Sunday, March 08, 2009

Daughter of Military Police general kidnapped

06 March 2009
By Mayarith and Savyuth
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Today in Siem Reap, a hostage taking took place by a group of armed men right in the middle of Angkor city.

The group of unidentified armed men kidnapped the daughter of General Morn Samon, the military police (PM) chief in Siem Reap.

Today, provincial authorities are conducting search and rescue operations to save the general’s daughter.

RFA’s Savyuth report the case below.

Savyuth: At around 1:10 PM today, there was a hostage taking, the victim is the daughter of the PM chief in Siem Reap. The kidnapping was conducted by a group of 10 people, they kidnapped the PM chief’s daughter when she returned from school and she was about to drive her car into her house.

Mayarith: Did the authority sent out forces or take any action to (try to) release the woman?

Savyuth: Right now, the PM forces in the entire province are conducting search for the suspects, following the kidnapping of the woman. They have arrested one of the suspects, he drove the victim’s car to Puok district, about 20 km from Siem Reap city, According to the PM forces, they have questioned the arrested suspect, and they learnt that the group of kidnappers include 10 people, and the kidnappers are armed.

Mayarith: Is there is any preliminary indication about the motive for the kidnapping?

Savyuth: Up until 5:30 PM on 06 March, we still don’t know yet about the reason for this kidnapping, whether it is for ransom money or anything else, we don’t know yet because the PM forces are still searching everywhere. They closed all roads in and out of the province, and into Kampong Thom province, in Kralanh district in Siem reap province, all land roads and waterways. But, there is still no sign yet about the reason (for the kidnapping), even the arrested suspect cannot provide an answer to the authority yet.

The daughter of the PM chief in Siem Reap province, her name is Morn Srey Ya, she’s 16-year-old, she is currently studying at the Angkor high school, located in Siem Reap city. According to an eyewitness near the kidnapping location, he saw the kidnappers circling the house of the PM chief for several days already, some of them were wearing police uniforms, and they were conducting surveillance for about 2-3 days already, then the incident took place.

Mayarith: Which unit does the group of 10 people belong to? Is there any preliminary clue from the authority?

Savyuth: Up to now, according to information provided by the police, they did not reveal anything yet. They only said that the kidnappers used 2 cars: a 95 black Toyota Camry, and a new grey Toyota Camry, to kidnap the young woman and they took her inside one of the car, they did not take the victim’s car. One of the men drove the victim’s car, but he was arrested, but there is no information about his role among the group of kidnappers yet. Some of the police officers indicated that the kidnapper group has a clear strategy, they have a group that took the action, another group for changing cars to take away the victim, and another group of people who drove decoy cars to another direction. They left a black Wave motorcycle bearing the license N38 16PP1 at the location of the incident. Therefore, the group that conducted this kidnapping, they have their strategy and they have trained themselves properly.

Mayarith: So the young woman who was kidnapped has not been released yet?

Savyuth: Up until 5:30 PM today, there is no sign yet on the whereabout of the young woman, the police officers who are on the lookout for her, have not returned back yet.


Anonymous said...

Its about time the disenfranchise poor started doing something they should have done a long time ago. Kid nap and demand ransom from these filthy rich bastard. People need to start taking drastic action against this dictatorship government and make them get down on their knees.

Anonymous said...

Daughter of Military Police general kidnapped ???

You got to be kidding!

Anonymous said...

I hope, she is ok. The father that should be punish, not to hurting the daughter of General.

Please who is having her, they should let her go, without harm.

She Kon-Khmer too!

Anonymous said...

now that the position is reversed, it's not so sweet any more, Mr. general?

Anonymous said...

How About Ah XEN's Daughter or grand daughter?? IT's Due for now!!!

Anonymous said...

If it is so easy to evict the poor, it is even easier for the poor to kidnap the sibblings of the evicters.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the kidnappers had a motive. It's probably a group of people trying to get revenge on the general because the general most likely committed some business deals where he cheated everyone or backs-tabbed them.

I hope the daughter is safe and not hurt. This is a lesson for the general and other generals in the army who conduct illegal business or use their own people for their own profits.

Anonymous said...

The bad Karma is rubbing off onto their childrens. As much as I hate this regime, I prayed for her safe return.
I can only prayed that the kidnapper(s) understood that she's just an innocent bystander. But then again, when you have a team of ten people orchestrate this kidnapped...... her chance of survival or safe return is deminishing and unlikely.
Money is clearly the motive.
This is the time for the General to think back and reflect on what it is that he have done wrong to others.
My prayer to her and her family.

Anonymous said...

I hope she is returned safely.

However to drive a car in Cambodia you need to have a license and be over 18 years old. The reporter says she is 16 years old. I hope her father will learn that he should make sure that his underage daughter (who therefore can not be legally issued a driving license) does not drive until she is 18 years old. If he can not set a good example by RESPECTING all Laws of Cambodia,then he can not expect other people to follow the law.

Anonymous said...

you people are sub-humanly sick to be happy when such bad thing happens. It makes me sick of how sadistic people can get to wish harm on other people. Those kidnappers are no poor villagers. Read the post before this and it says they demand their accomplice to be released. It sounds like they are a band of criminals trying to rescue their accomplices by kidnapping this girl.

It is scary to see how demonic and psychopathic people on here often appear to be through their words.

Anonymous said...

I thought each Generals have at least 100 bodyguards. Surely, he couldn't spare a couple to protect his significant other?
He's a General; this would mean that any member of his family is "high profile,".....not to mention vulnerable.
Could it be that he is too concerned of himself and forget the safety of his family? Go figure!

Anonymous said...

Before you start barking, you need to go back reread the post.
Better yet, let me help you understand and clarify the post.

According to RFA's Savyuth statement: "They have arrested one of the suspects, he drove the victim's car to Puok District."
The above statement means that, during the searched for the young lady.... the police caught one of the kidnapper who was at the time drove the victim's car.
Now, the kidnapper's realized that the police have one of their own in custody. Only then, they (kidnapper) want to exchange the Victim's for one of their own.
Got it!
Now, the kidnapper's want to exchange

Anonymous said...

12:13 PM Really I don`t care about the daughter of the General. The only Victim I see out of this is just the poor powerless people. Who ever the bandit are, we don't really know why they are doing this. The only reason you will hear are from the so called expert police theories. I did not wish for bad things to happen on to anyone only those who do bad to others are wishing for it to happen on themselves. Understand?????? Do YA??????? PS: Wishing are for dreamers. I prefer reality.