By Stéphanie Gée
The environmentalist NGO Global Witness, genuine thorn in the Cambodian government's side, is back with a new report, vitriolic following its custom. The title gives the tone: “Country for Sale: Welcome to Cambodia”! Their previous report “Cambodia's Family Trees”, published on June 1st 2007, had incurred the wrath of the authorities in Phnom Penh, and their latest is no exception. The London-based organisation – who had started to denounce operations of illegal logging since 1995 – had been obliged to close their Phnom Penh office in September 2005, “because of the concerted attempts by the authorities to stop our activities,” Mike Davis of Global Witness had then explained. According to the organisation, the patterns of institutionalised corruption and clan and family patronage of the elite ruling the country – which they had exposed in the forest exploitation – are now observed in the exploitation of mineral and oil resources. The NGO is ringing the alarm.
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Just ignore this stupid environmentalist tree fuckers. They are attention whore as it turned out. So, don't give them the attention and they'll fade away like a washed up 80's star lol.
5:35 am, you either related to Hun Sen or an ignorance low life uneducated son of a bitch. People like you who refused to open up your tiny brain and think a little harder. You must be so idiot to think the GW to make this up so they can feel good about themself.
Well, at least this regime is being watched and condemn for its ruling and responsible for Cambodia though it won’t affect much to this ignorant government.
They’ve been claiming that they know better than GW, but they don’t. The mismanagement by this autocrat regime has lost in millions of dollars in revenue that should have been used to improve the lives of the poor. They don’t seem to CARE!
The report is shoveled under the carpet once they saw it. It’s meaning less for the tyrant.
They laugh and joke about the report, but they got bold face begging for money.
What a bull crab of this bunch of clowns!
5:35 AM are a fucking stupid and Hun sen sperm drinker , as long as this dog get Hun sen sperm to drink he can't think of any good thing .. the think right is wrong .. these global witness are professional people , they try you save your country from Ah sycho HUN SHIT Dick head
6:39 AM and 5:56 AM
Ah lop, why don't you read what that faggot from NGO said about Preah Vihear with Khmerization. He thinks it belongs to Thailand. Those fucking NGO wants Khmer land to go into Thailand, you still lick these white supremacist's assholes?
Fuck you, you fucking fake-ass Khmer whitee asskisser. Have some integrity and self-respect for once, you inferior complex being.
Good point, 7:00AM on Mr. Klein commentary about Preah Vihear. I totally agree!
I think that he can’t be a white superiority; but he only seemed misconstrue and confused about Preah Vihear history. There is no proof that he wants to give Khmer land to Thai even though he seems to misunderstand the fact. Also he is not one of the international referee s in this matter.
7:00 AM is more than just a bit confused...LOL! Damn!
Please no more negative comment for 7:00AM as it could infuriate among us.
If we see any comment seems has gone crazy, then ignore that. We should go on with productive remarks.
7:52 AM, have you taken your medication today? I mean today, okay?
If there is oil, it needs to be dug up to help bring the country out of poverty, and that also goes for gold, silver, copper, Aluminum, Ancient artifact, ..., period.
Don't listen to Pouk Ah George Washington Potato diggers.
yeah and you Viet leech at 8:08 AM can go eat shit and die, got it?
oh now they switched to mining. i thought th finger pointing was "oil and gas". anyway, with typical flip-flop like this, how can people trust their report at all? go figure. plus, isn't gold and other mineral mining was award to some company from australia or something? is this some sort of a set-up to tarnish the cambodia's reputation? i think they have better luck if they go to thailand or vietnam for with their distorted report. i mean, i don't mind, if it based on the truth, however, just a political attact is something else to question.
9.11 am
you fucing have no clue. glbal witness takes acre of all issues about environment, from forest to mining, to corruption realting to mining.
it only shows your dumbness. only kids and stupid khmer people in the frog hole in srok khmer would believe your intense propanganda and lie.
if anyone flip flos, it is your dogs in phnom penh.
9:37 AM
"only kids and stupid khmer people in the frog hole in srok khmer would believe your intense propanganda and lie. "
Way to inferiorate other people, you fucking asshole. What makes you better than people in Srok Khmer? Huh? Just because you live in the West you think you're better? That's a fucked up mentality Khmer overseas inherited from the imperialist culture. I've been living in the US for almost 10 years now and if anything, I have more respect and have the back of my Khmer people more than others. It's sickening to see Khmer looking down on Khmer. Learn to respect other human being as equal, especially your Khmer people. You punk ass got no respect and you won't go far with that egotistical attitude of yours.
10:09 AM,
You're that smart to know who's who here on KI-Media? Suppose the person (9:27 AM) that wrote that is not khmer...then what? Making a jack arse out of yourself eh?
Oh dear! What a drama?
Anyway, the picture looks like it has been done by common people and not companies as there seems to be no machine or advance equipment. If it is done by those village people who lives near by, than it is for a good course. It is their land and their right to it.
It is o.k to steal for surviving.
Good point, mate!
Hey Mr. 5:35 AM
GW is much much much better than you!! They are not Cambodians but they speak out for Cambodians and you!!! Look at yourself, have you ever dared to speak the truth?? nothing, man!! You are the destroyer of Cambodia!! Go hell, man!! Don't show your voices here again, ok?? please.
to scam hunxen above,
yes, people who got out and lived and learned overseas are better informed in those frogs in cambodia who are bombarded with hunxen shit daily on radio, tv, papers.
that's why we are smarter. evience has proved that.
you havebeen in the us for ten ears and still talked stupid know nothing. but i havebeen in the us only four years, and i can see better tahn you, oh boy, how dumb you are.
why don't you go back, huh ?
better eat hunxen's shit and die
Can we please stop pointing finger at each other my compatriot. The reason that we all participating in this forum because we all have concerns over our belove homeland. For us to call each other names or being derogatory toward each other it does not reflect that we all love Khmer. Just because you are living oversea, it doesn't mean that you are smarter than those who is living in srok Khmer. At the same token, Khmer living oversea love our homeland as much as you living in srok Khmer. We can not bash at each other because it is a sign of weakness. As you know, our neighbors always seek for our weakness to take an advantage of us. Therefore, the finger pointing, the fighting, the names calling is over, let us come together every sense of the words and be constructive about our criticism.
Srolanh Khmer forever!
Great blog and I just wanted to say. The reason that we all participating in this forum because we all have concerns over our beloved homeland. For us to call each other names or being derogatory toward each other it does not reflect that we all love Khmer.
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