

Anonymous said...

Tghe loss of hok Lundy, his right hand man, prompted Hun sen to look for alternative to further grip on to power. After installing his newphew, net savoeun in the police force, he looked to consolidate his power base in the army. So his power base is now complete. He will rule with no regard to any bit of national institution.

His verbal appeal for national reconciliation bears no substance from his actions. So tytpical of Hun sen. Exact copy of sihanouk rule.

Anonymous said...

What you wrote is based on your own and personal notion as well. The key point is constitutionally the Khmer king cannot be insulted in any way, shape or form.

If PM Hun Sen had wrongly accused the army chief and has the king signed the decree to oust this army chief then it can be equate as a contempt of king of Cambodia.

So, I have a reason to believe that Hun Sen may have a reasonable motive to fire the army chief. My opinion.


Anonymous said...


it dated back to 1994 when ke kim yan wa rumouredto have said his boss was the king. os hun sen was so mad slapping ke in the face, you say what, bastard ? ke was a moderate with reasons. hun sen feared ke's increasing popularity. this is a normal cause for concern. coup can be made by popular army leader. so to me, it was obvious the sacking of ke was to disable him from any future coup or power struggle.

hun sen didn't it for overten years, why ? because at the time, hun sen still had his other enemies: funcinpec, and other opposition groups. but now, these later are gone. so the only serious enemies now are from within the cpp. mind you, he is also egged on the silence of the internatioanl community, sissy ASEAN who among themselves a group of aisan power addicts and dictators. his confidence in the power of the brawn, not the brain proves that is the way to rule.

bye bye to any pretense of demoracy. cheasim faction and the general khmer population, downtrodden and fearful, will have no gut in standing up to kind of rule. 30 years of oppression andsuffering have molded their character into a badly submissive sheep-like, pitiful people.

Anonymous said...

Again, Qm,
That's what the article said, as it did bofore. Hun Sen allow it to be written that way because he wants to fool the dumb King. You know Hun Sen the moha oscha too little. Has Hun ever respected anyone?

Anonymous said...

King is being used as the clown for Hun Sen's ambition as well as the Cambodian national constitution...even the judiciary has never implemented in a constitutional way...

Anonymous said...

Of course, if we observe the recent trips to Vietnam by many CPP's leaders such as Hun Sen, Chea Sim, and Heng Samrin are just the effort to ask Vietnam to support their faction.

There are division inside CPP and each of this contenders run to Vietnam for help.

But it is sad that Chea Sim has lost support from Vietnam. And Hun Sen surely gain trust from Vietnam about his eternal loyalty to Vietnam.

Gen. Ke Kimyan has been easily sacked because of losing support from Vietnam. Remember, Gen. Ke Kimyan also visited Vietnam to ask for support...but Vietnam didn't trust him.

In this internal division of CPP, Vietnam is benefiting most for continue dominate Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The king only reign but doesn't rule. If he said no to Hun Sen, Hun Sen will kick his ass, kick him out and declare a republic. Don't worry Hun Sen is on the way to self-destruction..Later, other CPP officials will be fed up with him and rebel..Sok an is another one powerful enough to kick Hun Sen out..wait, watch and see.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is no balance of power in Cambodia politics. The king is the person to question between the right and wrong for nation but didn't. He allows Hun Sen do whatever he wants; even his motive is bad. Is that fair to all the Cambodian people who would ultimately suffer through his eccentric behavior? Cambodians must think again who they would lend their votes that ultimately gave this person his power to put our future in peril. Is HUN SEN the really the right man for country? You can decide your leader in the next election. GOD BLESS CAMBODIA!!!

Anonymous said...

The hope is glimpse for the change in leadership. He will use his power and wealth to buy votes and hang on to the power through corruption. We should know this by now, folks. The only way to unseat him is someone that knows a mechanism to eject him to “HELL” once for all.

Anonymous said...

All South Asian nations are being ruled by dictators.

Burma is worse among all South East Asian Nations.
Vietnam is #2,
China is #3,
Cambodia is# 4.
Thailand is $ 5(military dictators).
Singapore is $ 6.
and the rest are better.

add up all together, the world has one evil all the evils is our Dear Leader Kim Jung Il.

PM Hun Sen is fine. Let him enjoy for the moment he is still alive.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia's future peril is not about the poor behavior of Hun Sen, but it is about the gradual increasing status quo of Vietnam in attempting to achieve Indochina Federation...the old mythical organization created by colonial French between 1863-1954.

Lao has been already successfully swallowed by Vietnam. Cambodia is next under the gut of Hun Sen for his personal power thirst...

Anonymous said...

The only thing that is good about KI Media is inciting Khmer fighting Khmer. Khmer is fighting Khmer every single day in this forum. Fucking Stupid.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but Ah Potato Diggers is no Khmer. They just think they are.