Friday, February 13, 2009

Khmer rule over Thai currency

Cambodian numerals on Thai currency

By Vanak Thom
On the web at

"Khmer numerals have been written on every Thai bank note and on every Thai coin along with the picture of the Thai King to prove that Khmer are the Master of Thai always."

Above was the comment left on my blog.

Vanak-Phnom Penh


Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, fool!

You have Lartin on your Riel too!
stop be a fool boy!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is not a comment for this topic but for the KI Media team.

If you don't stop worshiping white people and encourage Khmer to fight Khmer, I will have your website taken down.

You are plagiarists and copyright violators, so it's easy to get your site taken down by complaining to blogspot.

So, I warn you. Stop worshiping the white devils and putting down the Asian people. Do not use this site to serve your white masters. This is my final warning.

Anonymous said...

5:19 AM,
Wow!!! I found another furious corpse.
KI, you maybe unintentionally step on this THING's tomb that come out of no where.
See, this THING beg you for respect. the THING wanted you to worhship him, but if you didn't the THING will take down your blog. scary, huh?
Don't frightening me, corpse 5:19. Tonight I will burn alot of ghost-money and many kind of pretty, sexy girl for you. OK

Anonymous said...

There should be no more superior and inferior in our Khmer society now. I still see a lot of this among Khmers, especially those who live and educate in the west. Look back, if we didn't treat each others in that way, we would have anjoyed being an empire state.

So, stop now and show your leadership by example i.e. how much you can help others.

Anonymous said...

It's a standard number. guy
you're wrong!!
Don't be a fool!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to mention that Khmer use Thai words to count the 30 up numbers.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, the Thai usage and borrowing of Khmer numerals has nothing to do with the "Khmers are the master of Thai always". It is true that the Thai alphabet is based on the Khmer script, but all it depicts is that the Thai essentially derived their script using the Khmer script as the foundation. The Thais at a time were vassals to the Khmer empire and so this borrowing and usage of the Khmer language, culture, royal customs, etc is very evident in what we see in Thailand throughout the ages as a result of cultural exchanges, migration, dominating one nation over the other and warfare.

In turn, the Khmer language has many Sanskrit, French, Thai, Latin and some from Indonesia in its vocabulary. This does not mean that the Hindus, the French, the Thais, the Latins, and the Indonesian are masters over the Cambodians.

Anonymous said...

dude, 5:46 AM,
In the address you provided is just a reference of Jacob's Notes. It's not a transparency evident.

Anonymous said...

My beloved Thai 5:46AM!

If Khmer had used or borrowed Thai number from 30 and up, therefore Thai Civilization must be occured before Khmer's then? On the other hand, Khmer could not build the great Angkor wats..

The children must be bornt before their parents!

Anonymous said...

6:30 AM

Do you believe that Modern Khmer Numbers and Ancient Khmer Numbers is the same? Wake up you.

Anonymous said...

I felt very amused to talk about Thais and Khmer. Indeed Thais and Khmer have shared many thing in common such as culture, religion, dance, language, appearance and stories. These two people have also shared the same land of their ancestors of the great angkorian. During Mongolian invasion around the Asian continent, Khmer King has killed millions of Cambodians for taking their organ to supply to Mongol warriors. Therefore there were hundred of thousands of Khmer people have deserted themselve from Khmer national and be a thais citizen to escape that killings. Also during the colonialist of France, hunded of thousands of khmer have also deserted to Thailand. In 1947 when Thais have returned Battambang, Siem Reap to Cambodia, hundred of thousands of Khmers have also joined Thais to live under Thailand administration. We must also recognise that many present provinces in Thailand now, there are millions of Khmers who are going to be Thais who they have hated Khmer government for killing their own people like those of Pol Pot. At present, under Hun Sen Government, there are also hundred of thousand of Khmer People who cannot live in Cambodia for loosing their lands by land grabs from Hun Sen'family. Therefore, I suggest that we shouldn't compete with Thailand at all as Thailand was also once a land of former Khmers. We must Blame Khmer Royal for lacking of leadership in bringing Khmer together for a harmony society. I beieve that Thailand is a new Khmer under a new name for human development and to allow other part of former Angkorian to rule by idiots leaders. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Quit blaming things on leaders and make choices based on your own logical thinking. It is time we learn to think for ourselves and make the right action. KHMER PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TO OBEDIENT, NOT EVEN DARING TO OppOSE THE KHMER ROUGE AT THE GATES OF PP. What we need is an educated ELITE REVOLUTION, not a PEASANT REVOLuTION.

Anonymous said...

5:19 AM, Kiss my (_o_), then eat shit and die!

Anonymous said...

WTF? Ah Jkout (Vanak Thom) must be on drug. Khmer numeral and Thai numeral is the same.

Anonymous said...

My beloved Thai 6:43AM!

So, what are you historically trying to say is after the fall of Angkor, the children of Khmer are literally no longer knowing how to count numbers?

Anonymous said...

Which Khmer are you talking about? Some Khmer were trained to count only so that they can build the Ankor, and when the Ankor felt, they have no reason to count anything, so they forgot.

Anonymous said...

7:48 AM,

What are you saying? What's the name of that musical instrument that is being played in that clip there? What's the significance of it, please? Thanks.

Awk (អក)

Anonymous said...

I am really amaze that Khmer is the ruler of all Thai. Yes, I support that that have been known copying almost everything from Khmer.

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

Here one of the good example for everyone to think !

During Tang Dynasty, China was only 1/10 of their present land. Beside of China, there Nanchao, Tibet, Xingjiang, Inner Mongol and Manchury.

But during Yuon Dynasty 1279-1368, Mongol has taken over all territories included all of them ( China present territory ).

But when Han Dynasty ( 1368-1664 ) has revolted against Mongol colonial for her independent, China has also given independent of Tibet, Xingjiang, Manchury and Mongol.
And then interesting again when Machu King invaded China ( 1664-1911), they took over again Tibet, Xingjian and inner Mongol.

Therefore, we can find that China didn't invade any of their neighbour. THe present vast land of China was not acquired by Chinese warriors but from Mongol warriors and from Manchu warrior. The good fighters such as Mongol and Manchu have both lost their influence at present.
Cambodia is no different to Mongol and to Manchu who used to be a good warrior. But at the end we loose all our land to those who are not good fighters. Champas was also a good fighter and at present hasn't got a land for themselves. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

My beloved Highly Thai Scholar,8:29AM!

Why don't you simply say, the children of Khmer, after the fall of Angkor, were importantly no longer needing how to speak?

I undoubtedly like your quick conclusion!

Anonymous said...

Based on THIS address and you said Vannak is stupid.
Look at yourself!!!

Anonymous said...

Stop being so ignorant, Ah Jkout (8:58). After the fall of Ankor, does it looks like the what you so called Khmer is literate? If they are so literate, then why are they such a loser? get the picture?

Anonymous said...

Why Siem need any more from khmer? So they don't get enough or what?
They just got their name in the world on 1350.What else they need more.I believe they more ak47 right?

Anonymous said...

Siem needs more from Khmer? You must be out of your mind. It is the Khmer who need Siem to invest in Cambodia, not the other way around, you stupid shit (9:38).

Anonymous said...

We as Cambodian has one proverb which goes" Tek Tracheak Trey Kom, tek kdao ngum, trey rot batt ".
The lost of Cambodian lands to her neighbours is mainly from Cambodian King and officials who have lacking of good leadership and good social justice. From 1979-1987, at least 600,000 of Cambodians have deserted from their homeland for a better place. Thailand was one of them. From 1975-now, at least 300,000 of Cambodians have moved themself from Cambodia to Thailand for better living and better protection. THerefore, all of us should learn our own mistake, why we have lost both our demographic and our geographic? All of our lost was from our bad leadership from Sihanouk, Lon Non, Pol Pot and Hun Sen. If we have good leader, our people will come back and our land will authomatically return to us if we can rebuild our social justice in which we can also re-build our strong economy. Our strong economy is not based on New Building by the foreigners but the strong and good living condition of people whose in turn we can re-build our strong Nationalism. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Whether you believe that Thai or not, the truth is empirical and you do have to accept that Khmers also borrowed influenced from Siem culture. Which is evident in the way we count form 30 up.

Before anyone go up in blame and offensive about it just take a minute a think about Khmer language and its family branch and the Tai language and its related family branch. The tai branch even in China still uses the "sap" system to count.

And no we haven't forgot to count, and Thailand did not exist before us. But that is not a very good argument for anything especially cultural exchange.

If you talk to a an elderly, you will know that the Khmers count differently in the old times. I don't mean elderly as in 65 years and older. I mean your great elders.

Or even asked a learned monk. This system of "sap" after 20 is new to Khmer and why we adopted it no one knows or care to think about it.

I believe we probably adopted their system because it was easier and shorter to say. Our old systems uses words like kahapak. I may spell it right but go ahead and do your own research.

I am Khmer. I have no problem with sharing our Khmer rich culture with other and I have no problem in accepting other people's cultural influence because I live in a complicated and diverse world.

Anonymous said...

Ki-media must be serious in posting this kind of article. I don't care this number is Khmer or Thai because this is not important.Do you believe that the Number 1,2....10,20...are Latin? No These number are ARABIC,that means...created by Arab civilization.

It's true that the THais and Lao borrowed their alphabet from the Khmer, it's normal for any civilization.But the number1... 20 are Thai and not Khmer.
The Khmer numbers are what you see the fortune teller write and use...

Learn more and avoid being ultra-nationalist and racist.

A Khmer student

Anonymous said...

Ki-media must be serious in posting this kind of article. I don't care this number is Khmer or Thai because this is not important.Do you believe that the Number 1,2....10,20...are Latin? No These number are ARABIC,that means...created by Arab civilization.

It's true that the THais and Lao borrowed their alphabet from the Khmer, it's normal for any civilization.But the number1... 20 are Thai and not Khmer.
The Khmer numbers are what you see the fortune teller write and use...

Learn more and avoid being ultra-nationalist and racist.

A Khmer student

Anonymous said...

I get the picture.

Vannak Thom and his ultra-nationlists are self indulgence.

Khmer script or Thai script or any nation's script was derived from somewhere else. Since our region was conquered by the Indian and Arab traders many thousand years ago, these numerals were derived from Hindu-Arabic numerals.

Why cannot your guys focus on somethings that are more productive for our poor country?

Think globally not locally, guys. We are in a big shit world financial crisis, so stop indulging in fantasies.

Vannak. I wrote in your blog and you refused to post it. Ashame, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Mother fucker 11:23 AM, 11:22 AM

You pretented to be Khmer student!

Anonymous said...


Only questions !

Focus on something else...

Stop waste time useless thing like that.



Anonymous said...

Be reasonable. You fool racist.
1.The number sued world wide are ARABIC.

2. The Thai number are THAI and not Khmer.

3. It's true that the THAI writing is based on Khmer writing.

We must not waste time on this small and basic topic.

Anonymous said...

How can Khmer borrow counting number from 30 and up? Are you out of your mind. If you don't have number from 0-10 how do you count 30- and up?


Thai have been know borrow all sort of things from Khmer. Even the pronounce of zero "0" soun.

I agree and support that Khmer is the master of all Thai. Thai used to be Khmer's slaves.

Khmer is the superior of all THai as always!!

Anonymous said...

The aboves are Stupid comments of the racists and Ultra-Nationalists Khmers.

Anonymous said...

You thia, fucking stolen everthing from khmer even our land today u demand without thinking. Who the hell u are? mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

My beloved 9:09AM!

I am entirely sure who is so ignorant, you or me? Forgive me for not scholarly educated man, therefore you must be patiently, literally enlightened the simple definition of the word, "illiterate or not literate".

Here is my insignificant and dull definition of the word,"illiterate" is simply meant that a person cannot read nor write the language masterfully or effectively, but s/he still can speak it.

Once again, I am openly, but still pleasantly proudful that I am ashamedly uneducated or illiterate man in here!

Anonymous said...

I get picture again.

Guys: my Khmers, Viets and Thais. If you prefer trash then keep debating as you all are doing it.

But I prefer the intellectual debate.

I repeat: Our Khmer numerals were derived from Indian-Arabic numerals. And so what we borrowed from others?

If K (Khmer) = IA (Indian-Arabic)
and T (Thai) = K;
then T also = IA.

No one can be a master to others when that person is a beggar.
Our region was used to trade by Indian or Arab merchants and was populated by majority Khmers and Mon, but the rulers were of Indian decent (Hindu). Just like in Egypt, the last Egyptian monarchs were Ptolemy family memebers from Marcedonia (Greece) who used House of Phaoros name the same as the Egyptinn rulers before them.

So what make us idiots (Khmer ultra, Thai ultra, Viet ultra..) think we are what we think we are?

The Vietnamese try to run away from China for centuries, that was why the Vietnamese adopted the roman script.

Is Roman the master of the Viets? No the Viets chased the French out in Dien Bien Phu by the helps from Soviet Union.

Is Roman the master of all nations in Europe? No?

Get back to the reality and look for other important issue such as how we can help this world financial crisis? Today we are living as a Global community not just in our own country. We are dealing with religion war (Jihad) and economic crisis.

It will affect all of us in every corner of this earth.

Anonymous said...

my beloved 10:45PM!

If you have confidently said that we, Khmer, have primarily borrowed the language and numbers from indian, I am wholly agreeing with you. On the other hand, the Thai or White Scholars who have unashamedly and unreasonably claimed that Khmer borrowing from the Thai, I myself must be conscientiously asked this simple question, does a new-bornt baby masterfully know how to count number better than his/her parents?

Anonymous said...

Nonesense, the Thai aint no new born. They are much older than Khmer, if you care to trace their root back to China. They lived among khmer with much larger population and highly influential.

Anonymous said...

Now, Me get it!
When one of Indian Prince was accidently landing his boats on Khmer land, Thai were totally naked as Khmer fighting with indian folks!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but Khmer lost to Indian as usual. So what are you bragging about?

Anonymous said...

Well, yes, indeed, Thai was bornt before Siam!

Anonymous said...

What am I trying to say is Chinese folks were not visiting Srok Khmer during pre-Angkor's era, therefore Siam ain't living over der with Khmer.

Anonymous said...

of course, we all knew this. siem or thai nation did borrow heavily from khmer culture, traditon, system of administration, etc, etc... since they gained independence from the khmer empire of angkor civilization. i'm not even a bit surprise. and to say otherwise, is ignoring the true khmer history and siem history. of course, the two people are closely connection since ancient time. however, it was the khmer who actually dominated all others in this region of the world. just because khmer power had weakened due to political system of later, weak rulers, etc, doesn't mean we must forget or change history. hello, it was written in stones already, why are people like the siem are trying to fabricate the true history. we, khmers, just want to make sure they don't try to change history simply because they hated us or whatever. in fact, siem people should appreciate the fact that khmer rich heritage did give them their own identity. they should be proud of the khmer for that, instead of being so hateful and bias when it comes to all things khmer! we all know too that siem have always tried to change so they can weaken khmer or discredit khmer. but the world already knew that, and thus they failed all the time. now they are heavily influenced by the west, especially england, don't get me wrong, i have nothing against england and america, who seemed to always allies with the siem nation against khmer. i think they too are wrong at that. everyone should appreciate the richness of khmer culture, not against it so much. if it political difference, oh well, aren't people are made differently? don't hate just because we are different from you and them! diversity is what makes the world so beautiful, like it or not. god said that! i think everyone should embrace khmer for the world would be a happier place for all to enjoy. why so much hates? maybe people everywhere need to get their heads check by a psychiatrist or psychologist and so on! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Who is the guy on the bill? Does It look like Sam Rainsy? Oh, my may be those Khmer that deserted to Thai must be Sam Rainsy's mother. Then Sam Rainsy must be the guy's son and sent by Thai to destroy Khmer. No wonder Sam Rainsy is kwark both eyes and his father kwark one side.

Anonymous said...

actualy the guy on the currency looks almost like cham prasidh, the minister of commerce. don't you think so?

Anonymous said...

Me again.
My Khmers, Ultra Thai and other visitors.

From the begining humans were formed, no body owned the land, people lived in groups (tribes) produced more people then became clans just like we learned of American Indian in the US or like the legend of an 18 years old named "Soma", a daughter of the chief called Naga in Funan region. It was about 1200 BC (1220 years Before Christ).

Indian Prince formed his Kingdom, and "Kambuja" called it Khmer Kingdom before Thais. Don't know exactly when, but all the Temples have been proved as from old centuries.

The Ultranationalsit Thai 11:30PM claimed that his or her clan (Thai) are much older than Khmers? NO we cannot be sure, because the Archaeologists are still doing their study of prehistoric peoples and their cultures.

Supposed the Thai tribes were older than the Khmer tribes, still Thais' government was way younger than the Khmers.

The years of Khmers' governmnet was formed thousand years before Thai clans cannot be disputed.
Thais started to form their own Kingdom in 1238 AD (12th century).
(Search for website of Kingdom of Thailand).

In that Thai's website, it is written that Thais're influenced by Khmer culture.
Thais are not only adopted Khmer culture, but also adopted western.

Princess Dr. Sirindhorn, a Thai scholar and who speaks fluently Khmers can testify that her culture and languages mainly from Khmers after Angkor Wat was sacked. Furtheremore her people Thais are many still living in North Vietnam (White Thais) and some in Black River and elsewhere (Black Thais). They have their own ancient scripts but not the ones they are using in Thailand.

Anonymous said...

1200 years Before Christ (BC) not 1220.

Anonymous said...

Areak Prey,

Search for a history of China. I just learned that China contains 56nations. I was shocked to learn that the Forbidden city, the grand palace royal in Bejing was created by Mongolian ruler named Kublai Khan. He was a grand son of Genshis Khan, the first ruler of Mongolia.

Kublai Khan ruled over China and built that Fobidden city, and he named his dynasty "Yuan Dynasty" not Youn, Vietnamese, but Chinese didn't consider Yuan dynasty as one of their own.

Perhaps, Chinese are still upset with Mongolians who once invaded and took China, and we Khmers hate the invaders Viets we called them Youn.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of wimp? Siem didn't borrow shit from Khmer. If anything, they taught Khmer everything they know.

Anonymous said...

Dude 3:24PM,

The facts Thais are heavily influenced by Khmer culture. Khmer Kingdom existed before Thai Kingdom. (PERIOD).

Bullshit, history is an't all true. The persons who wrote the history are cheaters.

35 billion USD Bhumibol can pay anyone to falsefy the history. Vietnamese did falsefy Khmer History, Hun Sen paid others to falsefy the story making him Sdach Con. Obama paid others to write a book "Audacity of ?? LIAR". So what make you Thais arrogant son of bitch didn't falsefy the Khmer history?

You know dude? Another decade or two of stability, this world will be well on its way to a new Dark AGE. You Thais are to arrogant son of bitch toward Khmers, but it won't be long after Bhumibol dies.

Because the playboy Vajiralongkorn will soon die too. He has already been infected with aid disease.
Taksin will be back. Thailand needs Communist China to proptect her or otherwise your Thais will be shitted.

Those Muslims from Burma that Thais killed or tortured them, will come back to haunt Thais.

Do you know Karma? What you did to others will come back to destroy you.

Why? The Muslim troops through their fast population. The Muslims are the fastest breeding demographic group on our planet.

European nations including Canada, Australia, the Muslims are fast growing, they called the western Muslims. Sooner the Churches or Buddhist Temples will be used as Mosques.

America is the only one standing alone but how long?

The Media are fucking scared and are afraid to inform us. The Muslims later need NO weapons to defeat their enemies, but having more children, and the next thing we know it, each of our countries, the majority are Muslims. They are the soldiers of Jihad.

When they become the majority, they create their laws.

I'm the same person who wrote in 12:20PM and 10:45PM and wrote to Vannak Thom.

I can be a cool guy and can be a serious badboy, it depends on my brain reacts. But I am a thinker 85%. That's why I am Libertarian.

Anonymous said...

My post 11:57 PM, but I need to

If you Thais and Viets or other visitors want to seriously debate with me, your guys better bring footnotes to back up your claims, or otherwise I will harrass you like little kids.

I am a brain and a thinker and I'm Libertarian.

Anonymous said...

chah, siem neung khmer doch knea men heay! chah, chol mok chos bros srey chas reu kmaeng mok rom laeng saravan ait pra kan seh leay! let's dance saravan!