Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hun Sen calling Global Witness report “crazy”

When everybody around you is "crazy," except yourself, isn't this a symptom of "dementia"?

16 Feb 2009

By Huy Vannak
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer

On Monday, Hun Sen publicly reacted for the first time to the Global Witness report titled “Country for Sale,” calling it “crazy.”

From Siem Reap, Hun Sen added that the Global Witness report was published with the intention of attacking the royal government of Cambodia.

Hun Sen said: “Before, I called them (using the derogative “vea” to designate Global Witness) stupid, it was too light, I have to call them (using derogative “Ah Neung”) “crazy,” that would be more befitting. First, I want to reply to them with some rude words, it’s when a group of “crazy” people talked about corruption from oil, when all the oil money is still at the bottom of the sea. Can you all believe that the royal government can be corrupt when there is no money yet? What do you think this is? Is it a political destruction activity or is it an expression of opinion? At the end, they lose their own credibility through this nonsense and crazy report. So I am justified to say that they are “crazy” now.”

In its report, “Country for Sale,” Global Witness, a UK- and Washington-based human rights and environment protection NGO, commented that, currently, Cambodia has been carved up for sale to foreign countries by powerful people in Cambodia so that they can amass a large amount of wealth for themselves, just like what was done in the case of Cambodia’s deforestation and the appropriation of other natural resources, including fish, islands, beaches for tourist resorts, minerals, oil and gas, etc…

Global Witness added that, in the past 15 years, 45% of the total area of Cambodia was carved out for sale to investors with the collusion of Cambodian rulers.

On 12 Feb, opposition leader Sam Rainsy sent a letter to Hun Sen, asking the latter to conduct an investigation into the allegations raised by Global Witness and to report the findings back to the National Assembly as soon as possible.

However, Hun Sen rejected the above Global Witness report saying: “The [Cambodian] ambassador in the UK [Hor Nambora] lives there [in England], and Global Witness is from the UK, it (using derogatory “Ah Neung”) put curses on Cambodia nonstop. So much so that a number of “crazy” politicians in Cambodia are also using this issue to oppose the royal government as well.”

Hun Sen added: “How can there be any corruption when the oil is still under the sea, even the actual amount, we don’t know yet. Who receive corruption money? The bauxite ore is underground, the iron ore is all underground, who can be corrupt on these issues? This is not the time to talk about spending money, it is the time to look for money. I asked both the IMF and the ADB, and foreign experts who expressed their concerns, I asked them to help me find a way to make a lot of money, to help me so that the oil contracts with various foreign companies will bring the maximum revenues to Cambodia, can they help?”


Anonymous said...

ម្នាលហ៊ុនសំណែន (បទកាកគតិ)
ម្នាលហ៊ុនសែនអើយ ប៉ុន្មានឆ្នាំហើយ អ្នកកាន់អំណាច
មិនបានជួយអ្វី ខ្លួនកាន់តែកាច ខ្លាំងជាងបីសាច
ម្នាលកាន់តែចាស់ គួររកអ្នកផ្លាស់ ហើយប្រាសខំឆ្លៀត
រកធម៌រកអាថ៌ បំភ្លេចវិវាទ សាងខ្លួនម្តងទៀត
ពុំទាន់យឺតឡើយ ។
ខំសាងកុសល បំបាត់កង្វល់ ទើបចិត្តបានស្បើយ
ខំធ្វើបុណ្យទាន ជាស្ពានរកត្រើយ ជួបសុខរៀងអើយ
នៅជាតិខាងមុខ ។
មុននេះសាងបាប សាងច្រើនសន្ធាប់ ប្រមូលវេចទុក
ត្រូវយកសងគេ នៅពេលខាងមុខ ទើបរួចផុតទុក្ខ
ជួបសុខជាក្រោយ ។
អាយុសង្ខៃ មិនអាចតថ្លៃ ម្នាលកុំបណ្តោយ
ពេលកន្លងផុត ពិបាកដង្ហោយ ឲ្យវិលមកក្រោយ
ក្នុងចិត្តប្រេះឆា ។
ស្តាយបាបបានធ្វើ សីលមិនអើពើ ពឹងលើវាសនា
ខ្លួនចាស់ទ្រុតទ្រោម រូបឆោមជរា មច្ចុរាជទាមទារ
រាំងរាមិនបាន ។
ពេលនោះទើបភ្ញាក់ រកទីពុំនាក់ ដូចហាក់ស្រេកឃ្លាន
យល់ដឹងខុសត្រូវ ជម្រៅសីលទាន យកទៅមិនបាន
ប្រឹងរកឲ្យគេ ។
រកសុទ្ធផ្លូវខុស លួចជាតិស្រស់ៗ គ្មានសោះទ្រព្យកេរ្តិ៍
ប្លន់ទាំងអំណាច កំទេចអ្នកស្នេហ៍ បាបរិតឡើងទ្វេ
សងពុំរួចឡើយ ។
២៥មករា ២០០០

Anonymous said...

បក្សប្រជាជន (បទកាកគតិ)
សាហាវព្រៃផ្សៃ មេកើយសព្វថ្ងៃ គំរាមប្រជា
អ្នកហ៊ានប៉ះពាល់ អំណាចឬស្យា សម្លាប់ប្រហារ
គ្មានញញើតដៃ ។
ប្រើកលគ្រប់ល្បិច ចាក់ដោតមួលក្តិច ពន្លិចបំភ្លៃ
លួងលោមទិញសូក អស់លោកមន្រ្តី អំណាចដល់ដៃ
ប្រល័យតបគុណ ។
ខ្មែរអើយចូលចាំ តាំងចិត្តឲ្យមាំ ខំប្រឹងរកធន
កុំទុកចិត្តពាល កុំអាលបោះទុន ក្រែងពេលស៊យស៊ុន
ទុនរលាយបាត់ ។
ធ្វើស្រែចំការ ចិញ្ចឹមអាត្មា ប្រមូលញាតិមិត្ត
ក្រោកផ្តួលរំលំ បនពាលទុច្ចរិត ក្បត់ជាតិខ្លួនពិត
បំរើជាតិគេ ។
បំរើប្រយោជន៍ ស្រុកទេសហិនហោច គ្មានសល់អ្វីទេ
លក់ដីលក់ជាតិ លក់ក្បាលឲ្យគេ ខ្មែរណាដៀលជេរ
កំទេចគ្មានសល់ ។
ពួកប្រជាជន ក្បត់ជាតិផងខ្លួន ផ្គាប់យួនដោយផ្ទាល់
ខ្មែរស្លាប់រាប់លាន គេគ្មានខ្វាយខ្វល់ គេប្រើពួកពល
គ្រងយួនចូលស្រុក ។
ថាបក្សជំទាស់ ប្រកាន់ពូជសាសន៍ មិនសន្សំសុខ
ជាតិសាសន៍បងប្អូន ចូលមកសុំជ្រក ម្តេចមិនលៃលក
ឲ្យបានសុខសាន្ត ។
នេះឬមិត្តយួន ថាខ្មែររុកគួន យួនចូលទាំងលាន
បំផ្លាញពូជត្រី ព្រៃឈើបរិស្ឋាន ចូលមករុករាន
ពេញផែនដីខ្មែរ ។
១៦ កក្កដា ១៩៩៨


Anonymous said...

The Global is not crazy, shame on Hun Sen can not take the truth.

You kill your own people everyday, and turn around blame other people.

Anonymous said...

hun sen is crazy

Anonymous said...

In Communist Soviet Union (Russia), "dissidents" were branded "lunatics" and sent to psychiatric hospitals (that turned them lunatic).
Graduates cannot easily abandon ideas they have learned from their schiool.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

How different is that from you, dr Lao? I mean graduate cannot easily abandon ideas they have learned from their school, as you've stated, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen need to retire or die. let the younger generation cambodian run the country. Cambodia will be a better off with out Hun Sen. everything Hun Sen do is not benefit cambodian people but benefit the Hanoi regime and bangkok regime. Hun Sen is not standing for his own people, Hun Sen and the rest of his corrupt leader in cambodia including Mr Ho nam Hong (ho chi minh) hong kim Va (Hong qua) and ah sok anh. all of these leader work for the cpp is not real khmer neither.

ho nam hong ( ho chi minh) he got the same last name as ho chi minh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Instead of calling Global Witness "CRAZY". Why don't you hire an independent investigator, you fucking bastard!

Any report that you think is wrong. Just open an investigation, instead calling name, and down grade every one else.

I guess you can't do that, because it might bite you in the arse.

Live well you CRAZY SON-OF-BITCH Hun Sen. Once day, you'll be down your clan.

Khmer American

Anonymous said...

We did hired an investigator, and they said Global Witness is crazy.

Anonymous said...

Ah phleu hun sen and his bloody guys can make a corrupt plan before the money show up for the oil and mines in Cambodia. His subordinates with his families are on the high position nowaday. He (they) will pile up the dollars to cremate his(their) body while passing the world soon.
Ah dang kov phlich khluon, ah chhkae bong mchas.

Anonymous said...

Mr. 8:58 AM

Thank you for confirming this theory, but I have graduated from a liberal, not communist or totalitarian school. I'm still using the ideas of liberty I had learned then. Showing my name in this column and avoiding bad languages are also ideas of liberty.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

LOL, what are you telling us, dr Lao, people graduated from liberal is better than people graduated from communist or totalitarian?

And what using bad language and showing your name in this column has anything to do with this? Is that something that was taught to you that you can't abandon? If so, what is so liberty about that. It seems like you are just a robot that has been programmed just like people who graduated from a communist or totalitarian as you mentioned. I really can't see any difference here.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to link this case with the graduate, whether from liberal or communist. Further, Hun Sen is not graduate either, although he received countless honour degrees from various unknown universities. So whatever he acts and speaks reflect his personality and behaviour, of course not academically.

Without doubt, I have to say he is a kind of big oily mouth. It doesn't mean that he slips out, but he does it intentionally. I read that report fully. Global Witness did not just accuse the Royal Government without reason. The report elaborates very clearly and prove with evidence. They should respond to Global Witness when they were asked. But they didn't. Why? Because they just could not reply to it in rational way. Why? Because they don't know how. Why? Because they have been at school. I mean a proper school. Or may be in proper school, but they didn't learn it well.

Anonymous said...

I am uneducated and use the 4 letters words! Can I have my opinion too???? Go fucked mother fucker!!!!

Anonymous said...

those 4 words are evidently proved who you are.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with using the "F", "C", ..., words in a left-wing territory because that is what they are all about.

Anonymous said...

If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):

Also known as:

Communist People's Party
Khmer Rouge People's Party
Khmer Krorhorm People's Party

You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.

You're support the killing of innocent men, women and children in Cambodia on March 30, 1997.

You're support murder of Piseth Pilika.

You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.

You're support political assassination and killing.

You're support attemted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

You're support corruption in Cambodia.

You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.

These are the Trade Mark of Hun Sen Regime.

Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge commanders.
When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Trail?

Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.

Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.

I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.

Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.