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Thai military commanders brought an apology letter to Cambodia
Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen (L) shakes hands with Dusit Kruayai (R), the Thai military's chief of communication for neighbouring countries, as Jeradej Kotcharat (2nd L), vice commander of the Thai military, and Viboonsak Neepan, the Thai military commander of its second region, watch during a meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Phnom Penh February 20, 2009. The Thai military commanders brought a letter to apologise for Tuesday's accidental firing of a mortar shell onto Cambodian land, government TV reported. REUTERS/Stringer
Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen (L) shakes hands with Viboonsak Neepan (R), the Thai military commander of its second region, as Jeradej Kotcharat, vice commander of the Thai military, watches during a meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Phnom Penh February 20, 2009. Thai military commanders brought a letter to apologise for Tuesday's accidental firing of a mortar shell onto Cambodian land, government TV reported. REUTERS/Stringer
Jeradej Kotcharat (L), vice commander of the Thai military, shakes hands with Cambodia's vice military commander Chea Savorn (R) after offering a letter of apology as Prime Minister Hun Sen (C) smiles during a meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Phnom Penh February 20, 2009. Thai military commanders brought the letter to apologise for Tuesday's accidental firing of a mortar shell onto Cambodian land, government TV reported. REUTERS/Stringer
Jeradej Kotcharat (L), vice commander of the Thai military, offers a letter of apology to Cambodia's vice military commander Chea Savorn (R) as Prime Minister Hun Sen watches during a meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Phnom Penh February 20, 2009. Thai military commanders brought the letter to apologise for Tuesday's accidental firing of a mortar shell onto Cambodian land, government TV reported. REUTERS/Stringer
Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen speaks to the media after a meeting with Thai military commanders at the Foreign Ministry in Phnom Penh February 20, 2009. The Thai military commanders brought a letter to apologise for Tuesday's accidental firing of a mortar shell onto Cambodian land, government TV reported. REUTERS/Stringer
Let's not waste anymore time. Just kiss, makeup, and done with it. Lot of work to do for people on both sides of the fence.
8;27 AM. Why are you so hurry?
Done for now because of China supports Cambodia, but it won't be done until Cambodia be divided to two, one for Vietnam and one for Thailand.
8:29 AM
You forgot to mention a piece. One for you dumb fuck paranoid freak. Cambodia has been here for centuries and it'll aint going anywhere. Fuck you for sitting waiting and wishing Cambodia to be gone. FUck you and your sister and your mom and your aunties.
The fucken Siem leaders never fail to smile and shake hand for the camera but at the end of the day they all go back to same old way in dealing with the stupid Cambodian leaders!
The first unforgivable offend the Siem use dog to sniff Cambodian people for crossing into Siemland!
The second unforgivable offend the Siem take blood from Cambodian people for crossing into Siemland!
Now why do stupid Cambodian leaders have to wait for the third offend to do anything?
The time has come to build the real DMZ like the one between the North Korea and the South Korea and only then Cambodian leaders and Cambodian people will get proper treatment from the Siem!
Fuck the Siem and their fucken apology is not accepted!
Fuck thailand! playing soft tricks again?, oop! sorry i kick your ass..mother fucker! i'would fire back with those Smerch/BM-21 multi-rocket launcher, and said fuck you!
Viet/Thai knew how to play soft tricks, they'r the most dangerous tricky bastard....
The CPP (Communist People's Party) are a bunch of criminals, it is not in their best interest to protect Cambodian territory and peoples.
In fact the CPP giveaway Cambodian territory and assassinate and murder innocent Khmer peoples.
Thai said one thing and do the other. Don't ever truth bad peoples.
If we don't file a complain with the United Nation mad ASEAN, Thai will continue to intimidate Cambodia again and again.
If Hun Sen Regime fail to file a complain with the United Nation and ASEAN again, this would consider a miss opportunity of a lifetime against Thai occupier. It's would be one of the dumbest decision from Hun Sen Regime.
I can understand one shoulder-fired rocket into Cambodia by mistake, but this is about a dozen rockets. I take this as Thai military trying to intimidate Cambodia. First the Thai invader occupied Veal Entry, Ta Krabey temple and Ta Moan temple. Second the Thai invader kill three of our soldiers. Third the Thai invader shoulder-fired rocket into Cambodia. Thai military know that the Cambodian government and military are so weak that they can do what ever they want. Thai look down on us. Thai disrespect us. The reason that Thai peoples did this to us is because Hun Sen's government is run by a bunch of clowns and Khmer Rouge commanders / Khmer Rouge guerillas. Thai did all of above inside Cambodian territory violated international laws.
The reason that Thai did this to us is because Hun Sen's government is run by a bunch of criminals.
10:52 AM
There is something worse than politicians. It's internet loser who has no life like this guy. What a fucking loser has that much time on his hand to express his shallow wannabe political analyst on the internet. get a life, faggot. lol
there is a Khmer saying "khork kbal ang-el knorng"(knuckle your head and pat your back to pacify you later).
Thailand deliberately fired shells into Cambodia and then tried to appease Cambodia by apologising so Cambodia won't take the matter further. This is Thailand's old tactics of "khork kball ang-el knorng".
Thank you from the bottom of my heart my dear siem's family. Don't worry if my Khmer people got killed there is still no problem because Khmer people's life not worth than chicken.
To 10:58 AM
The only people that offended my comment would be CPP supporter and Hun Sen Death Squad.
If you support CPP:
You're support the killing of innocent men, women and children in Cambodia.
You're support murder of Piseth Pilika.
You're support assassination of journalist in Cambodia.
You're support murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.
You're support corruption in Cambodia.
Thais are playing with Khmer behaviors. We should not fall with their attitudes. I am very sure they know how Khmers behave.
You'll see in the next few weeks or months.
why are you go around and call ki media reader loser and faggot?
motherfucker what is wrong with you?
It's more for calming the nerve of the many investors in Asia and not just our nerve alone. So it's a good thing to do that Thai must apologize. Better, yet Thai should lock their foolish assholes in jail for a long time.
Thais say sorry this time, but the next few weeks thais will shells more round at populated area...wait and see what Ah pleu Hun will do? smile and shake hand again? thank you for shelling on my head...
What happend if we{cambodia}shelling into thai territory and say sorry? will thai except ur apology..? will thai smile and shaking hand with us?
The Khmer Rouge did it all of the times. The Thai would returned fire. They have a talk, and everything cool for a while.
The next shellings will be "Toul Krasaing," and we want to hear what Hun Sen have to say.
This is fucken joke man! i don't buy it...there's no fucken accident! what a fucken joke!
If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):
Also known as:
Communist People's Party
Khmer Rouge People's Party
Khmer Krorhorm People's Party
You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.
You're support the killing of innocent men, women and children in Cambodia on March 30, 1997.
You're support murder of Piseth Pilika.
You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.
You're support political assassination and killing.
You're support attemted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.
You're support corruption in Cambodia.
You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.
These are the Trade Mark of Hun Sen Regime.
Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge commanders.
When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Trail?
Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.
Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.
I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.
Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.
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