Monday, January 05, 2009

Ieng Sary hospitalized twice

05 Jan 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Ieng Sary, the ill former KR leader, was released from Calmette Hospital on Friday following his second hospitalization in one week. Ang Udom, Ieng Sary’s defense laywer, told local news media that Ieng Sary was hospitalized because of blood in his urine and also because of his swollen arms and legs. However, his condition has improved after his hospitalization. Ieng Sary was released last Wednesday after another two days of hospitalization, then he was re-admitted one more time to the hospital. The 83-year former KR regime Foreign minister saw his health condition deteriorated following his arrest on November 2007. He was hospitalized several times after he was incarcerated by the KR Tribunal. Reach Sambath, the ECCC spokesman, indicated that Ieng Sary was indeed hospitalized because of blood in his urine, however, Reach Sambeth refused to comment on Ieng Sary’s health condition.

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