Friday, February 06, 2009

Abhisit urges continuation of bilateral talks on border dispute ... while Thai negotiators are doing everything to stall them

Thai PM: Thai-Cambodian talks on ancient temple must continue

BANGKOK, Feb 5 (TNA) - Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva reiterated on Thursday the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission (JBC) talks would continue under the "existing framework" despite unfruitful results in the latest meeting on Wednesday in Bangkok.

Admitting that the Preah Vihear temple problem was "sensitive", Mr. Abhisit said negotiations between Thai and Cambodian officials would continue to resolve the border conflict over areas adjacent to the Preah Vihear temple.

The Thai-Cambodian JBC held a two-day meeting here, which ended Wednesday without making any headway as officials of the two neighbouring countries disagreed on the name of the surveillance group to be stationed in the area around the ancient temple and the official name of the temple.

Thailand proposed "the military monitoring group" which was opposed by Cambodia. They preferred to use the name "the temporary coordinating team" for joint operations in the 4.6-square-kilometre area claimed by both countries.

The joint meeting also had yet to settle on a name for the site, as Cambodia refused Thailand's proposed official name of the Temple of Phra Viharn instead of The Temple of Preah Vihear as Cambodia preferred.

The next JBC meeting is scheduled for the second week of April in Cambodia.

Reiterating that future talks on the problem are needed, Mr. Abhisit said negotiations on the problem, however, must be based on the peace process. It was not a problem if it took time.

Tension rose after Preah Vihear was awarded heritage status by the United Nations last year. The International Court of Justice ruled in 1962 that the 11th-century temple belongs to Cambodia, but the demarcation of the surrounding land remains in dispute.

Thailand insists on using the watershed as the border, while Cambodia maintains that demarcation of the area must be based on a map drawn in 1908.


Anonymous said...

Agree and Cambodia needs to stop playing defensive and too subtle in positioning arguments.

1-Preah Vihear is Khmer so its name is and will be in Khmer right only to call it as Khmer Preah Vihear Temple,
2-Cambodia-Khmer uses and no other map but the one that Siam agreed in 1904-1907 accord,
3-Kasit must resign from FM if not apologizing to Cambodia and retract all his insults made on TV on 10/14/2008,
4-Abhisit stops playing word game and must get his minister in line,
5-Cambodia seeks and will do so in soliciting third party intervention and conference on matters.

Anonymous said...

thai like to play trick with khmer but khmer are knewing them well ,thai will lost her vision with khmer soon as thai crisis

Anonymous said...

Preah Viharn my ancient butt.can we change Bangkok to Bang-cock.Tightland
clearly show wanting a piece of Khmer Temple.

Anonymous said...

Talk Eat Drink,
Go to siam eat kapik drink singha. Go to Kumpuchea eat samlor kor ko drink Angkor beer. Not bad hah! That's all the result you will get from samdach kone som's group with siam. Amazing talk.

Anonymous said...

There are some Thai politicians who are anti-Cambodian and got mind-set at Cambodian gov’t in this territorial dispute and negotiation. They try to show the world that Thailand has the upper hand in this situation and non-stoppable for now.

One thing for sure at the moment is that Cambodian’s gov’t is seeking a peaceful solution for this in order to avoid conflict with Thailand but has every right to defend itself if Thailand sorts out for an invasion.

They will get what they wish for and ugly if decides to invade Cambodia territory. Unless Hun Kwack can't see a thing.

Anonymous said...

That's a deal.
Ah Siam wants to change Khmer Temple (Preah Vihear) to his lousy word (Vihan). That's fine!!
Vihear to Vihan, but Ah Siam people HAVE TO convert their country name from "THAI" to "SYAM". "THAILAND" to "SYAMESE"

Anonymous said...

Ah Siamese is not really wanted to have a serious talk with Cambodian GOV'T. They simply play a Thai's Opera to cover their disgraceful trick. They're waiting for a right moment to invade deeper into our territory, then thereafter they will negotiate with VNG'T insted of cabbodian GOV'T. At the time been they need to stall and highjarking the issue while soothing Hun Sen'sGOV'T for the sake of their interest. Since the last year Thai, Vietnam and others powerful nations (their secret services) are working round the clock to bring Hun Sen's GOV'T down
then a good moment for Ah thieves to take action, this is their gaol objective. These two thieves nations are irritated their eyes badly as long as khmer allive.

Anonymous said...

Stop negotiating with Thailand. They are playing games to stall the negotiations. They use a small pretext- the name of the temple - to block the progress of the negotiations. Thailand has no genuine will to negotiate because it has occupied all the lands they claimed already. To negotiate means that they have to withdraw troops. They don't want to do this.

Preah Vihear is a Khmer temple, so Khmer name must be used to describe the temple in all documents. Period!

Anonymous said...

This is the same old dirty Siem politic and that is the Siem leaders say one thing and they turn around and do different things from what they are saying!

Why stupid Cambodian leaders choose to negotiate for what? The Siem have nothing to negotiate beside those Casinos along Cambodian borders! Cambodian leaders are gambler addicts and for them not to have casino is not to have Khmer Phrea Vihear temple!

Trading Khmer Phrea Vihear temple for the Siem casinos along Cambodian border is the highest crime against Cambodian sovereignty!

Anonymous said...

It is nothing new. Talk after talk all but failed and yielded no significant bilateral agreement. The Thai gov't is evidently practicing its patience, persistency and perseverance in border talk with the Khmer.

It's an old technic used again and again to wear down the psychological strength of the opponent in hope that the Khmer gov't will eventually give in to its (Thia gov't) pursued greed - a gain. A greed that grows & lives in Thais heart since the ancient time, many centuries ago, until this day.

Ten more new talks, I'd predict, will still yield no fruits for as long as the Thai gov't fails to persuade the Khmer gov't to give in & agree with its "dream team" assigned to collect a bitter sweet victory.

Moreover, it is questionable if this latest Thai gov't of Abhisit Vejjajiva was created with a legitimacy in accordance with the Constitution of Thailand.

If it was not and half of Thai constituents do not recognize it as their legitimate and elected government then the Khmer gov't should not waste time and effort in any border talk with this gov't ruled by Abhisit Vejjajiva. Siem min choarl kbuon yuon min choarl put...


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Cambodian Gov't do a survey and seek her peoples' opinion on negotiation in bilateral or raise the case to the IC and/or UN? Anybody can give me the answer? This issue is the most important among the priority issues for gov't in currently...

Anonymous said...

Not that Pouk Ah Hun Kwack don’t want to send the case to UN. But UN is so fuckup and lazy dragging their ass in luxury hotels rubbing ass with young whores. So they kept telling the Kwack gangs to solve the issue bilateral first. If all options are exhaust and war broke out, then UN would accept the case according to Ah Drunken Stinky Mouth Kheu Kanharith.

Anonymous said...

10:23 AM, you're right. That's good idea. Do a survey will reveal what the Khmer people want to deal with.
A survey can show how the people get involving, they're able to show opinions. But definitely not, Ah Kwack Hun Sex intended not to allow people know what's going on.

Anonymous said...

call whatever they want in thailand, but in cambodia, khmer people will always call and prefer our khmer name, preah vihear temple because this khmer spelling sounds more khmer compare to what the siem wanted to call it! preah vihear will always be preah vihear by khmer people in cambodia and all over the world as well! god bless cambodia.