Saturday, January 10, 2009

Out of Cambodia

Friday, January 9, 2009
By E.J. Graff
Washington Post (USA)

The orphan manufacturing chain is not limited to infants and toddlers. In 1999, Songkea was 9 or 10 years old. She lived with her brother, sister, brother-in-law and nephew in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Her mother had recently died, but close relatives lived nearby. Songkea thrived in school and in her dance lessons and loved playing with her nephew and cousins.

One day, a man approached the girl. He was a child recruiter and later told ABC's "20/20," which investigated Songkea's case in 2005, that he had been paid $300 to recruit her for adoption.

"[A] man stopped me, and told me to go and ask my family if I could live in America. The man told me if they agreed, I should move to the orphanage for two weeks, and they would take me to Phnom Penh after that," Songkea wrote five years later in a victim-impact statement presented in a U.S. court. "Suddenly, they told me I would go to Phnom Penh that day and meet my new mother. I didn't say goodbye to my sister, or anyone else."

Meanwhile, Judith Mosley, who was living in Saipan with her husband and children and awaiting word about a pending adoption, got a call from Lynn Devin at Seattle International Adoptions, which Devin ran with her sister, Lauryn Galindo. Devin told Mosley to go to Phnom Penh to meet Galindo, the adoption facilitator. There, Mosley was told, she would receive her new daughter.

After meeting Songkea, Mosley -- despite Galindo's protests -- insisted on going with the girl to see the Siem Reap orphanage where she had lived. But once at the orphanage, the child gave the taxi driver directions to her family's house. There Mosley learned that Songkea had a family, although she believed that they had knowingly given her up for adoption.

Just before Mosley and Songkea, now to be named Camryn, boarded the plane back to Saipan, Galindo handed Mosley the adoption paperwork. It said that Songkea had been living in the orphanage for four years and had no known family -- which Mosley by then knew to be false. She continued to believe, however, that Camryn's family had chosen to give her and that Galindo had simply mishandled the documentation.

In December 2001, following investigations by a local human rights group and the Phnom Penh Post that exposed baby-buying and abduction through Galindo's adoption operations, as well as others, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service halted adoptions from Cambodia and began its own criminal investigation. The moratorium on adoptions continues today. In 2004, Galindo pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to commit visa fraud and launder money stemming from her role in arranging the adoption of Cambodian children such as Songkea. She was sentenced to 18 months in prison and also ordered to forfeit more than $1.4 million in property in Hawaii.

Devin, who prosecutors say did not know that babies were being bought, pleaded guilty to related charges after providing information to officials about her sister's activities and was sentenced to six months of house arrest. It is not known how many of the more than 700 children whom the operation matched with new families were actually orphans.

In 2004, Mosley took Camryn back to Cambodia to visit her biological family. By then a teenager, Camryn was no longer fluent in Khmer, but she says she was profoundly happy to see the family she loved. Today she is waiting for her college acceptance letters.

E.J. Graff is associate director and senior researcher at Brandeis University's Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism.


Anonymous said...

The Khmer grass roots will stay in her mind and she will be back one day, because of the soul of the Khmer Empire.

Anonymous said...

Right,Sokea will be back one day to expose and condemn Hun Sen for sell out:
-farming land to foreigners
-young adults to foreign countries to be house cleaners,
-immigrant-ethnic children to brothels,
-infants to adoption agencies,
-half learned young men to his generals to be rag-tag foot soldiers,

Anonymous said...

The more white people adopt khmer kids to live in the United State the better for Khmer in the future.

Let cut out the middleman. Have the perpective adopt parent go through the background check if they are found to be a good living caring people; allow them to adopt kid. However, the Gov't. must set up a rule and regulation.

They will be eduated and will benefit khmer in the future. Who know they may become doctors, laywers, educators, historians, etc.

But of course no one think like me, that is why I'm poor. Especially Hun Sen, he is rich but if you give him less he won't accepts. You will have to pay Hun Sen lot of money.

Khmer for Khmer

Anonymous said...

Where are you Mr. Wis-don-key?

Now this kids is going to be an "Ah Pleu-Oversea"? I hope you could stop it.

I want to know about your comment, Mr. ...-don-key. Because you had a best comment ever!! mostly, your comment erupt from the bottom of the heart that the head full of shit.
