Thursday, February 05, 2009

Cambodia holds economic forum to tackle menace of global financial crisis [-No MPs invited to attend]

SRP statement regretting that Cambodian MPs are not invited to atten this conference (Click on the statement in Khmer to zoom in)

PHNOM PENH, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia on Thursday held its third economic forum to focus on competitiveness enhancement and poverty reduction in face of the current global economic crisis.

"The government is taking systematic and sequencing measures to mitigate the negative impacts of the crisis on Cambodia's financial and economic structure, protect our hard-earned achievements and sustain growth at an appropriate level according to our existing capacity and potential," Prime Minister Hun Sen told the forum.

It is clear that if the government fails to take timely and appropriate protective measures to manage the crisis, the affects of the crisis and the economic slowdown will become a real cause for Cambodia's financial system and economy to fall into danger, he said.

"We have to grab this opportunity to reinforce our reform efforts in order to sharpen our national competitiveness, thus creating more attractions for investments that target an increasingly expanding and strengthened economic base," he said.

The Third Cambodia Economic Forum was organized by the Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC) with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

According to local reports here on Thursday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will likely lower Cambodia's forecast economic growth rate for 2009 to below 4.8 percent as the global economy continues to collapse, while the World Bank has forecast 4.9 percent GDP growth for Cambodia this year.


Anonymous said...

Dictator HUnd Xen doesn't understand what is the econimy?Hund XEn didn't want that the oppossitin party tell how can do against the economy cris?
The crazy dictator Hund Xen!!!

Khmers have to know who is the dictator Hund Xen?
Chang we need!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hund Xen is so crazy!!!!He doesn't understand what that mean the economy cris?
Hund Xen understand only to kill,to destroy? and ...?

Anonymous said...

Glade to see Cambodia is moving toward to real democracy. That's the so call Majority rules and minority rights in democratic institution.
Tevada Hun Sen just doing accordingly to the internal rule of LAWS. Minority does your rights to scream as loud as you want. That piece latter only good for a display on the internet and make the world laughing at.

Anonymous said...

To 2:28AM

I know that why dirt poor Cambodian are the only who are suffering the most and the worst part is that they can't even scream otherwise the bulldozers will come their way!

Welcome to AH HUN SEN fairyland!

Anonymous said...


Agree, good for posting on the net for foreigners.
Nothing else.

Anonymous said...

It pays to have lot of advisers. We don't need any losers.