Monday, March 02, 2009

Dear KI-Media Readers, please heed Sothea's plea when commenting

Monday, March 02, 2009
Opinion by Sothea

I would like to say to all Khmers who have participated in this forum not to use profanity or derogatory language. It doesn’t help us at all. It only destroys our values, belief and culture and the Khmer people. Doing so may reflect our own characters as Khmers allow our enemies to take advantages of the Khmer people.

It would be helpful to express your personal opinions and feedback and avoid insults. Some of you seem very smart, so let apply your intelligence, skills and education to benefit our Khmer people. I bet you can do and are willing to do it.

I believe that not all of the insults are posted by Khmers because I never believe that Khmer should not do that to Khmer anymore. I’m afraid that there are non-Khmers (or enemies) who stir things up and happily watch Khmer fight Khmer. This has been happening since after the Angkorian era.

I think we should learn from the past to recognize our current strengths and weaknesses and find ways to catch up with the rest of the developed world. We should also recognize our friends and enemies’ strengths and weaknesses as well, so we can judge ourselves. For example, in almost every University in major cities in the U.S., if there are 100 Viet Graduates, and there is perhaps 10 Cambodians. I’m not trying to downgrade our Khmer people, but this the truth and we should recognize. This means that we Khmers have a lot of work to do. So, please reduce your times to fight our Khmer people and do something so we can live together as a strong nation again.

If we are Khmer, we must try to be the best Khmer we can be. If we are Khmer-Americans, try to be the best Khmer Americans we can be.

If we are mad at someone who says that we are ignorant, for an example, then prove to them that we are not (go to school and get high education, live with dignity, and so on).

I believe that we Khmers have been victimized by foreigners as well as our own leaders in many generations. Let stop allowing them paint our faces and watch us fight each other. If Khmers stop fighting with Khmer, that is the first step to solve the problem, then we can fight the outsiders together, if that is the case.

Anyway, I respect you all as individuals.

This is only my opinion.

Sothea, USA


Anonymous said...

Dear Sothea,

thanks for your very contructive ideas on commenting in this blog. I think by adopting your suggestion, we already win one step toward another as you have mentioned.

Anonymous said...

No way, Jose, it can't be business as usual when pouk Ah Scam Rainxy is using dirty tactic to try to steal Cambodia from Khmer people and trying to stir us to worship George Washington, Napoleon, Henry 8,... . We got our own forefather, and we don't need theirs.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sother,

I am absolutely support your valuavle suggestion. If we can do this, Cambodia will be strong and prosperous.

Anonymous said...

bla bla bla play loose with the ignorant tyrant Hun Sen ,remind me in the khmer rouge time ,every body play as an angle in front khmer rouge(included my self)at the end khmer rouge empty the Cambodia. I am every humble person but with Hun Sen company that lead Cambodia to Hell I won't shut my fucking mouth up ,until FBI or CIA knock on my door to stop or I won't quit,the old say only the looser that kneel down in front of the enemies sword. Tomorrow the sun are still rising,Cambodia will survive and free from ah HUN SEN COMPANY(TREASON)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Whatever you think that is right for you which makes you happhy, I would encourage you to do it. That's your choice.

Anonymous said...

Young educated persons don't use swear words. But from the old schools yes they do all the time.
Those like Pritheacha Hin Sithan and his patron Ly Yiep and a few of their quorum from LB.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:05 PM

We also feel sorry for you, too, especially. Don't feel sorry for us; just worry about yourself, kid.

Anonymous said...

Noble sentiments indeed, Sothea. People however have 2 faces. One they want the world to see. The other, vile, vengeful and profane is the one we meet on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sothea,
Very good and valuable comment. But let thinking that do other (neighbor)want our country having peace? They can do on behalf us. They want us fighting each other. How do you know?

Anonymous said...

KI MEDIA related issue:

Dear all of you, posters,

I feel strongly sad to see you all blame and curse each other with derogatory language, and this is a reason that i have to give up my time to post any more comment in this blog.

Of course that i have posted so far around hundred of comments in the site, with an only purpose of improving our Cambodia and make you understand how is my feeling towords the beloved Cambodia. From my curerent work as a Cambodian reporter, I have committed by only this way to help my country.

Now I change my mind not to post any comment anymore. I know some of you are really smart and very helpful for the nation, but I am afraid some of the posters are trying to be a bad image and this is very pitiful for them that they had better blame themselves before doing someone else. I feel so shy of our neighbors!

I know some of you have a mental disease needed to cure by peaceful medicine(mind-treatment). You like blaming or cursing the other side, but you forget that you are also blamed or cursed by the another side, ever and ever.

The profanity or derogatory language is not the way we use here, and not the way that intellectuals spread to the idiots.

Lastly i would suggest you all love each other, and only share your right ideas to help the country, not to use profanity or any anger in the blog.

Phnom Penh, 02 March 2009
Hean Padhi (

Anonymous said...

2:43 PM

Shut your fucking mouth, and get the fuck out of this forum--if you cannot bare the heat, asshole. Now, get the fuck out of here--we're strongly urge you to.

What a fucking loser asshole!

Anonymous said...


The whole world use internet and you can't expect some would respect yours. It is almost every blog I visited, just the same. Unless KI monitor the posts.

And besides this blog KI has some foreign visitors not only Khmers. There are Vietnamese (not so bad), Youn (Bad Vietnamese), Thais, and Khmers (bad and good, fake or real Khmers).

Anonymous said...

If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):

Also known as:

Communist People's Party
Khmer Rouge People's Party
Khmer Krorhorm People's Party

You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples in Cambodia.

You're support the killing of innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997 in Cambodia.

You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.

You're support political assassination and killing in Cambodia.

You're support attempted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

You're support corruption in Cambodia.

You're support murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire).

You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.

Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin was a former Khmer Rouge commanders.
Now, Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge leaders, since their leader (Pol Pot) is dead.
From 1975 to 1979, these Khmer Rouge commanders responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples in Cambodia.
From 1980 to present, these Khmer Rouge leaders responsible for killing innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997, assassinated journalists, political assassination and killing, murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire) and attempted assassinated and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Tribunal?

Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.

Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.

I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.

Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.

Hun Sen's government committed:

Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Drugs Trafficking
Death Threat
Mass Eviction, by burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.
Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Steal Votes
Violates the Constitution

These are the Trade Marks of Hun Sen Regime.

Under Hun Sen Regime, no criminals that has been committed murder and all other crimes within Hun Sen's government ever been brought to justice.

Information change without notice as it become available.

Anonymous said...

2:43 PM

Oh, fuck you.

Anonymous said...

2:43 PM

It's wise to keep the opinion to yourself by not expressing it.

Anonymous said...

Hate can not drive out hate, only love can do that.

Darkness can not drive out darkness, only like can do that.

Anonymous said...

Hate can not drive out hate, only love can do that.

Darkness can not drive out darkness, only light can do that.

Anonymous said...

4:34 PM

Oh! Shut the fuck up, and get the fuck out of here. We do not want you to further express your fucking opinion here.

Now, get the fuck out of here, asshole.

Anonymous said...

I would like to reply to whom wrote the the following words to me:

I am not totally like you and i don't know who you are, Khmer or other nationality. What i want to say here is that you are not brave at all, even you posted (anonymous).

I wish never meet such an idiot people like you!

You may needed to cure your mental/pschyco disease rather than spend your time to say what the fucking words to other posters!

Hean Padhi

Anonymous Anonymous said... 4:34 PM

Oh! Shut the fuck up, and get the fuck out of here. We do not want you to further express your fucking opinion here.

Now, get the fuck out of here, asshole.

Anonymous said...

It is a plea with a good reason. KI-Media has put a message requesting all participants not to use profanity or to use decent language, but so far nobody listen. I suggest Ki-Media moderate the comment section for a while, may be one or two weeks. during the moderation, delete all offensive and profane languages. After people stopped using offensive or profane language, then KI can revert back to unmoderated or free comment, no more moderation I mean.

Anonymous said...

Moderation comes with the price, but the KI is out of fund for this shit. Yes, you fucked, and all of us fucked, yes, you, too, KI.

Anonymous said...

I wanna have sex with socheata.

Anonymous said...

5:06 PM

Hey, you also fucked, and there's nothing you can do about it. Oh! Just keep crying and screaming all you can, but no one will here you, because you, yes, you are FUCKED.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that will be a problem, 5:32. From the way she sound, she badly needed it.

Anonymous said...

Just form your mental picture, and you're there. That easy.

Anonymous said...

Mostly the problem is KI (or Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy) ignited it by trying to misled Khmer people with their fabricated accusation against innocent people. They tried to score points for Ah Scam Rainxy but it is no doubt a lost cause and a waste of time. They are just to dumb and stupid for that job.

Anonymous said...

Great message Sothea. I am truly admiring your contribution and obligation as one of the responsible Khmers...

Please, keep on your good work. One thing we can continue our task is to ignore those cursing comments.


Anonymous said...

7:05 PM

Now, perhaps it's a good time for both of you to get down on your knees to do your daily dirty work (of course, preferably under the bridge, or old shack in the slum area). ENJOY.

Anonymous said...

Why some of you are not friendly to Sothea, He or she is a Khmer like all of you, lives some where, but still love our country "Cambodia". He or she tried to open our mind and brain. Myself am very happy to read it. What wrong with this comment ?

Anonymous said...

Me love ye guys all mine heart and soul, do ye simply think only the fool unconscientiously mad at the fool? Learn to walk away, 'cause ye whole life is wholly depending on the internet!

Anonymous said...

correction: ye whole life is not wholly depending on the internet!

Khmer Young said...

A Tale of "A Strongman in a Weak State"

Cambodia has been worldwide recognized as a country led by a "strongman". This word tells us many things about the ongoing political issues in Cambodia.

To be fair in judgment, strongman is good for any state when the strongman fully implements his task through legal system, the rule of law, and democratic principles. Strongman can enable state not being chaotic or anarchic. Peace and stability with sound public goods and legal justice are in need for Cambodia.

But how strongman could be categorized in Cambodia? It is hard to define this term of strongman in Cambodia as many poor and the weak have been frequently inhumanized and violated by the governed. For instance, the destitute families living in Dey Krohorm, recently have been abused by the elites. The weak farmers whose lands were grabbed by authority, they were arrested to put in jail or shot to death in few of them. There are many judicial cases of Cambodian people whose cases brought to court, and court settled the cases by arresting the poor to imprison or fined them.

How strongman could be when the minor group, the weak or the less opportunate citizens cannot be cared and protected. This case happen only in a "weak state with a strongman". Cambodia currently is in this case.

Not mentioning the internal arena, Cambodia's internal political administration is still very weak. The structure of the government is comparing like a man with "a giant head, but have small legs and small body". How can they stabilize themselves to walk properly?

There are several unusable positions for their patrons in the government to interact with their clients (people) without having proper duties and tasks to carry out. Those officials are just the patron who support their leader, particularly to support Hun Sen in order to weaken Hun Sen's rivals in the same party. Not only CPP's members, many opposition's members have been lured to fulfill positions that can bring leverage to Hun Sen to confront with his internal competitors.

The effectiveness of the government task is so slack and weak. Recently, the implementation of legality to tackle with gambling cannot be dealt through their bureaucrats; that why Hun Sen has to come out and quickly ranted to shut all those gambling parlors without having proper policy designing.

This is just the evidence of a country with its "weak state of a strongman".

There will be more narrative on this issue to deal with complex, disadvantageous political practice in Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Enemies are everywhere. They have been planining long time ago. There were many tricks have been used, Khmer Rouge for example was one of the enemy master plan to destroy Khmer to extinction, and now is their final stag. The leaders of our country so eager to comply with enemy to make it happen. How will we know those use profanity are khmer? The enemy will do whatevery they can, how ever small, they will keep use profanity to provoke khmer to fight khmer to creat this bitterness...

Anonymous said...

Hey you Viet leech 1:27 PM,
You're a "she". We know who you are. Better quit sucking KI-Media's blood. KI-Media is not KC or KW...just a warning. មីសំផឹង យួនឯង នឹងត្រូវ គេបើកមុខ ដ៏ក្រខ្វក់ស្អុយគគ្រុក
របស់នាងឯង អោយខ្មែរទាំងអស់ ជុះអាច់នឹងនោមដាក់ ក្បាលមឹនខាន។ សូម្បីតែនាងឯង ខំដាក់ ឈ្មោះថា សាប៊ូ
មី សាប៊ូ កំពូជយួនឯងត្រូវដឹងខ្លួនទៅ!

Anonymous said...

Stop using Buddha rules to fight with Viet Cong I completely lost,use the Promanh sarsnah the religion at Ankor ERA to win the invader and it slave that all I can say.

Anonymous said...

It's very bullshit indeed and what is the use of using highly moral words with animals like Hun Sen and his arrogant henchmen? Do not bend to low, because if you do they will tread on you. People like Hun Sen deserves NO respect from the decent people. Respect rearned is very much better that respect bought, and Hun Sen bought respect and honor from a lot political clowns who claim theselves patriots who are actually the destroyers of the nation.

Anonymous said...

Wow, some of the above are really losers, failure and scum of sociaty. Where are you heading in your lives?? I wondered.

Anonymous said...

And what are you, 11:47 PM? Keep coming back for more huh? LMAO!

Anonymous said...

I think some folks have very little decency to distinguish right from wrong until they have read sothea's suggestion, ha? It's so sad if they do. The Buddha gave tons of Dammha principles for Buddhists to follow, but how many can follow that right path of moral guidance? In these days even some Buddhist monks cannot keep up with just some of those principles either. There are a lot of books about ethics and morals that one should read. Do not wait for sothea's moral's principles to teach yourself. If one is morally good, one is morally good. Nothing can change a morally good man. When a man was born arrogant and evil, like Hun Sen and some of the kind, nothing can improve them!

Anonymous said...

"Qm" is a freaking monarchist lunatics.

Anonymous said...


We had been give time to good speaking people to solve our problem since 1975, and what now???

Let fuck it up boy !!!!!!!!!! let burn the fire that have put out for 1000 years!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who is pro Monarchy not "Qm".


Anonymous said...

Je prie à un DIEU la puissant pour protéger le Cambodge contre tout le mal, et à un DIEU sauf les ROIS et la REINE.

Anonymous said...


You are far behind times.
Fighting has nothing to do with Buddhism or Bramanism.

No man can outrun his own destiny.

We commited crimes we paid. Sooner or later. Our ancestors killed for too many human lives to build the empire, and now we are paying the sins of our fathers.

Greece Fallen, Roman Empire fallen,.. Khmer fallen, Mongol empire fallen,...British empire fallen, now US is falling down.

Anonymous said...


This time will be Chink Chink EMPIRE.

Anonymous said...


Khmer true enemies dwell within us.

Anonymous said...

The one and same devil who posted many foul comments in here will die very soon in a terrible accident, or a gunshot to the head. It will die instantly and be on its way to hell.

Anonymous said...

You see: the one who curses someone else to death by accident or a gunshot proves himself to be an evil indeed. This kind of people have so far never read any good book about moral guidance which paves the way for them to cunduct themselves appropriately. Do not bend too low neither chin up too high. Just walk or stand straight; that's a proper conduct!

Anonymous said...

Thunder and lighting is the image of biting through,But the truth will be reveal.Because Khmer empire is Honest and kind.

Anonymous said...

thanks, sothea for having the encourage to write and remind all on this blog. sometimes, it's hard not to retaliate when someone started it. i guess being selective and not taking everything too personally helps a lot in this kind of blog. plus, the way i see it is that when you have a open forum like this where anyone and everyone can say whatever they want, it is difficult to control what people want to type here. i guess, the best bet is too keep on reminding everyone here to be as civilized as possible with each other as not all is bad here because some people do really have great ideas and great point of views that probably put others at shame for what they did not know. anyway, i really enjoy coming to read everything on cambodia here. again, some people had criticised that this blog plagerised because they post articles from others. i don't necessarily agree with this kind of criticism because, it's not like an acedamic paper or publishing a book or something along that line, this is just an open internet blog, and as we all well aware, all internet blog, forum are never a good source for acedamic papers, it just serve as a communication tool and a place where people share ideas, concepts, knowledge, etc..., as has no biography and so on. so, i think it is ok to post any articles related to the interest of cambodia here. in fact one reason i like coming here was because all the information about current events and related cambodian news are located here in one long thread. of course, there is always a disclaimer with what people are saying here. you'll be surprise on how knowledgeable some people are about what the understand about cambodia and the world around them being expressed here on this blog. so, i'm glad to have found this kind of blog on the internet in order to share my knowledge and understand with others khmer people and anyone else who shows interest related to cambodia. after all, this blog is very sensitive in nature and all mostly is about cambodia and related opinions, interest on cambodia anyway. thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hean Padhi and Sothea,

Our enemies is living among us especially the enemies within ourselves. Your plea is likely to be ignored because some of the blogger's arrogance attitude.

I rarely post comment in here. As far as my concern KI is also bias. Read only news not title or comments.

Jeffrey Serey, California

Anonymous said...

Sothea??? is your real name or what? who care!!! But let I answer your plea!

1-Don't play in to the hand of the enemies,Sothea! You are living in the USA you should have experiencing with many races, cultures, or human kind!

Do any two men from the same family, culture, race, and religion, are all good or al bad people?

Do any race, culture, nation ever pure evil ore pure angel? only Ah Pol Pot and the fucking communist may belive in that!

Let people exprees and be what they are as long as is not publickly distubing you! KI is not public or offical as HUN XEN and radio Phnom Penh!

2- What is SMART, girl! Is to use all available world to express the opinion! And a real opinion came with feeling! DON"T BE A FAKED!!!

3-You are right, girl! Not all of the insults posted are khmers,
BUt you are wrong, girl! Not to believe that Khmer whould not do that to Khmer any more ( Go to Cambodia a month and do not stay only in the hotel and expesive restorents, and see what do you see, Khmers in power are doing to unfortunated Khmers? )

And since Angkorian the enemies make Khmere to believe that Khmers love each other just like parternal brothers, So when they dress in Khmere or put a STUPID one in front, they can killed the whole country without a cry! DO YOU STILL WANT THAT TO HAPPEN! girl?

4-Learned from the PAST, girl! And face the reality too! Grov up! girl!! Grow UP! And to live as a Nation, the first priority is to obeiy laws of the Nation, and should be start from the TOP!!!! AH HUn Xen should the first or we should kick and break his ball!

And don't be so stupid girl to compare number of Viet in college to Cambodian in college in the State! Viet population are 10 time more than us and they mostly imigrated from the city! While our educated population was killed by ah Pol Pot, Because they were beleived that ah Pol Pot was Khmer who just like brother and Shihanouk just like the fucking father! WHAT THE FUCK WITH THE STUPID MAKE BELIVE, without facing the real nature of humanbeing?

Khmere will stop fighting Khmer only if all Khmere should have freedome ad equal right!!!!!!!


leurn some thing from the USA, girl, dont be a dreamer like the fucking idiot!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 3:57 AM.
You said them all.

Anonymous said...

continue from my post 5:18AM, but I don't agree with you azzhole cursing King Father.

Anonymous said...

5:22Am face the truth anf grow up , boy!!!! Do you want to stay stupi???????????

Do not use chip tric fool!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh and what is the truth 5:33AM.

Guys listen to our Dad and Mama 5;33AM tell us.

Pross Pov you are so stupid fool, boy because you are a pro-Monarchy.

Come on 5:33AM tell us what you have in mind.

Anonymous said...

Sothea: Numera una!


Anonymous said...

Sothea??? is your real name or what? who care!!! But let I answer your plea!
3:57 AM

Dear 3:57 AM,

I was surprised to see my comment posted on the KI forum by Socheata.
I don't know what to say. Do I have to say sorry for writing my comment or should I be proud of my self to have an opportunity to share my opinion about issues relating to our Khmer people.

I thought my comment was not too sensitive to readers and I thought it was a positive contribution.

I need to apologize to all of you who may feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, I don't have anything to hide from you. Sothea is my real name and I'm not a female. In fact, I'm a 50-year old school teacher in the State of Washington, USA. I was born in a poor village in Kompong Chhnang in a poor family of ten. I came to the US in 1979 and finished my graduate studies in 1996. As a former country boy, I still like farm life. Here in the States, I like teaching, fishing, walking and searching in the internet.

I'm an ordinary person who also likes to go visit Cambodia and help school children. I believe that if we can get to know each other more, maybe we can understand each other better. I feel comfortable to contact you personally. This is my phone number 206- 963-1956. If I’m not available, just leave a message and I will call you back ASAP. You can also give me your contact info and I’ll get in touch with you.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Sothea??? is your real name or what? who care!!! But let I answer your plea!
3:57 AM

Dear 3:57 AM,

I was surprised to see my comment posted on the KI forum by Socheata.
I don't know what to say. Do I have to say sorry for writing my comment or should I be proud of my self to have an opportunity to share my opinion about issues relating to our Khmer people.

I thought my comment was not too sensitive to readers and I thought it was a positive contribution.

I need to apologize to all of you who may feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, I don't have anything to hide from you. Sothea is my real name and I'm not a female. In fact, I'm a 50-year old school teacher in the State of Washington, USA. I was born in a poor village in Kompong Chhnang in a poor family of ten. I came to the US in 1979 and finished my graduate studies in 1996. As a former country boy, I still like farm life. Here in the States, I like teaching, fishing, walking and searching in the internet.

I'm an ordinary person who also likes to go visit Cambodia and help school children. I believe that if we can get to know each other more, maybe we can understand each other better. I feel comfortable to contact you personally. This is my phone number 206- 963-1956. If I’m not available, just leave a message and I will call you back ASAP. You can also give me your contact info and I’ll get in touch with you.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

9:41AM you was not bad! And what we comment back is not against you, personally, just for idear in general!

If you show your name that is your problem! This is a place for anonymous comment, is a place we can express our felling without reseve!

If you want Vietnamese food do not go to French or Chinese restaurent!TECHER!?!?

We here just to want to share our idear to all KI readers! We do not want to get personal with you! keep your Phone number to your lover!

Need some thing one on one call, you need to pay teacher?!?! SEX PHONE SERVICE!

Share to all man do not keep something secret like communist shit!Break away from bad habit, boy!

Anonymous said...

9:41AM you was not bad! And what we comment back is not against you, personally, just for idear in general!

If you show your name that is your problem! This is a place for anonymous comment, is a place we can express our felling without reseve!

If you want Vietnamese food do not go to French or Chinese restaurent!TECHER!?!?

We here just to want to share our idear to all KI readers! We do not want to get personal with you! keep your Phone number to your lover!

Need some thing one on one call, you need to pay teacher?!?! SEX PHONE SERVICE!

Share to all man do not keep something secret like communist shit!Break away from bad habit, boy!

Anonymous said...

DO not take it too personal people! just absorbe the idear for future use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You meet all kind of people here! good and bad, rich and poor, PhD and uneducated!!!!!

Let them all equal and enjoy the freedome of speach in a world of suppression of CPP!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear KI and Sothea! There is a fine line between figting and just outloud frustation cursing!

Please accept the real world and accemp the confussion! That how some army traine their officers so they do not kill people just a person cursing them!

Do I say right Manet? tell your father about that so he may not get crazy all the time, with his educated from communist Hanoi!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GOOD JOB, SOTHEA! but try to ask for Vietnamese nuddle in Vietnamese restaurent please! Do not complain that we serve only Num Banchok!

Anonymous said...

How can Khmer be in peace if the one have PhD from USA do not understand a simple rule?????

Anonymous said...

Me three! i wanna have sex with Socheata...