Madam Bun Rany (Hun Sen)
Translated from Khmer by Chao Sok
Talking about that, the last time I watched TV, I saw a distribution of gifts which claimed that they were noble gifts from Lok Chumteav Bun Rany (Hun Sen). I am so puzzled as to whether these gifts come from the Cambodian Red Cross or were they personal gifts from Madam Bun Rany?
Based on my observations, no matter what, as soon as there is something somewhat good, they [Madam Bun Rany, her husband, and her husband’s CPP party members] lay claim to these achievements right away, for example, when they build a school that only has 5 or 6 classrooms, they started boasting about it immediately. I am wondering where they get the money to build these schools?
They built schools, but children do not have the ability to attend them because the teachers usually ask them to pay for their classes, and other fees nonstop. So, what is the meaning of these achievements anyway?
Somnang (aka Neak Srok Sre, the Farmer)
Dear Neak Srok Sre;
When we're involved with other people, our ability to satisfy our freedom desires has a lot to do with how successfully we influence those people or resist their efforts to influence us in ways we don't want.
The ability to influence or resist is what social power is all about. People with lots of money, muscle, status, intelligence, etc., can usually successfully influence other people. In most, but, significantly, not all, circumstances, they have more social power. When a person or group has substantially more power than others, their relationships are not democratic. Democracy requires that social power must be equal or balanced.
The main point is this: if Khmer people are going to be affected by something, we should be able to influence or resist what happens. This doesn't mean everyone gets everything we want. It just means that ours desires should be fairly balanced with the desires of everyone else involved. Democracy and freedom are the central values of our Khmer future society, keep in mind that!
The most important function of Khmer new social goal is to provide a rationale and intellectual and moral sanction to what Khmer people are already doing, searching or what we want to do, yet don't quite know how because it is at variance with traditional views and institutions. The intended democratic society is to serve that purpose for Khmer people who are concerned about the concentration and irresponsibility of power in our society, today.
Social power is the basic, common element in politics, economics, and all other social relationships. It is possessed by all Khmer individuals and social groups and arises out of our connections to each other. We must depend on our self-determination, which is our right to participate in our democratic process of governance and to influence our future – politically, socially and culturally. The right of self-determination of peoples is a fundamental principle in international law.
Remember that self-determination embodies the right for all peoples to determine their own economic, social and cultural development. It is embodied in the Charter of the United Nations and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Common Article 1, paragraph 1 of these Covenants provides that:
"All peoples have the rights of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."
So, we have the freedom and the power to choose our own way and not have it decided for us by GOD nor any other nation who would thinks only them will know what is best for the collective or Khmer individual, and be necessarily what is best for Khmer nation.
Neak Srok Sre 2
what's the fuck, 4:38AM?
out of topic, 4:38 AM. It's too long.
My beloved 4:38AM!
Forgive me for not entirely understanding of what your masterfully philosophical writing, but according my insignificant and suffocating experiences and observation of Khmeritude and of Khmer's mentality, we Khmer love to hurt or khmer each other in order to stay in power or to please the foreigner's master. In short, perhaps after the fall of Angkor era, all Khmer leaders don't want to be a master of their own house, he is rather wanted to be slaved of the foreigner!
4:38 AM,
From "Ph.D from Hanoi, Tuk Tuk driver" to Neak Srok Sre 2?
What's wrong with this guy?
How many more signatures does he want to go through to be able to hang around KI-Media ...?
4:38 AM, What is the point?!
Please get to the point!
k-yom min nhul!
From Neak Srae Khmok
The US build schools too, but Ah potato diggers has no ability to attend it, and most of them end up in jail or get shot on the street. So what is the meaning of the US achievement anyway?
4:38AM my advice to you is that if you want your message to get across keep it simple, concise, short and straight to the point. You don't need a bucket of petrol to burn a house while a few drops will just achieve the same result and effective. Too much is dangerous - it will burn you as well. People lose concentration if too long, or they won't even read it except the first few lines.
8:01 AM, eat shit and die!
8:01 AM- Please, no more stories about ah sapung mother of yours.
8:01 AM, Don't you know that you're Ah Dongkov Ach Hun Sen?
You're stink!
Ah... I saw it. A new corpse 8:01. Everytime this THING woke up it always miserable.
Don't mind this THING coz it's brainless.
Ignore it!!
Actually, A corpse never have brain.
Neak Srok Srei 2 speaks by the book and lack of real life experiences. It's too meshy mashy.
Stop being silly, supid, mental ill, dupe, dull. She or he or they never thought about Cambodian people. Those are bloody hands WILL be the same bastard hok lundy.
អំណាច ដូចទឹកមូយថ្លុក បើមិនហូរ រលួយស្អុយទាល់រីង។
there can be no democracy when one family rule with friends and relative and then inter-married to create the ruling dynasty!
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