Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sam Rainsy to ignore second court summon in the case of NEC the lawsuit

(Photo: SRP)
04 Feb 2009
By Duong Sokha
Unofficial translation from French by Tola Ek
Click here to read the article in French
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Sam Rainsy will not reply to the second summon issued by the Phnom Penh municipal court planned for 11 Feb, following a lawsuit brought up against him by the National Election Committee (NEC) in December 2008.

The NEC fined the opposition leader for insulting CPP officials during the July 2008 general election campaign. The fine amount was set at 10 million riels ($2,500) and Sam Rainsy never paid for it. The SRP President brought the case up to the constitutional council which sided with the NEC.

Sam Rainsy did not show up to the prosecutor office on 27 January, and he will also boycott the 11 Feb summon as well, he announced on Wednesday 04 Feb.

He repeated that he was only citing information published by Global Witness in a report blaming government officials. “Why don’t they go after Global Witness rather than me?

Another question that Sam Rainsy also asked: “Why the Phnom Penh municipal court did not look into the SRP’s lawsuit against CPP commune chiefs and the NEC for illegally using form 1018 during the election day…?


Anonymous said...

Don't pay the one-sided government/dictator!

Anonymous said...

Let the interest compounded, and let the court fee exploded, then send him to Prey Sor on top of the defamation charge pending.

That should get him about 4 years +.

Anonymous said...

Let lock up this guy for a while!! sick of this Good-hearted-liar.
4 years is too much but without him is better.

Anonymous said...

LOL, there are funny clowns who are not here to read but think they are rightous enough to make decision and judge.

What a backward mind. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Some people just borned wasted before birth.

Anonymous said...

LoL, Like you(2:11 AM), 7 months old born child. hah

Anonymous said...

The NEC could suspend the registration of Ah Scam Rainxy's Party until all bills (include late fee, collection fee, compound interest, ...) are paid,

Anonymous said...

CAn we summon the NEC for allege frad and voting manipulation??

Anonymous said...

You can, but if you want to win, you complain should be independent of their charge. In other words, it is harder to win a counter-suit than a suit because the only reason you suit them is because they suit you. Thus, it makes your counter-suit not important in the eye of the law.