Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cambodia to send troops to 2 African nations [-Does Cambodia have enough troops to protect its own borders?]

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Associated Press

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia: Cambodia will contribute troops to U.N. peacekeeping forces in Chad and the Central African Republic, marking the poor Southeast Asian country's second military mission abroad in three years, the prime minister said Tuesday.

Prime Minister Hun Sen did not specify the number of Cambodian troops or when they would depart.

He said he decided "two weeks ago to send our forces to Chad and the Central African Republic" based on a request from U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. He made the comments while presiding over a university graduation ceremony in the capital, Phnom Penh.

The United Nations recently took over peacekeeping duties in the two African countries from the European Union.

Eastern Chad and northeastern Central African Republic have been seriously affected by fighting across the border in Sudan's Darfur region, where up to 300,000 people have been killed and 2.7 million have been driven from their homes since 2003.

Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said the Cambodian contingent would consist of noncombat forces and would perform only humanitarian duties. He said it was too soon to say how many troops would go and when.

In April 2006, Cambodia sent 135 soldiers to help U.N. peacekeepers clear mines in war-torn Sudan.

That same year, Hun Sen rejected U.S. requests for the deployment of Cambodian troops in Iraq. He said he questioned the overall legitimacy of the war in Iraq and that it remained too dangerous for Cambodians to operate there.


Anonymous said...

Protect Cambodia's border from what, Mee Jkout (Socheata)?

Anonymous said...

What are you talking a bout K-I ? Don't you know I have enough troops? vietnam kampouchea bong pa-aune knear thousand years so--- don't you understand ???

Anonymous said...

Non ce n'est pas la peine il y a déja des troupes et miliciens vietnamiens notre grand frèere pour protéger le cambodge Pourquoi avez peur

Anonymous said...

Send all the newly promoted generals and Hun Sen's best doggy bodyguards.
They can defeat all enemies.

Anonymous said...

We would have enough troops if Khmer abroad who talk so tough actually got the balls and come serve their country. Or are they too pussies to actually do a man's job. By a man's job I don't mean accounting, financing, and poetry writing shit that I see a lot in the thuggist KHmer abroad lol.

Anonymous said...

Come on! KI! What troops to protect the borders?
Ever heard of that? The Hun Xen Goverment troops are use only for land grabing, killing and oppressing Cambodian!

Let them go , may be ah Kwack to should go!

Anonymous said...

Come on! KI! What troops to protect the borders?
Ever heard of that? The Hun Xen Goverment troops are use only for land grabing, killing and oppressing Cambodian!

Let them go , may be ah Kwack to should go!

Anonymous said...

If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):

Also known as:

Communist Party of Kampuchea
Khmer Revolution Party
Khmer Rouge Party
Khmer Krorhorm Party - គណបក្សខ្មែរក្រហម

You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples from 1975 to 1979 in Cambodia.

You're support the killing at least twelve innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack in Cambodia.

You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.

You're support political assassination and killing in Cambodia.

You're support attempted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

You're support corruptions in Cambodia.

You're support murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire).

You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.

Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin was a former Khmer Rouge commanders.

Now, Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge leaders, since their leader (Pol Pot) is dead.

From 1975 to 1979, these Khmer Rouge commanders responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples in Cambodia.

From 1980 to present, these Khmer Rouge leaders responsible for killing innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997, assassinated journalists, political assassination and killing, murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire) and attempted assassinate and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Tribunal?

Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.

Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.

I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.

Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.

Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Regime had committed:

Drive by Shooting
Death Threat
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Mass Evictions
Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Acid Attacks
Steal Votes
Violate the Constitution

These are the Trade Marks of Hun Sen's Khmer Rouge Regime.

Under Hun Sen Regime, no criminals that has been committed murder and all other crimes within Hun Sen's government ever been brought to justice.

Information change without notice as it become available.

Anonymous said...

In the past, the UN have asked permission from Cambodia to send soldiers into war torn Africa in helping with the de-mining process.

I guess now, the UN are requesting that Cambodia provide some of its soldiers to be involve with peacekeeping tasks.

It's good that some of these soldiers are given the opportunity to go abroad and learn how to properly be "peacekeepers" and not think that peacekeeping only involves chasing villagers out of their houses, beating them down and burning down their communes.

Anonymous said...

Protect the borders from the potential invaders, Ah pleu 9:04 PM. Ah ot deung kjol.

Anonymous said...

What cambodia need to do is clean up the mess at the border ares first! and send the troop there instead, because people can't farming! those fucken thief kept coming inside khmer territory and tell people not to farms idiot! what people suppose to do without farming? this is their life and death dumbfucken shit govt!

Anonymous said...

correctins = border areas

Anonymous said...

This is fucken joke man! cambodia got so much of problems here in her own "home" country, now they plans sending the troops to help another other country intead??

what a dumb idea..

Anonymous said...

Yes Cambodia do have troops from Hanoi(Uncle Ho's troops)--to protect Vietnamization of Cambodia and Lao. All of them on Khmer soils and water, but their sole purpose is to watch Cambodia/Thai borders only.

Anonymous said...

4:04AM ever see twwo seek people help eachother, foo?