Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Leaders focus on border [-More Thai promise on border issues, but where is the Thai action?]

January 27, 2009
By Kavi Chongkittavorn
The Nation
Phnom Penh

PM, Hun Sen to concentrate on improving relations

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has told Cambodian leader Hun Sen in a letter that border issues will be resolved through existing bilateral mechanisms.

Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya handed the letter to Hun Sen during a trip to Phnom Penh to improve bilateral relations, which have been marred recently by border disputes.

Abhisit hailed Hun Sen's positive speech made last Tuesday in Oddar Meanchey province in which he vowed to solve ongoing border issues between the two countries. The Cambodian leader said he would not raise this issue at the upcoming Asean Summit.

"As we are immediate neighbours and share common borders, traditions and cultures, my government is committed to bringing better security and more prosperity to the livelihood of our two peoples and countries," Abhisit said in the letter.

He said Thailand and Cambodia had an obligation as Asean members to improve bilateral ties, or else the regional grouping would be affected.

Kasit quoted Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen as saying it was the two countries' joint duty and responsibility to move Thai-Cambodian relations forward for the well-being of Asean.

Kasit's courtesy call on Hun Sen yesterday turned into a 55-minute discussion on Thai-Cambodian relations and regional cooperation. After greeting Kasit, Hun Sen recalled the days they worked together to bring peace to Cambodia at the 1989 Paris Peace Conference.

"We've known each other for 20 years. Now we are determined to move our relations forward," Kasit quoted Hun Sen as saying, referring to their common experience during the Cambodian conflict.

Kasit reported that Hun Sen wanted to prevent any future misunderstanding between the leaders and governments, both sides needed to be constantly in touch to clear up any misinterpretations or misinformation coming from media reports, vested interest groups or non-governmental organisations.

Both leaders reiterated that any problem between them would be settled through peaceful means, negotiations and the non-use of force. During an earlier meeting, Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong also stressed these three points.

"We should foster and move forward on common goals rather than focus on our differences. We should not let one issue become a bottleneck for 40 or 50 other issues that are in progress," Kasit said, talking about his common understanding with Hun Sen.

Kasit said Thailand would take up the Emerald Triangle Cooperation, the brainchild of Hun Sen, at the upcoming Asean summit. The framework, proposed in 2000, was aimed at promoting tourism in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.

In Oddar Meanchey province, Hun Sen commented on Thai-Cambodian relations, saying his country wanted to prevent the resurgence of an armed conflict and urged both sides to continue negotiations.

Abhisit expressed gratitude to Hun Sen for accepting an invitation to attend the 14th Asean Summit in Hua Hin from February 27 to March 1. He said he would visit Cambodia in the near future "to enhance and further all aspects of our relations".

Kasit told a press conference both sides agreed to settle their mutual problems through peaceful means and in brotherly ways. Hor Namhong said Thai Defence Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan would visit Cambodia next month to discuss the border situation.


Anonymous said...

No matter what Thai thieves claim about the border, Cambodia must stick to 1904-1907 maps that were decided by World Court. Cambodia also must be vigilant to any agreement offered by Thai for its advantage.

Prime Minister, Hun Sen has already said to his Thai counterpart once before that Cambodia cannot lose territory to Thailand.

Let’s see if he keeps his genuine word and turns it to reality.

Anonymous said...

it's all bullshit.....kasit did infact wash his feet with Hun Sen's blood. Siam is use its old tricks again....angel talk with devil actions....the thick heads cpp government won't give a damn about khmer sovereingty......the siam will find a way to get preah vihear......

Anonymous said...

To Kasit and other Thai,

Mr. Kasit, you said, "We should foster and move forward on common goals rather than focus on our differences. We should not let one issue become a bottleneck for 40 or 50 other issues that are in progress".

Yes, we should not focus on our differences. But, do you and the rest of the Thai people really know what the differences between us--Cambodian and Thai--really are? And do you know that this ONE issue you're talking about is the core and the centerpiece of all other issues at play. Border (or territory) issue is the biggest of all, and because located on this Cambodian side of border is the magnificient Cambodian Preah Vihear temple, history and natioanl pride, that Thai and Thailand always endlessly and shamelessly claim to be theirs. So, I just wanna make clear to you that this one issue has a top prority over all othter issues. We cannot work together for common goals if you and Thailand don't give up your greedy ambition to siamize Cambodia properties, and if you and your country have never ever showned any bit of good sign and faith of respecting and honnoring Cambodian intergrety and sovereignty.

Ordinary Cambodian Citizen

Anonymous said...

Beware!!! It's a trick.

They're both, Ah Siam and Ah Hun Sex, trying to plan something that we not expected.

Anonymous said...

Don’t hold your breath, everyone. Hun Sen and his regime will agree to plan new border pillars along the bolder 1 mile inside Cambodia and let Siams claim what they want beyond that. Then he’d build concrete wall next to Preah Vihear Temple so that Siams can’t have any view from their side of the border. Then he’d say to fellow Khmers, forget the maps and other nonsense and start doing business with Siams and make money!

Does it make looks patriotic PM?

Anonymous said...

I have received the reports from our villagers/khmer soldiers along Thai-Cambodian border last week and informed me that the Thai troops about 5000 troops has stationed inside Cambodia territory along the Thai-Cambodian border. It is about 800 km long. The Thai troops are deep inside our territory about 10 km from the demarcation(not on the visible national route). But along the border in the forest (along Phnom Damrek), and about thousands more in the(old Site B camp).

Does Ah kvak Hun Sen konw about that ? Thai now plays 2 faces. One side, Kasith came to PPenh to act like he wanted to solve the border peacefully. But on the other side, 5000 Thai troops are already INSIDE Cambodia.

This is the real. It is not faking or fabricate.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Leu supposes to live on top (Leu) of the mountain. Ah Khmer Kandal supposes to live on the bottom of the mountain; so stop intruding on Khmer Leu's territory, Ah greedy monkey!