Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cambodia: Selling The Killing Fields

What's On the Box this week?

Wednesday, 18th March, 2009
Excerpt from The Meath Chronicle (Ireland)

'Cambodia: Selling The Killing Fields’ (Channel 4, Friday) - This week’s 'Unreported World’ reveals how, 30 years on from the fall of the Khmer Rouge, and at the same time as Pol Pot’s accomplices are put on trial for war crimes, Cambodia’s people are once again being brutally driven from their land. This time, however, it is capitalism, not communism, that is displacing them as growing numbers of tourists fuel a property boom that is having devastating results.


Anonymous said...

in case people are blinded, it is called ignorance! people should be educated to understand the importance of preserving our cultural identity. sometimes, i'm thinking by people reporting this kind of news, perhaps it brings to the attention of those who want o take advantage of "cambodia for sell" and come and do business in cambodia. well, i don't know for sure, just a thought on my part. sometimes news people put out are questionable. that's why i rather see for myself or be smart enough to understand on my own before jumping to the wrong conclusion. you never know, that's why there are ethical law in every professionalism type of work. one has to wonder out loud!

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about?
What is called ignorance?

What are you trying to say, that this type of news should not be reported for fear of more companies/people taking advantage of cambodia, what kind of dumb logic is this?

Cambodia is already been taken advantage of, by it's own rich powerful and corrupt government, who are INVITING others such as the Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, and Western companies to "invest"

This programme is part of a larger documentary series called "Unreported World" i.e. news that isn't mainstream and reported on regularly. I for one am happy that this programme shows it because so many people know, non khmers know nothing about cambodia, and it's politics even though they have been there to visit Angkor Wat

It really annoys me that someone who is completely uninformed makes such statements. I have no problem with anyone questioning, but if you did some research you would know that Channel 4 is a very reputable tv station, providing a counterpoint to regular mainstream reporting.

go to the website