Lon Nol, the Lonnolians & Me
Their Excellencies Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, Hun Sen, the CPP & Me
The Black & The White
By Norodom Sihanouk
Lon Nol, the Lonnolians & Me
Their Excellencies Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, Hun Sen, the CPP & Me
The Black & The White
By Norodom Sihanouk
1- 1941-1955, the years of my 1st reign: My very faithful and great friend, H.E. Nhiek Tioulong, introduced to me the young district governor (Chauvay Srok) Lon Nol: “this young civil servant (Lon Nol) is particularly brilliant. I am recommending him to Your Majesty. Lon Nol will know how to serve you with aplomb and he will contribute to the realization of the grandeur of Your Throne.” (dixit H.E. Nhiek Tioulong).
2- 1952-1953, the years of Royal Crusade for the total Independence of the Kingdom of Cambodia: I used the service of Mr. Lon Nol who revealed to be very active and efficient (in certain domains.)
3- 1953 to 1967: Lon Nol did not cease to climb up in my esteem for him. Finally, he became my “right hand man,” the chief of the Royal Government of Cambodia, the RCAF chief of staff.
5- Lon Nol and the Lonnolians owed me everything: high positions, honors, fortunes.
The CPP, its illustrious leaders, the other CPP members owe me nothing.
I owe them enormously:
(Signed) N. Sihanouk
2- 1952-1953, the years of Royal Crusade for the total Independence of the Kingdom of Cambodia: I used the service of Mr. Lon Nol who revealed to be very active and efficient (in certain domains.)
3- 1953 to 1967: Lon Nol did not cease to climb up in my esteem for him. Finally, he became my “right hand man,” the chief of the Royal Government of Cambodia, the RCAF chief of staff.
- From 1970: Lon Nol -> His anti-Sihanouk, anti-Khmer-Monarchy, anti-Independent Cambodia – which was neutral, non-aligned, in its territorial (land and maritime) integrity, an island of peace – Putsch to transform Cambodia into a colony of the Imperialist USA with his colossal “suite” of national and popular catastrophes.
5- Lon Nol and the Lonnolians owed me everything: high positions, honors, fortunes.
The CPP, its illustrious leaders, the other CPP members owe me nothing.
I owe them enormously:
- H.E. and Lok Chumteav Hun Sen, since their tender youth, entered that the maquis of the patriotic resistance. And, they accepted to perform all the sacrifices.
- In power in Phnom Penh, the CPP and its leaders have solemnly rendered JUSTICE to me; they have officially condemned the 18 March 1970 Putsch; they have elected me as President of the C.N.S. [short for National Supreme Council]; they have restored the constitutional monarchy; they generously granted me a monthly personal funding which allowed me, my wife, and those in my entourage and service to maintain an honorable living, and allowed me to face all my religious, social, humanitarian, artistic obligations.
- While Lon Nol and the Lonnolians sentenced me to death, with confiscation of all my wealth and even my Khmer citizenship, the CPP and its illustrious leaders nominated me, and my wife as the Father and Mother of the Nation, with other important titles of incomparable value.
(Signed) N. Sihanouk
Today Somdech Ta's BMD clip has intrigued my concerns. Somdech Ta has tried to show his gut in fighting against Lon Nolians, and tried to flatter those who are serving his interests.
Of course, Somdech Ta has learned nothing through recent progress of world politics particularly the appearance of globalization. Somdech Ta is still esteeming his past and revenging his eternal enemies, and boasting his current supporter regardless of what their behavior worse would be. This is very pathetic for Somdech Ta who is not only old of age, but old of vision and wisdom.
More than this, his admiring to those current Cambodian top leaders who have personally donated money for him to use for personal purposes. What is a very uneducated statement and admiration of Somdech Ta is that he has never interested the good source of those money donated by those top leaders of Cambodia. To be sure, Somdech Ta should think that is those money legal or illegal? But Somdech Ta is happy with this donation and bribery donated to him. It is truly an ugly money that good leaders will not suck blood of their own people for their own interests.
Cambodia has been listed by the international transparency as a most corrupted country. The same leaders who are clinging to power like Hun Sen and his group will exacerbate the corruption phenomena in Cambodia.
When Somdech Ta is admiring these leaders, it means Somdech Ta himself had practiced this way to gain personal accumulation in the past or present time. Somdech Ta might not interest in anti-corruption and the transparent leadership improvement for Cambodia.
Somdech Ta's statement and admiration has well illustrated the continual nepotism, patronage embedding, kleptocracy, and predatory state in Cambodia. Hun Sen has learned so well from Somdech Ta and he is continued to grab in power till his death arrives like Somdech Ta will cling to the titling as Cambodian Father until his death arrives.
How Cambodia can move forward in a very constructive way when Cambodian leaders are self-interest clinger like this?
Now everyone knows why the great king has never disputed anything with the CPP and its leader. Understandable, he is left with too little to voice. But it is a sign that he is begging for life and fortune from the powerful, elites and corrupted officials of Cambodia while acting in contrary to his conscience. He is very smart as usual, but to whom benefits but the royal family. What a shame!!!
Aj sdech jom kuot
You (Sihanouk)are a real dickhead and traitor.
j'en ai vraiment marre de tes combines avec a kwac de toute facon toi et tes batards doivent se retirer du cambodge.
on ne va pas te laisser,detruire le cambodge et laisser tes enfants foutre la merde fils de PD et a CHKourt soramarith .
que des salopes et des batards tes enfants.....
j'en ai vraiment marre de tes combines avec a kwac de toute facon toi et tes batards doivent se retirer du cambodge.
on ne va pas te laisser,detruire le cambodge et laisser tes enfants foutre la merde fils de PD et a CHKourt soramarith .
que des salopes et des batards tes enfants.....
L'histoire on écrit comme on veut , en lisant entre les lignes on s'est que Samdach Ta est plus BLANC que Blanc mais Samdach Ta a oublié de mentionné une chose si LON NOL a fait le coup d'Etat ( encore si c'était réellemnt le coup d'état Samdach Ta a oublié de mentionné de ce qui se passait dans le 16 ieme arrondissement de Paris et pourquoi Samdach Ta n'a pas fait mentionn les échanges de courrier avec << le noble patriotisme Sisowath SIRIMATAK>> j'ai vu et lu ce courrier , si vraiement vous samdach Ta aurait du faire passer l'intéret PERSONNEL et écouter moins cette vraie fausse khmere et sauver la nation Khmere , mais hélas jusqu'a présent Samndach TA continue à déformer l'histoire à son profit , on peut MENTIR et DEFORMER l'HISTOIRE jusqu'a une certaine limite . Pose la question à ces khmers non urbains Samdach TA TOUS ET JE DIS TOUS VOUS ETES CONSIDERE COMME UN TRAITE ET UN PROCONSUL DES DESCANDANTS DE VOTRE FEMME ACTUELLE
Sihanouk is a sick man who never admitted his own faults.
Stupid is stupid does,so Sihanouk is Sihanouk does-all stupidity.
You fucking guy talking bad to my king.fucking guy like you don't even go to Cambodia if you still you migth diseapear your name in the world. You are bitch asshole.
hey you CPP leech @8:09PM, go eat shit and die!
I am undeniably in love with our beloved Mighty Samdech Ta SihanoukVarman's boatful of his little bit accomplishment and unashamedfully hateful speeches of repeatedly attacking the death men, like Lon Nol, but why not Pol Pot?
Monsieur 8:09PM vous etes mal poli vous qui ecrit bien bien en anlo americain je vous vois semblable à un crapaud votre diplome n'est m^meme pas connu à l'étranger Vous etes un MAL EDUCATO comme Aldo Mauro qui a traité tous ces incultures qui ne connaissent que la violence Des gens comme vous cela mérite Nuremberg ou le TPI in ternatioanal Vous etes le fier à PPENH Va demandet à tes parentes qui sont KR comment ces KR te traite si tu vivais à son époque Ah derniere rappel Al Capone ton idole s'est fait pincer par le FBI
Allez va apprendre recycler la culture tu seras moins violence
Hey wait a minute Mr.Sihaknuk
Lon Nol did what Sihaknuk advise,Lo Nol and his people invited you Sihaknuk to come back home but you believe your Viet wife you took that choices by your own,do not put the blame on the innocent Lon Nol .
No wonder why no one give the respect to you because you are coward ,you have never admitted your mistakes except put the blame to the others for your own right ,give me a break I'm the living witness
Mon ancien Roi du Cambodge,
Moi ,j'ai grandi dans cette periode.
Ce n'est pas la faute de Lon Nol, c'etait vraiement votre faute. Vous, entant que chef d'etat,votre politique de neutralité est pro-communiste. Vous donnez toutes les frontières de l'est du pays comme lieu de refuge pour les troupes vietcong et nordvietnamiens.
En plus vous avez les nourrir aussi.
Vous élevez les crocodiles,et voilà le résultats de votre politique. +2millions de khmers sont morts par vos propres mains.
Le chef de FLNK.(Ranaksei Romdoscheat khmer)
ឱ!កម្ពុជា (បទកាកគតិ)
ឱកម្ពុជា! ទឹកដីដូនតា រក្សាមិនគង់
ស្តេចល្មោភអំណាច សោយរាជ្យតវង្ស ជាតិខ្មែរលិចលង់
ឱកម្ពុជា! រាស្ត្រខ្មែរវេទនា គ្រាំគ្រារៀវស្ដួច
ស្តេចឆ្កួតលីលា តណ្ហាស្រាវស្រួច បំបាក់រាស្ត្ររួច
ដើរធ្វើខ្ញុំគេ ។
ខ្ញុំចិនខ្ញុំយួន ប្រកាសអួតខ្លួន បិតាលើខ្មែរ
ដើរតួកុនល្ខោន ច្រៀងរាំប៉ោឡែ បើកល្បែងហូរហែ
ឲ្យខ្មែរលិចលង់ ។
នេះឬស្តេចខ្មែរ សោយរាជ្យហូរហែ ដីខ្មែរមិនគង់
មារយាទមិនល្អ ដំណយូរលង់ ធ្លាក់ក្នុងអន្លង់
ចង្កូមមច្ចុរាជ្យ ។
យួនស្គាល់ក្រយៅ ស្តេចខ្មែរល្ងង់ខ្លៅ ស៊ីជោស៊ីនាច
បញ្ចើតបញ្ចើ ទ្រលើអំណាច ឲ្យស្តេចល្មោភរាជ្យ
ភ្លេចខ្លួនភ្លេចជាតិ ។
២៧ សីហា ១៩៩៦
Thank you for your complement, Samdach Euv.
Better days has yet to come. Remember, we won way over 50%+1, and we can run the country ALONE, Muahahaha, ... . Fuck Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy and his Potato Diggers.
Have you ever seen and heard the State of Cambodia helping Khmer people?
You got to understand.
The State of Cambodia is the CPP.
The CPP is the State of Cambodia.
KI the link below that you saved on your right web side is owned by Thais. Be careful, there are many Thai website created to make Cambodia as a worst nation and the false info about Cambodia. I posted some comment in there and my comments were deleted.
If that the facts, then removing a Khmer king's citizenship was not a good thing to do.
KI & Sacrava, please make sure that you don't make Khmer children next generation to see only the bad thing about Cambodia. Make sure Khmer children can see the good thing about Cambodia too.
Somdach always side with winners, which is why losers like Ah Scam Rainxy and his potato diggers always hated him.
Viet Cong King said, "Lon Nol and the Lonnolians owed me everything: high positions, honors, fortunes."
April 17,1975 was the day that Viet Cong King killed Khmer patriots and families.Then he turned country to year zero clock.
[Sihanouk, le sangsue pour la societe et la race Khmere!]
Sihanouk, THE leech for khmer race!!!
Just wondering what the heavy-weight monarchists have to say about it!
សីហនុ ជា ឈ្លើង សំរាប់ ជាតិពូជសាសន៏ ខ្មែរ!
Oh you shit ah sduch wash Cambodian blood with it hand.I am one of Lonolian'son and I see Sihak Nuk owed khmer citizen blood instead ,when Sihaknuk sites with Vietcong and khmer rouge and those that you are aligning with have continuous to make khmer blood flowing none stop ,Sihaknuk you are worthless king your neck should be hung with the rope and keep your nonsenses statement to explain the million khmer soul in HELL better no one trust you ,your talk is shit.
Thank you Somdach Euv and don't forget. You scratch our back, and we scratch yours.
Screw Ah George Washington's Potato Diggers or Worshipers.
And you CPP leech 1:22 AM, go eat shit and die!
just support the farmer to grow food for people to eat and restore PEACE in the Kingdom of Cambodia.No matter what's other people talk about,Just do what's right.
To Sihanouk and it supporters,
You are the responsible khmer leader greedy in power and cheated by Ho Chi Minh ( who can cheat Sihanouk had not been born yet, your own sef-belief, and your own weak point, and your own failure in leading the country...)for the destruction of Cambodia and the Vietnamisation of Cambodia.
Cambodia will not survive by my view. She will be a second Champa because of you and you alone, the main actor in Khmer killing Fields.
The author of Norna Chea Kheatakors Reas Khmer.
Hin Sithan
anti-Sihanouk group
Okay 2:09, come back and remind us again in 300 years from now. Meanwhile, don't call us, let us call you instead, okay?
Sdach chea k'nhom roboss k'nhom Yuon.
K'nhom pi tor!
Veta-nea nass!
Why he always writes letters in French? It's such ashamed; He's a former Cambodian King. Doesn't he know KHMER?
Sihanouk growth up during the Franch colonial period, and he went to study in Sigon with his wietnamese communist's friends such as Le Duc Tho, Pham Van Dong, Ngugen van Linh, Ngugen Khan etc...So, Sihanouk never had attended in khmer schoooool. No khmer language for Sihanouk. Sihanouk can't reads and writes khmer language.
Sdach Khmer Sor-se Baraing
Sdach Khmer min chess nov Vaing
Sdach Khmer nov Pekaing
Sdach Khmer nov Pyong Yaing
Sdach Khmer neung chob E-vaing!
When Sihanouk ran to hide in Péking in 1970, Péking gave him lots of money for daily living.
Now, HIS Excellencies Héng Samrin, Chea Sim, Hun Sèn providing and responsible for his daily living.
He thanks to his Former enemeis for greater help and gave him back his title so called "King Father".
At his stay in Saigon he did have affair with Bao Dai's sister whoe gave borth to a baby-girl name Norodom Bopha. His mother Kossomack refuse Sihanouk to marry Bao Dai's sister.
Later she married with the numero 2 son of Bao Dai. One of his son, grandson of Bao Dai and Sihanouk is working in the Khmer Interior Ministery in Phnom Penh.
11.45 am
fucking craps, better check in to see your doctor.
How many wife did/does Sihanouk has? Can anyone name some of Sihanouk wife? and from whom of his sons and daughters?
The bitterness against those that were against him had destroyed Khmer nation. His latest communication has shown true colour of the Norodom who put Khmer people and nation last. No wonder nothing come good during his reign.
Hun Sen should get rid of all the Norodom and become King hilself may be Khmer people have better luck. Chey Yo Kinf SEN
How the world realize the tragic Cambodia has? Her people are the dumbest.
It is easy for these dumbest to demonize the King, because they are the dumbest.
If the Monarchy funded by the State this dumbest will say HM the King robs his people. Now the King indirectly told them that the monarchy funded by the CPP. What HM means that his country has no money but only CPP does have money which means CPP robs his country and his people.
How can the government has no money but the CPP? Don't you dumbest think the CPP is not the government but the imposter?
Wake up dumbest Cambodians. Use a simple Math, before you make a stupid conclusion.
I will soon post articles I found from many Blogs saying Cambodians the dumbest and their KRT Drama.
I feel sorry for the wise King who was unfortunately born in among the dumbest.
12:14 PM,
Go and ask Sihanouk directly. Does he dare do reveal the thruth about
his grandson disguised in khmer name and is working in The Interior ministry in Phnom Penh ???
Or ask the people inside the Interior ministry.
Norodom Bopha did visit Sihanouk
around 1995 0r 1996.
How one expects these idiot people to know the top secrets if the Vietnamese still keep trying to lobby N. Korea to kill the King? The rest of the cloud of doubt driving his own people insane worse than they are already are. Dumbest & insane Cambodians have been plugged by the Vietnamese since in 17 century of before that.
Hin Sithan,
You are a Vietnamese agent.
KY. Your reasonings are false.
"The secret of the dish is in the sauce". You are not intelligent enough to know what's concealed.
Hin Sithan is not paid to be Vietnamese agent, his low IQ benefits the Vietnamese.
You are the living witness? Did General Lon Nol really tell you what his mission supposed to be?
Come on. Your presumptuous thoughts are below average.
His Majesty the King writes his new memoirs is one of his play.
You are very racist. How can his wife is Vietnamese from a Khmer mother and the Vietnamese are Khmer Krom?
Loser, you are such a loser liar full of hatred.
3:06 PM. You don't know how many wives the King used to have? 7 5 died and 2 are still alive.
One is the Queen Mother, and one is in Paris listed as deceased Princess. She is not dead but still live in France. Her named is Princess Norodom Norleak, a youngest daughter of King Minivong, half sister to King Sura Marith (from different mothers). This Princess enjoyed having sex with the Black men. Now she is old and stay alive.
Khmer Kings are humble and not absolute Kings like Thai Kings.
Most Thai Kings like King Monkut maried to his own sisters and he had more than 90 children from many Queens and many concubines.
7 wives, but 5 died. 14 children.
This Vietnamese agent 11:45 AM is trying to fool the dumbest Cambodians.
The King went to French School in Phnom Penh, HM continued to French School in South (During French Colony) and that school named Chassloup. Under French Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos were States of France not the Nation.
The King did not go to Viet School but French School, then he continued to study in Military school in France. During his secondary French school in Southern State, the King was staying with many noble sons from Cambodia state. He was known as a playboy, but he is nationalist, and no story of him wanted to pick Vietnamese woman as his wife. His Mother refused to have Mrs. Peang's daughter to be her son's wife because of Mrs. Peang was known to have many husbands.
Queen Kosamak was angry because she wanted her half sister in law then her daughter in law, Norodom Norleak to become Queen.
Racist right there. The two joined hands and beaten up Mrs. Peang's daughter whom the King loves.
The Vietnamese and the Racist Cambodians love to feed these rumors to cause troubles in the Cambodian society.
The Vietnamese knew Cambodians are paranoid and too RACIST. That's why they love to keep this story alive to make them hate and kill each others. When they all die, yes the Vietnamese and Thais can move in.
Sino-Khmers like Bun Sam Heang, Hun Sen's wife is OK, but Eura-Khmers are not OK to these Racist Khmers. The minute they see the Eura-Khmers they called them "Yiss Pouk mee Srey Youn mork pinah ?"
Right under French ruled, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos were States of France. The Queen Mother is Eura-Khmer not Vietnamese. I don't see these racist Khmers called Khmer Krom Vietnamese. Why?
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