Monday, January 26, 2009

Thai FM: Hun Sen has no 'hard feelings' over past remarks [-What other choice does Hun Sen have when Bangkok is stronger than Phnom Penh?]

PHNOM PENH, Jan 26 (TNA) - Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya on Monday quoted Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen as saying Hun Sen did not have any ‘hard feelings’ over his past comments on the Cambodian leader regarding the disputed Preah Vihear border area.

Mr. Kasit, who had close ties to the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), occasionally joined the group and criticised Hun Sen during the six-month long protests in 2008.

The Thai foreign minister said it was a thing of the past, quoting Hun Sen as saying they had worked together and were on good terms when working in Paris twenty years ago.

Mr. Kasit also urged Thai media and the Thai people to focus on a positive approach, to push for peace between the two countries.

On Monday the second day of Mr. Kasit’s official visit to Cambodia, he tried to seek a royal pardon through Cambodia's Foreign Ministry for two Thai prisoners serving the life imprisonment on grounds of involvement in a 2003 terrorism act.

Mr. Kasit, along with relatives of the prisoners were visiting the Thai inmates at Phnom Penh prison. Both men were religious teachers from the southern province of Yala.


Anonymous said...

Who looks better, the dictator or the aggressor?

Anonymous said...

look ah khva,HUn prepare to give away land to thai soon ,for peace his solution with thai .

Anonymous said...

Cambodia has no hard feeling when the enemy take the lang, but, Cambodian people do not dare to protest when the thuggist polices, paramilitary police take the land, then they will not just take your land but your life as well. Oh, you have no land to live after eviction? Tough luck! how much more Khmer has to take all these suffering? the enemy insult the nation, your own leaders freely killing you. They decide who can live and who can not. You dare not say anything. You can not protest anything even to protect your own family or life.

Anonymous said...

Let put this Dictator HUN SEN and the agressor Kasit in the ring let the fight (Khmer Bradal Serey)who will take the title .

Anonymous said...

There needs to be a new Land Law modification that renews the period of time in which occupiers of land that do not have legal title are allowed to get title by virtue of their having occupied that land for a set continuous period of time i.e 4 years.

Anonymous said...

bullshit, that doesn't justify the siem thieves from robbing and violating the international border treaty and the icj verdict! it's like saying china or india have the world's largest population, therefore, they can invade any country on the planet as they please because they have a larger population? that doesn't make it right or justify anything! same concept with cambodia and thailand problem, here. so, stop your stupid rhetoric, siem thugs!

Anonymous said...

Look at Hun Sen, every time he try to use peacful mean talk with Thailand. This sounds very perfect, but in facts who suffer the most? Not himself, but Cambodian people are suffered the most.


Anonymous said...

Damn Hun Sen doesn't care about Khmer's national interest. He only cares for his party and his families.

Sro-moj YOUN,

Anonymous said...

your speudonym (rohassneam) should be changed to Sro-moj Khmer; it sounds more patriotic.

Anonymous said...

The Prime Minister of Cambodia should not shake hand with an idiot like the Thai foreign mininster whose stupid remark implies his raw ignorance and childishness.

Anonymous said...

PM Hun Sen loves freedom of speech!

Anonymous said...

Let me guess..... continue talks? Hmmm! These two morons can't understand one another because they both speak a chimpanzee dialect. Phucking animal!

Anonymous said...

Just a piece of political shit.

Street Cafe Politician.