Historical words
(“Le Monde” [French newspaper] Editorial, 10 September 1975. Excerpts:)
(“Le Monde” [French newspaper] Editorial, 10 September 1975. Excerpts:)
* Norodom Sihanouk’s victory is first of all, a victory (won) over himself. (…) His patriotism without fail, his willpower to incarnate the nation of the builders of Angkor, led him to take the lead in a fight, in which, he knew and he often said so, he would lose his former power. The prince came out taller from the ordeal. He did not abdicate under the battering of a foreign aggression. (…) He frequently asked his compatriots “not to change their skin”, to “remain Khmers.” Khmer, his country remained, at the price of enormous sacrifices. (…) … the US intervention contributed, unintentionally, to bringing to power (the Khmer Rouge). (…) Are they not Sihanoukist, in a way, when they (Khmer Rouge) defend with obstinacy the national independence, when, in spite of friendship proclamations, they took care not to let themselves be pulled into the orbit of the large neighboring Vietnam?
Wow the anti-King Father are in a high speed. Don't mind this French loser paid by the Vietnamese.
here we go again.....2009 episode.
The mother fucker Sihanouk!
1;14PM. Did you do that to your mother? LOL
12;51PM. You don't like the King writes a play then don't read. Let others who like read.
Hello samdech Ta! You are very good singer, I want to hear your Karaok songs again and again. Have you have enought time to produce Karaok songs? You should diplay your songs in the state TV.
Bon Voyage a l'enfer, Sihanouk!!!
Have a good trip to hell, Sihanouk!
Haben Sie eine gute Reise zur Hölle Sihanouk!!!
ធ្វើដំណើរតាមសំរួលទៅថាន នរក ចុះ សីហនុ!
Had you been in hell before 8:27PM?
Or do you believe in fate?
If you don't I can't help but if you do then it is not your job to decide who should be in hell or heaven. Everyone will die and after death our souls will all face hell called Yumpabal, then Yumpabal will decide our deeds.
Perhaps, Yumpabal will lock you up in hell instead of King.
Bon Voyage a l'enfer, 9:26 PM!!!
Have a good trip to hell, 9:26 PM!!!
Haben Sie eine gute Reise zur Hölle 9:29PM!!!
ធ្វើដំណើរតាមសំរួលទៅថាន នរក ចុះ 9:26 PM!!!
This old man lost his mind? Khmer rouge are created by Sihaknuk,khmer rouge are lead by Sihaknuk two million and half khmer are killed by sihaknuk soldier(khmer rouge )and vietcong Sihaknuk friend that Sihaknuk him self invited to help him to kill US soldiers instead his invitation to kill khmer people ,I wanted to be khmer for ever but I want to go to the bed with the Vietnamese wife,and one of Sihaknuk wife Laos citizen hahahaha it so funny Sihaknuk you like to play with your citizen mind? LIAR
9:26 PM,
Hell does not want 8:27 PM,
Heaven could not put up with 8:27 PM,
Guess what? 8:27 PM ends up here on planet earth to bust the killer (of 2 millions Khmer) chops by the name of Sihanouk, got that?
Soon Sihanouk will join the rank and file of the killers, Pol Pot, Hok Lundy and Ho Chi Minh and you guessed it - in Hell!
Yeah 12:41 AM, and there isn't a damn thing the Sihanoukist can do about it!!!
Shihanoukist can kiss ass!!!!!!!oh ah kwack Hun Xen like the FUNCINPEC's skinny rats!!!!
talk about personal ambition that blinded a person and ruined a country. i hope cambodia will learn from the past and put reforms into the gov't. the golden era may be good for cambodia, but it was so short-lived. we want something that will last like the rule of law or something along that line. cambodia has a lot to learn from the past! thank you.
When he'll die?
After you.
Then he'll eat his shit!
12:41 AM,
Are you a religious person? Buddhist? Do you believe in fate, Karma?
Do you believe that humans can escape death? escape war or fight or kill each others?
War or fight between two people or to nations, there is one who will win and one will lose.
You are full of hatred and you think that King Father wanted to kill his nation and his country, you are too sick, and your negative entity won't allow you to return to heaven souls, but hell, and hell will come to you very fast.
two nations. correction for 1;15PM
Hi 12:34 AM,
Where did you learn your history?
If you are Cambodian, you are stupid, but if you are Vietnamese or Thai, I can understand what is Propaganda.
FYI. From Phan boi Chau to Ho Chi Minh, Viet Minh was created sometime in 1920's 1930's, and Khmer Rouge were recruited sometime in 1930's.
King Father married the Laos PM's daughter called Mom Manivann (Princess Manivann).
And his wife today born to a Khmer mother Mrs Peang and Italian_French Father in South of French State under French colony while her Father worked there. Today called Srok Youn. She is not Vietnamese. Your stupid history and hatred will do you no good but a fool.
Khmers need to learn how to hide the feelings instead of showing a rotten and ruthless expressions while cary a diplomat mission.
Lack of diplomacy will only destroy ourselves.
1:32 PM.
Don't ask this dumbest jerk. This person may have listened to a bunch of Khmer racist and learned the history from hearsay.
When the Khmer Princess Srey Pao their own family member became a sex maniac woman, did we hear them say anything? No. They said she's dead. It was too horrified to hear she slept with many African men in Paris like a whore.
When a commoner KaunSrey Khmer born from a Khmer mother during French colony, they said she is Youn. Get the picture now? It is only her they accused whereas million Khmers who were born outside can be considered Khmers but not Queen Monineath?
God damn these Khmer racist and propagandist of Youn-Siam and Khmer racist.
I am sick in the stomach when read this again and again.
How can Buddhists ignore Bapkam they are doing to their very own people like they are doing to her?
Most of her siblings died in KR and her old sister Princess Nanette a wife to Prince Metheavy and the two were executed in jail where Hor Nam Hong was director.
Their children are Prince Thomico and Princess Sophanna are here with their Aunt, the Queen Mother today. Hope these Khmer racist won't go after her nephew Prince Thomico and her niece Princess Sophana and accused them Youn.
The Queen can be born anywhere her parents lived as long as one of her parent is Khmer she is Khmer just like those racist bastards.
And since her times, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were French country, her Birth Certificate should be stated as French State. Why Youn? But damn people can say whatever they want that does not mean they are right.
Did ah Sok Kong who claimed to be born in Cambodia told his Youn Newspaper he is a Proud Youn?
Why cannot these son of bitches leave the Queen alone, because her mother was a KHMER WOMAN. We called her Lok Yiey Peang.
Obama was born in Kenya, and his mother registered him in Hawaii, and none of his record been found in a single Hospital in Hawaii.
His half sister Maya was born in Indonesia and she too was registered in Hawaii. According to US Constitution Obama is not qualified to be Prez because he was a natural US born.
Yes I hear rumor all around about Queen Mother, the accusers called her Youn, Youn and Youn. O:)
Hey son of the bitches above ,did you know about Monique and Yeay peang sold weapons,food medicine to Viet Cong before 70 on ?
Did you know Sihaknuk give shelter to Viet conng to hide them in Cambodia territory and others thing that you son of the bitches do not knows that Sihaknuk the Khmer rouge president? Do not change the history your son of the bitches will cursed for thousand years to be Viet slave.
Yeah 4:09 AM, tell them!
To 12:49a.m,
There are ignorant everywhere. Don't worry. Most people know that youn propaganda came from China connection with north vietnamese. They just use her as a scapegoat. Ask her husband, the King, he'll tell you like it it. She is his beloved wife and there is nothing going to change that. Those people can just go and get lost in the moon or where ever they want to. He won't give a sh*t. Queen Monique is Champa Cambodia and that the way she is going stay. With love,
Guess what? If he does, Sihamoni would be King today. Would it? Better take this polite and handsome princess as King than the old fart first born.
If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):
Also known as:
Communist People's Party
Khmer Rouge People's Party
Khmer Krorhorm People's Party
You're support the killing of 1.7 million Khmer peoples.
You're support the killing of innocent men, women and children in Cambodia on March 30, 1997.
You're support murder of Piseth Pilika.
You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.
You're support political assassination and killing.
You're support attemted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.
You're support corruption in Cambodia.
You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.
These are the Trade Mark of Hun Sen Regime.
Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge commanders.
When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Trail?
Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.
Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.
I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.
Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.
We don't debate with cursing.
Did you see Lok Yeay Peang and her youngest daughter Queen Monineath really do that or you only see those tracks laoding supplies labeled their names?
I was 18 years old when Prince Rannaridh was elected to be PM. I was shockingly found out that someone who related to Princess Marie forged the Prince's signature ordered others to cut trees and sold to Vietnamese. That old man is in California and very rich from robbed the nation. He is not the only one, many are doing that. When the Prince PM found out he fired the guy and now he joined CPP. I have learned and always kept everything I saw in my heart.
That is why I don't accuse people without a clear proof. If you keep accusing other Khmers like that we will be killing each others until no Khmers left.
I don't believe the Queen Mother and her mother did that but it could be some body who related to the Royal family or worked for the Royal family took advandtages in that situations under the powerful people.
In the US Roger Clinton was so powerful behind his old brother President, he can choose anyone for his brother to pardon.
General Lon Nol regime too. My Grand Father said his young brother Lon Non was the richest man in Cambodia and he was just like a mafia.
About helping supplies to Youn was another thing. When neighboring country faces war the one who has no war will supply food, unless Pol Pot shut the border.
We don't believe you and your anti-King.
And we are not going to believe you or going to fight and kill our own people anymore. You get to shut up and stop accusing our King and Queen.
You made a very legitimate argumeent 12:56PM. Why did someone who is powerful would do such a stupid thing unless somebody, servant may be? or relative may be? who knew all what inside the leaders' bedroom betrayed.
This is a great lesson we must learn to avoid killing our own people.
We can trace back our past history, King Varaman was betrayed by his subject named Ta trasak Pha'em whom the King trusted, but later Trasak {ha'em usurpered the throne of Varaman.
Corrected from {ha'em to Pha'em in 9:56 PM
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