Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sok Kong and Chheung Sopheap (aka Yeay Phu) dole out red envelopes stuffed with cash to city cops

Penny-pinching Sok Kong dole out red envelopes containing $2.50 only to city cops ...
whereas, his rival, the famous Chheung Sopheap (aka Yeay Phu, seen here with her CPP-senator-tycoon-land-grabber husband Lao Meng Khin) doled out red envelopes stuffed with $25 bribes gifts.

27 Jan 2009

The Cambodia Daily reported in today’s edition, that to mark the Chinese New Year celebration “with flair” in Phnom Penh on Monday, two of Samdach Dek Cho Hun Sen’s cronies, Oknha Sok Kong and Oknha Chheung Sopheap (aka Yeay Phu or Grandma Phu) doled out red envelopes stuffed with cash to city cops who gathered at their residences. Sok Kong is the owner of the Sokha Hotel Group and the giant Sokimex company, whereas Yeay Phu is the tycoon owner of the Pheapimex land concession company. However, cops who presented themselves to Yeay Phu’s residence received $25 in their red envelopes, whereas cops who went to Sok Kong’s residence only received a paltry amount of $2.50 (after all, Sok Kong has to be more penny-pinching to own more than Yeay Phu). Touch Naroth, the Phnom Penh police commissioner said that he did not take part in this generous cash dole out and he did not believe his officers would take the generous red envelopes either. Poor chief, little did he know what his officers are doing behind his back … or maybe, he chose to look away, just as the city cops always do.


Anonymous said...

Touch Norroth didn't need to present there, he has already got special Ang Pao (red envelop) more than his lower personnels presented at the feast...

Anonymous said...

No surprise, because Khmer Cops, including thee top cops, are DOGS of crook businesmen-women.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to Oknha Sok Kong and all for being so generous and helpful to our civil servants on Spring Holiday!

May God blesses all.

Anonymous said...

CPP are corrupt dogs. Even some foreigners have now figured this out for themselves.

Check what they are saying at K440

Anonymous said...

The wages for the cops in Cambodia is very low. Receiving some cash to improve their livelihood is not a bad things. Furthermore, CNY is a time of giving....

Anonymous said...

These cops make less than $100 a month. A bag of rice cost $35. How do u think they will support their families? It's not their fault that they make extra money out there...blame it on the govt. If the govt. were to give them decent pay, i don't think these cops will do what do.

But like 7:26am said...Chinese New Year is a time of giving. It's good luck to give out money to people in the red envelopes. I don't see anything wrong with accepting it.

Anonymous said...

Blame it on the government? Where is the government supposed to get the money from?

10:58 is an idiot. What he's saying if you born poor blame your parent.
What a piece of shit?

Anonymous said...

12:50AM If you BORNED POOR and if your parents not to be blamed and your grand parents were not to be blamed who else can you blame? The fucking gorverment for sure!!!!

10:58PM not thing is wrong if those polices did not help those Fucking businessment steal thing from poor Cambodian people!!!!

Anonymous said...

isn't that against the new law or rule of law to bribe the police from doing the right thing for the country and people? go figure! if this is true, it should not be tolerated, rich or poor, because what kind of example or tradition are they trying to set for society in cambodia, a corrupted one? not right, to say the least! i hope the tycoon couple can understand the new law for the sake of cambodia. thank you and god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

well, i can understand if it's a chinese new year gifts, but if that the case, then they should be given money as gift to all the poor people in cambodia, not just cops or police because not only that is discriminating against poor people, it is a form or corruption by way of bribing the police, perhaps! it's got to be fair to all, not just police! all or nothing!

Anonymous said...

WTF? Everyone is poor in Cambodia. We are talking like 13.7 millions out of 14 millions. Who can afford to feed so many people? Not even the US.

Anonymous said...

rich people should help cambodia to establish social security system and human services agencies ,etc., because these establishments will help the poors, the disadvantaged, the handicapped, etc, etc... otherwise, we will not see an end to people's suffering needlessly in cambodia. influential people have to help to get things going for the better of society and cambodia in which they all called "home" because cambodia is "home" to everybody, rich or poor people. please think smartly, everyone! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Just bunch of dogs crawling for some bones.

Anonymous said...

Cops in Cambo are like private security guys, especially in PP. Their duties is provide so-called security to "roadside weddings" (common wedding in PP, where they block the entire street to set up their wedding tent). Those cops obviously didnt have any proper training. They are more like bunch of motodop drivers in uniforms.