Thursday, March 26, 2009

A 90 year-old lady who cares for her 60 year-old disbaled daughter received big donations

90 year-old Ma Krem and her 60 year-old disabled daughter received gifts and donations from Koh Santepheap representatives.

Koh Santepheap newspaper
23rd March, 2009
Reported in English by Khmerization

On 15th March 2009, Khmerization had posted a translated article from Koh Santepheap newspaper reporting about a 90 year-old lady caring for her 60 year-old physically and mentally disabled daughter, who are facing starvation if help is not forthcoming. She had made an emotional appeal through Koh Santepheap to generous people to help her and her daughter survive through to the new year.

Her appeal had been answered with more than 200 people making donations totalling more than 7 million riels (approx. $US 2,000). According to the Koh Santepheap report published on 23rd March, generous donations, in cash as well as in food and consumption goods, are coming from everywhere throughout the country as well as from as far away as the United States, and including Prime Minister Hun Sen and his wife Bun Rany who had sent Mr. Seng Tieng, director of Prime Ministerial Cabinet, to bring substantial food supplies and cash to give her at her hometown in Kampot province.

The food supplies from donors include condensed milk, canned fish, fish sauce and pure water and more. The materiel donations include a radio set, scarves, clothes, shoes/thongs and many more.

The donations had been handed to the 90 year-old Ma Krem and her 60 year-old disabled daughter Soum Phan by Koh Santepheap representatives in front of village officials in her birth village on 19th of March.

Because the lady does not have a big space to store those food supplies and materiel donations, those goods were handed to village officials to keep for her in a safe place.

According to Koh Santepheap, the lady and her daughter were very, very grateful to all donors who had saved their life. They wish to express their gratitude to all the the generous donors, including Prime Minister Hun Sen and his wife.

The full list of donors can be read at Koh


Anonymous said...

thats koo

Anonymous said...

Beautiful story. Where can I donate?
"Handed to village officials to keep for her in a safe place." Hmm, not sure if that's a good idea.

Anonymous said...

bullshit.... in Cambodia we have the practice of providing fish for the people to eat and not teaching them how to fish... hasta la vista...

Anonymous said...

7:39am, You can donate through Koh Santepheap. Koh Santepheap can be contacted at:, or at: .

8:22am, you are right, but in this case we cannot teach a 90 year-old and a 60 year-old disabled, deaf and blind lady how to fish. They are too old and too disabled to do this thing by themselves.

Anonymous said...

sathouk Sathouk Sathouk.

Anonymous said...

they were airing her story on pro-CPP Bayon TV claiming the the donations that was on the segment was "all thanks to the PM and his wife". Also, it is a good thing that a newspaper reps are willing to donate to the family.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh crap, look at the ugly almost spews the shit out of me!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a load of lies, they can not be 90's and 60's. It's just bullshit. They may be disable and old but not 90's and 60's.
Don't mind helping but not to liar

Anonymous said...

Shit, if they are lying, people would have noticed it.

Anonymous said...

this is not enough as there are many more disabled people all across cambodia. cambodia should look into creating the department of human services, a gov't agency that assistance poor, disadvantaged and disabled people like this family all across cambodia. this is the system that will make a lasting impression, not a temporary solution like this, although this is good for this family, but it doesn't solve the more prevalent problem in cambodia as there are more poor, disabled poor out there! i hope gov't will look into creating a system like in the USA where low-income and disabled people are being assisted. god bless.

Anonymous said...

8:22 AM, tell me, how you suggested to teach these unfortunate people how to fish????? What can they do with this age? Can you if you that age?

5:38 PM. Does it matter whether they lied about their ages? Can you phisically see?? Forgive me if you blinded, but i just can not understand you.

Anonymous said...

Even if they are not 90 and 60, they look old already, at least 70 and 50 something. But the important thing is that the old lady is looking after her disabled daughter who is also deaf and blind, and she has no mean - job - to earn money to care for her. In this story, we can see that Khmers still have a good heart when it comes to helping our unfortunate fellow citizens. Good on those donors.

love khmer said...

Cambodia government should create apartments for take care old people that no relative and also disabled people in Cambodia. Yet,what i see is..those rich and powerful people in government spend their $ for young girls,casino,and for many crazy things. I wish one day god will destroy those guys!